SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry

HTML Development

Site Design: eyequant - wpfd - efuse - stylizer - 7rules - HFI - Mackenzie - usability(wr) - htmltips - killersites - webreference - networkforgood - elliott - katsuey - creativegood - Shiple - NLMqualitycriteria - newsquality - Stefanov - avoiding Google ban - Wall - Wall - smartIT - denim - about -webreview - webmonkey -
Optimization - mobileweb - YSlow -
Design Lessons & Books on line: Greenspun - Greenspun - Kirsanov (webref) - Veen (monkey) - color(cool) - dyeColorIndex -
Usability: Nielsen useit - Nielsen - Nielsenalert - Instone usuableweb - Rhodes webword - Gopal - UIE - USgovUsability - USgovUsability -
Usability testing: nist - usablenet - netraker - webcriteria -
Web Style Guides: LynchYaleCAIM - Sun - ameritech -
Designers: realtydesigncost - nfl - JeanFirestine - JaySibel - designshops - katsuey - 3Pt - Hartman -
Examples: cool - pagesthatsuck - 23successful - killersites - tamtree - elingo - apple -
Ex info: eloan - dvorak - cisco - novellearthmed - rainbow - Stoli - cnn - feedmag - salon -
Ex arty: navisite - cyberd - organic - RPA - SmithsonianMuseum - vivid -
Nielsen scanability: headings, topic sentence, big type, bold, highlighted, bullet list, little graphic, caption.
Disabled access: DOJ - ibm - adobe - MS -

Web Developer: devweb - webdevlinks - Googlewebmaster - yahooexplorer - yahoodeveloper -
HTML Quickref: wdvltags - cwru - scream - Quick Ref - allaire - zdtags - blooberry - charcodes(bbs) - charcodes(monkey) - greek letters mathcodes(w3) - mathcodes - table tags - netpedia -   
HTML basics: ncsa primer - LeighCourse - werbach barebones - cern (w3)Basics - uiuc primer - ccit basics - tork primer - html 1-3 - uk intro - htmlgoodies - Wmasters Guild - iftech - maricopa - wizard page create - Birkbk - Flynn - Graham - ucc - mcom - forms(carlos)web page creation -
HTML guides (search for web page creation, authoring, design): w3c - w3 - w3styleguide - wdvl - Sol(wdvl) - efficientnetscape - Hood - WebDeveloperJ - html3 specs - Thy - allairelinks - werbach - forms(ncsa) goodies - Woodallcompendium - freetemplates - volitionlinks -
HTML advanced: w3schools - bignose - jalfrezi - webmaster dev links - HTML Ref Lib - webmonkey - webmonkey - webpedia - webreference - masonComposition - MS winInet - compendium - webbuilder - freezone - internetcom - cache tags - cache - WebL - webdeveloper - webdevref webreview - IE5defaults - IE5behaviors - Alab listserve - Barta - mpsaz - McElhaney - projectcool - html 4 specs - HTMLWritersGuild(173102) - HWGtips - pass between pages - turn the pages - redirects&SEO -
htaccess: wordpress - 110mb - 110mb - JS - tools - brainstorm - vortex - evolt - google - guide - freeweb - 110mbPassword - syntax - apache -
  redirect & rewrite: ibd - rewrite - redirect - webmaster -
  create custom redirect 404: wizard - smashing - light - bing -
Meta tags: vancouver - galactus - Villa - webdev - dublinmeta - cnet - searchenginewatch - goodkeywords - searchengine - MSfunnels - xenu - googleSK - googleSuggest - thesaurus -
Frames: Anderson frame scripting - monkey - Marshall - frame-like table -

Validation & debugging: w3 - w3css - Quinn - netmechanic - cse - zdmechanic - wwweblint - htmlchek - aRealValidator - stolaf - spyglass mercastra - watchfire - tucows - Bobby accessibility - webking - DOMinspector(Mozilla) -
Speeding page: degeyter - pagespeed - pagespeed -
link check test for dead links: w3 -  google - dave - Ivrfy - linkscan - cyberspyder - garage - biggbyte - xenu - linkcheck perl - netmechanic - webxrefNasa - 2bone

DHTML, DynamicHTML = CSS + Script: taylorlessons - Steinman - wdvl basics - wdvl resources - zone - zonenetscapenetscapewebmonkey - webref lab - webreview - webreview - cnet - cool - allairelinks - Goodman - mouseover - background label & tabs - brattascripts - bratta - webdeveloper - rule - Steinman links - evolt - MSobj - MSref - MS - MS - NNref - layers - goodies - goodiestopics - cnet builder - builderbuzz(sbearj) - chami - zope - zopetemplates -
CSS Cascading StyleSheets: htmlnet -  blooberry - westciv intro - firebugCSSdebug - Cole - Nielsen - w3 validator - w3 - w3 tools - w3cssp - htmlhelp - chart - zeldman - zeldman - verso tests - westciv compatibility - webreview - webreview compatibility - stars - nu - Nic tutorial - cssCreator - stylemastertutorial - stylemaster - goodieskillersites - pseudoclass - topstyle -
CSS tables: w3 - gallery - dev - project7 - veerle - w3school - table2css - denton -
DOM: w3 - objects - IE4vIE5
Jscript intro: Thau lessons - Thau2eventvar - Thau3DOM - Thau4funct - Thau5 - jsworld - jsworld - webteacher - webteacher methods - webteacher event - voodoo - cnet - goodiesPrimer - goodiesRef - allairelinks - mouseover - Goodman - minitutorials - webref tutorial links - sun tutorial - Ward - Ward - commands(bearj) - mpsaz - xs4 -
Jscripts: javascript - webref lab - w3schools -  Flanagan - javascripts - iplanet - rule - ae39 - playroom - docjs(Shiran) - chemaxon drawing - goodies - goodies - JScriptSearchhotstyle - jsworld - 15secdynamic - aspmail - Jaworski - gamelan - cnet - PCR calc - PCR calc - script 411 - script ex - raydaly scripts - TEX hypertext - Ware mol builder - hypertext arch this week - echo - adaptive mm - Dos Net Kit - Postscript html - viewer tests - kaleida multimedia - 200 applets - share - chami - chemsymphony beans - robtex animations - 10favorites - goodies - goodies80 - webreview - playroom - megasearch - hostme - mouseover - Negrino - loadingfile(webref) - zd - VB scriptcontrol - browsercontrol - fontcheck - operators - customobj - Rzepa chem - lefteris - modalAlert - overlib - easyjavascript - jsmaster - QuizMaker - passbetweenpages - iconbookmark - imageUpload -
JScript reference: Goodman - Bostock - NNdevex - NNman - NNref - NNguide - NNdevarchive - NNdevcentral - MS - IE5scriptingIE5behavior -
JScript debugging: Venkman(Mozilla) - DOMinspector(Mozilla) -
Hoover Rollover: rollover - hoverhelper - 1img rollover -
Navigation design: Sprague - Solr - chessboard - usablea - usableb - Petersen - webreview - Fleming - ahref - Nieslen -
Navigation Menu tutorials: webdevscripts - smith2 - smith - popup(Weiss) - dropdown(Taylor) - sliding(ASP) - toolbar (webref) - Bostock - Hier3(webref) - webref - familylife - menugenerator -

Nav. Menu scripts position submenu notes ex
Lefteris popup L. click yes 1x7x4 webcom farrar
webref triple list yes 5x5x5x5  
atg triple listbox yes 5x5x5  
Morris top yes many 5x5x5 tight code
Hall-brainjar -dyn top      
kwancept top   6x4 dreamweaver
kuznetsov top floating yes 7x12 not NN4, 15k JS
Steinman top yes    
Gold bar      
dyndrive dozen several      
VII floating   1x4  
VII top flyout yes 1x7x3 dreamweaver ext
playwithfire showhide     dreamw tut
fireworks fw buttonlike yes 5x5  
brattascripts     arty  
Joust outline +side frame outline     download
omen29k side tree     download 29K
goodies side tree      
multibox content sensitive      
internet bunch        
Netscape collapse, slider     sideslider
comharsa floater   1x8  
Goodman collapse outline      
Maximus side slider -    
Maximus form dropdown - builder  
menubuilder     builder  
Sorensen     plain  
hierarchical       download
neomedia left collapse     NN & IE 4.5+
foldertree       Martins download

Mail form: formmailer - worldwide -
Site Map: xenu - xtreeme - ndx - freefind - powermapper - siteminer - wrc -
Cookies: explained(zd) - Ward - implementation(Kristol) - PGPcookiecutter - asptoday - cookiecentral - netscape - NNcookieSecurityHole - FlashCookies - googleInterests -

DataDisplay: Exhibit -

AstroMark html alternative

Google Web Toolkit, Java>Ajax: GWT - blog - forum - widgetlib - EBG - Hanson - designer - ZK - ZK -

perl: perl - perl - vect - activestate(free bottom of pg) - activeperlDownload - cpan - Hood - bioperl - Nictutorial - scripts - primer(goodies) - Wong - jamal winperl(verhas) - Stein - Schwartz - Mason - perldoc - basics - tutorial - tutorial - Oreilly - cpan - bioperl - vect - resources4web -
perl packages: strawberry - bioperl - roth - develophelp - dada -
perl reference docs: Swain - bokma -
Python: diveintopython - python - python workshop - biopython - daylightPython -
RubyonRails: rubyonrails - doc - wiki - loudthinking - chadfowler - tutorials - rubylang - rubybabel - rubyChemkit -

Allaire Cold Fusion: allaire - CFlist - fuseware - cfhost - freehost -
Serverside: Escapade - minitutorials -
News: netimages - php - progressive - builder -
CGI: matt's cgi scripts - tammiescripts - oreilly faq - Gundavaram - ncsa - walker - perl - ncsa specs - CPAN - mit - lib - cgi-free - cgi basics - jarlaase links - jarlaase - vertex - bignose - cgi script intro - cgi scripts - cgi faq - remotecgi - Boutell cgic -

Graphics design: siegel - andy - ruku - scream - Dia(visio clone) - webdev - desktopPub -
Color: safe(webmoment) - visibone - LindsaySelector - flashkoenen - colour index intl - hue chart -
Viewers: cws - lviewpro -
Format conversion: companion - hijaak150 -
Graphics software: kudo - adobeaplet -

Image Protection:
1) Notify: Creative Commons license - Copyright -
2) Watermark & hidden marking;
3) disable right click:
4) position pic underneath transparent GIF so save gets useless pic with CSSstyle sheets , JavaScript or table

Pictures: yahoo - ditto - altavista - lycos - google - freefoto -
Clipart, images: altavista - Leigh - MSpic - MSpic - MSclip - yahoo pict index - barrys - classroomclipart - barry - tripod - tripod - wdvl - getty - webrookie - stijn - caboodles - simplenet - sherry - arttoday - sunflowers - mccannas - plants(gardenbed) - nosc image icon - chem(csc) - chem(about) - stanford pcd - Escher - royal - Al'sFractals - art - jpeg faq - pdb2gif - pixelsite$50/yr - rose - caltechfew - nasa gizmo? -
Clipart Links: clipart.com gifworld - companion -
Fancy gifs: getty - sgi images - sgi libdownloadLeicht -
Imagemaps: attotron mapper - mapmaker - map2html (perl) - ihip clientside - cool clientside - erin imagemaps - erin imagemaps - html image maps - Imagemaps - img size ht&w (perl) - explaination - cmu - mapedit download - coffeecup -
Wavelet compression: Luratech - elecard -
Gif optimization: Gifbot - GifwizardShrinker - giftools - spinwave -
Animated Gifs: alchemy - cnet - gifcon - animlover4000 - animation software - tripod - constructor -
SVG Vector Graphics: adobe - webreview - webrev - adobelinks - monkey - w3 - jasc -

dcs icon browser - iconbrowser - cooltext - free graphics - wdvl - angelfire - artist4hire - ender - biosci - symbol sets - McCanna icons - mccannas - ralph icons - Chris Buttons & Bars - tamu agric - tamu agric - smileys - smileycentral - WebSoc - nosc icons - unipi browser/search - bsdi icons - nasa icons - Daniel nasa icons - Italy Icon Browser - Anthony's - flashy backgrounds - hwg - iconographics - dragon - greatowl - planetsource -
Image Ensembles of buttons, background, bars: bignosebird -
Buttons: dragon - Barta -
Photos: imagebank - corbis - arttoday - eyewire - photodisc - dynamicgraphics - photodisk - artcille - stockbyte - corel - qpq - tonystone - getty - hemera -

Fonts: fontorama6k - typesource - shy - stimuleye - uddiuddi - screammeemie - warehouse - nick - mashy - html2ps - fontsize - fontanon - myfonts - identifont - myidentifont - fontpool - Fontastic links
Embedded Fonts (Netscape's truedoc .pfr works in IE with activeX; MS opentype .eot is bigger & only IE): bitstream truedoc - tijs - NN - webreview - builder - MS - MS - MSwebfontpack -

~Griffithlatest - 273lectures - 273 - 2/3 - sylabusdoc - 99 - mailMike

iphone: iui - webdev - Lafuente - webapp - ddj - servoy -

web&desktop: servoy -

FrontPage: TinaClarkClark - accessfp - aittroubleshooting - FP - tips - FP howto - FP access - FP access -   FPaccess(elliott) - listserves FPlist - subscribe frontpage name - FP anim Netscape - sitecrafters - listbox script - McDunn - venus - AccessFP - FPlistarchive -

script: dd -
JScript: jscript - msdn -
CE msdn CE - MS - MSdrivers - CEpowerMag - CEtj -

PowerconsToolbox on web page

mod - moda - moeng - moform - tekaia orig - ncsa what's new - Dilbert
get your personal informataion off LN database

General computing Info Sites: DvorakRealcomputing - techcrawler -
Remote display (PC-unix): VNC -


Printer Ink: mis - stroud - grove - atlas -

webstar - claris -

Hardware: free-pc - zd batterylife - getadeal laptops - nwcd - nwcd lap - microwarehouse - nextag - laptopsuperstore - yahooLaptops - nothingbutlaptops - cmpexpress or cmpexpress - cmpexpress . cd - surplus . surplus auction egghead . ebay - andysgarage - 1stChoice - hitachi - compaq - fujitsu - geminiparts - a1pc - intervest - lmi closeout - spartan - cp disc warehouse - insight - mwmicro - clubpc (cdr tricky) - necx - necxdir - necxdir - c-stuff by mfg - 42photo by mfg - accubyte? - cypress laptops - arm laptops - commodity menus - truedata sys - barnett port - grystone pcmcia - fujitsu - fcsinet ibm - index ibm - brianpc? - thecomputercenter? - ISN - isn - stolen comp registry - CDRdeals -

Accessories: buycomp - megahaus -

favorites to web page

German Sci Comp - Case Based Reasoning

Courses: Lenti-UMn - GNA-MIT

CCL mail: OSC - regensb date - regensb subject - anchodd pharm -

Bionet readers- trier - uit - bionet - bionet - bionet - bionet search - www bionet.software - Neth - Expasy EMBnet - nwu? - konstanz? neuro Search Bionet

LateX/teTeX loria latex - sunsite tetex - ac latex - ac latex - dante latex - dante latex - ulpgc - asterix - texconv - ctan - rft2latex - wissen - word2latex - JabRef BibTeX LaTeX - BibTeX -

Browsers: wyzo - Opera -
Foxfire: Firefox (sbexj4) - MozDev - KeyShortcuts - FinniebestExt - Grallabest - FoxfireResize - fireSpeed - mozSpeed - mozSpeed - MozDevExt - context query - FirefoxWeather - Firetune -
lynx browsers - maxthonIEshell - SEOaddons - fireshotCapture -
Win IE: IE7 - IE7addons - toolbar - browster - ferret -
Google Chrome: googleAlarm -
Browser Widgets: widgipedia - sizer -

Wiki: Portland Pattern Repository - WikiEngines - ProjectForum - LegJoints - TeamNotePad - SwitchWiki - RubyForge - Wikimedia - Wiktionary - Wikibooks - Wikiquote - Wikipedia - WikipediaEdit - MediaWicki -

RSS aps: FeedDemon - RSSBandit - GreatNews -
RSS reader: pcw - netvibes - feedfly - Google - Rojo - Bloglines - RSSoutlook03 -
RSS2email: rssfwd - sendmerss -

URL shortener (preview): compare - wiki - google - bitly (+) - tiny (preview.tinyurl.com/xxx) - snipurl.com (peek.snipurl.com/xxx) -
Preview shorteners: langa - meister - bitly+ - preview.tiny - unshorten - long - expand - longplease -

?1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome