SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
The division of alternative and standard is relatively recent. William
Osler M.D., author of the greatly respected medical text of the early 1900's,
included a great deal of what is now called 'alternative' therapies. Flexner/Flexnor
report of 1910 of Rockefeller divided based on schools: stead
- east - vanderbilt-
sntp -
jama - pubmed
- herbalgram
Now we have the Impending
Collapse of Internal Med by AmColPhys and promotion of wellness
Prevention Trust
AMF - earthmed(bearj) - alternativemed - new age directory - bastyr - amrta ibis - ibis - ibis - unc - altvetmed - weil - newage - health world - nexus - share - JL McLaughlin, Purdue, plant agents - health choices - IBIShealthweb - IBIS - mediherb monographs (sbear ye) - medweb links - Tierra - goodhealth - AltMedSemantics -
Sweat Lodge: sweat1 - Running Foot - Their - Rob -
Aromatherapy: vanhove -
Latin American Traditional Med: PAHO1999 -
Homeopathy: Homeopathy - vanZandvoort repertory - HomeopathicTexts - Brit09 - Brit -
Ancient: Ancient Med links - Hippocrates
- Hippocrates
- Greek
Classics - Bear review - PrometraTraditAfroMed
Yoga: Crandell -
Tai Chi: animated - academy
- wiki -
Chi Gong, QiGong: everyday
- baduanJin
- shouyuliang
- DuCaneIntro -
DuCane -
Ayurvedic: Tierra
- ayurvedicconcepts - ayurveda
fd. - Maharishi
- Chauhan - vata
(air), pitta (fire), kapha (water) - ITTM
- niam - nutritdynamics
- sears - IndiaherbIP
Tibetan Medicine: crows - Dharmapalas
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine principles & general:
TCMprinciples - cintcm
- craneTCM
- j) - TCMid_Yuzong
- IITCM - Wicke/rmhi
220 (rmhi h7e6r2b) - rmhi
- rxlist - checklist
- TCMpharmacy - Inst
TCM - Calif St board
- China Med News - @Chinese
Med Inst - Masss
- chinamed sales - Qi-J
- Liaoning
- 300Formulas
- Calif Soc OrientalMed
- polyu - TCM
chembase - TCMgendit -
TCM Herbs: flora of china -
findanherb - 7
relationships (Wright) -
TCM Formulae: newcent
Acupuncture: TCM acupunct lit
db - WHO -
Alternative Med: NIH OAM - phytomed medline (OAM) - NHS - UT CAM - Medical Herbalism - Intl J Pharmacognosy - Pharm Bio - $db: Intramedicine - NaturalMed - healthnotes - taxonomy of CAM (Eisenberg & Kaptchuk) - Incamdb bearj excite -
Schools: ND - Bastyr - National - SW - TaiSophia - TaiSophiaLibCatalog - Bridgeport - RMCBS - RMHI(TCM) - SWSBM(Moore) - NESBM(7song) - Canadian - NCP - NDschools - NDschools - NDschools - NDschools - NDschools -
Spas: Michelrieth - Aesclepias -
Consultants: Torkelson - Duke -
Animal, Vet alt vetmed -
Organizations, Associations: Altern Med Fd - AMF - AmHerb Guild/Upton - AmHerb Guild - herbworld - Soc Econ Bot - Am Botan Council/Blumenthal - ABC - ABC - Herb Research Fd/McCaleb - NIH Ofc Altern Med - wrf - phytonet UK - Am Soc Pharmacognosy - Soc Med Med Plant Res (Germany) - Phytochem Soc - Phytochem Soc - Phytochem Soc Eur - SocEcoBot - ASPET(faseb) - guiaverde list - kew list - hii - herbring - AICR(diet&cancer) - HEALlinks - Medherb - newhope expoeast - Am Assn NatPhys - Samueli -
Government: WhiteHouseCommissiononAltMed - NCI OCCAM - OCCAMlectures -
FDA regulation: herb IND 2000 - supplements guide 1998 - FDABotanicalReview - FDAdiabeticClaimsWarnings -
Directory, People: AltMedWeb - pitt list -
Discussion, Chat: pitt listserv list - pharmacognosy - algy herbboard - countrylife ethnobotany - palms - gardenweb natives - paracelsus(jkl) - hippocrates - Wilkinson -
Schools: Bastyr - Natl Col Portland - SWSBM Moore - scu - NSBM-7Song - Ollsin - Duke UMd syllabus - Wilkinson - HEALlinks - GQ Li -
Academic Departments: UIll Chicago - UMiss - Czech - purdue - OSU - U Hi - trinity Dublin - reading - Leiden - King's College - Strathclyde - Sofia - Hokaido - Nigeria - Natal - Seoul - Anadolu U -
Commercial Product Suppliers: Moore's list - essentially oils - Gritman oils - twinlab - natures herbs (twinlab) - Whole Foods Mag - PharmaPrint - ashland pharm-botan - mediherb Aust (bear) - cosmetics dir - pict, seeds & cultivation - sequential - PLThomas - arbitee - abp - liberty - chemdiv -
Legislation: Protest proposed false labeling rules DeFazio - State Health Freedoms - NHtownhall - MMiller - UK -
Problems with scientific data:
conflict of interest:
Medical Journalism Accuracy: BMJ - Canada - mediadoctor -
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