SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry

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After you see the 5 minute video Eichman, read the US Surgeon General's report on Oral Health in America and the Reader's Digest expose of Ecenbarger's How Honest Are Dentists (Reader's Digest Feb 1997), and state dental examiners audits, you might want to examine "Dental Self Help" a 200 page book, the only one of its kind. It answers many of the questions you had when your mouth was too numb to ask. It includes help with understanding our mouth, cleaning, best & worst foods & herbal treatments.

Smile patterns

Doing the best things for your teeth and oral health.

Cleaning the mouth is a multi-tool project involving a combination of brush, stick and irrigation. No single method gets it all. Any single method leaves you exposed to its shortcomings.

Irrigators are great:
The portable waterpik 350 seems like a great idea but it has a serious design flaw in a battery that fails after a few dozen rechargings. So you have got to keep replacing the 15 dollar batteries (goodman - ). The Panasonic EW1270AC is an alternate option.

Brushing stick: Coffman -
Ordinary toothbrushes: wiki - evolution - walker - I&M -
Electric Brushes: 30second -
Electrical Regeneration: EAER -

Dental Academic Education Classes: UIC - UIC -

Public Policy: pollack - Florida2003 -
Statistics: ToothlossStates2014 - GallupVisits2014 - GallupVisits2014 - GallupVisits2014 -

News: Antibiotic resistance & oral health - Arizona Audit - 232teeth -

Images: HON - UMichGobetti -
When Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope four hundred years ago one of the first things he turned it onto was the mouth: tooth - plaque

Rousseau, ancient dentistry

history of dentrifices

Mouth as a Mirror of health: LeptotrichiaCampylobacterInPancreasCancer -

Tooth Fairy: azaz - Cecil Adams straightdope - surlalunefairytales - Narvaez - Bunn - wiki -
  called Ratoncito Perez in spanish: wiki - wiki - hispanic - Coloma - gutenberg -

Dental Trauma Guide

Dental Debates:

AMALGAM fillings, (is mercury (silver) safe?: FDAreg2009 - MethylMercury in the Mouth - Sweeden phaseout - FDAwarning08 - FDAamalgamreview06 - FDAamalgamdraft06 - WHO2003 - EPA06HgCl - EPA06Hg - EPAirisHg - EPAirisMeHg - EPA Hg - Calhoun - Dagfin Riersol - Bosse - Leif Hedegard faq - Grossman's pro/con links - yahoo links - saliva-high Hg - Dr. Rona - Sweden Natl Board - USPHS93 - USPHS97 - NIH91- NIH91 - NIH91 - NIH91materials - ATSDR99 - Huggins amalgam listserve archive - Hg toxicity (CDC) - Ferrio - search EPA yourself on 'mercury' - search Alt Med Digest yourself on 'amalgam' - fraud lawsuit - positive - heavy metal tox - Canadians for Merc Relief - wholmed - MS - MS - trufax - trufax effects - Markus-why I don't use Hg - Sehnert - Levin - Karolinska - AMillett - health canada position - health canada position - health canada - amalgam creep - Ziff bioprobe - bioprobe books - trufax - all-natural - Swedish Bd Hlth - biblio - amalgam list search - paint - CFS-Clark story - Hg tox - TERF - vanderbilt - sewers - NJ - NJ - southam news - medfak - DAMS Tucson - ctc - german - derik - derik - Die Deutsche - Quecksilber - altcorp - EPA strategy on mercury research - amalgam separator - consumerschoice -
Mercury is poisoning dentists and their staff: pubmedBrd - pubmedNrw -
Mercury preservation of vaccines (thimersol): Inst Vaccine Safety - Amer Academy of Pediatrics - EPA guidelines - child vaccines give 87 times the Hg level as fish (Merck1991) - FDA - CDC - IOM - wiki -
Mercury is poisoning our waters: hazardous dental waste - waterinfo - waterinfo - arcticIce - dartmouth - envirosense - harming whales - whales - whales - whales - fish - USGS - USGSglacialcore - NLM - mercurysulfurNanoparticles - coastalFox -
Mercury is poisoning our food: FDAfishHgwarning -
Mercury is poisoning our air: CaliforniaFog - EPA - Eur mercury chlor-alkali industry - EPA1997 - EPAbackground - EPAchloralkaliMFG - EPAchloralkaliMFG - UNEPmercury - fluorescent bulbs waste - fluorescentsCalif
Most dentists still defend use of toxic mercury in silver fillings: Dentists' Sweet Tooth for Mercury - ADA defense - ADA defense - ADA position - ADA legal position - ADA amalgam news - CDA defense - Brown defense - amalgam propaganda - CaDA amalgam propaganda - UMich -
Dentists opposing amalgam: Meinig - RKennedy - Edelson - Pensyl - Brompton - Vimy - Parks - Lerner - Lowrance - Adams - Morales - Munro-Hall -
Replacement & healing from mercury amalgam: IAOMT/PDHA - Removal protocol-Gold/IAOMT - Clifford reactivity testing - V-tox - DMSA - DMSA - disposal - disposal - zapper - DMPSremoval (Bickle) - mercury removal from liquid by SAMMS - Baker -
Mercury detection: cetac - Tekran - B3 - monitorbadge -
Mercury Isotope 202 higher in amalgams than fish: CEN -

FLUORIDE mass dosing (depending on how much water you drink): review - Bryson & Griffiths F & atom bomb -F & atom bomb - F & atom bomb - Foulkes - Hans:is F good? - fluoride blunder - Montgomery fluoride issues - Montgomery fluoride issues - EnvirWorkingGroup - trufax - Judd - PHS on fluoride - ADA position - ADA - Gibson - NAS reaffirms using F in water 2002 - NAS criticizes F in water 2006 - FactionNet -
Fluoride toothpaste: history -

GUM EROSION  & ABFRACTION - why do dentists blame us for brushing or clenching instead of themselves for cleaning scraping?: Palmer - Palmer - Spiller -

Sugar Tax: BMJ - caseAgainst -

Peptide Coating: P11-4 -

ROOT CANAL RIPOFF (reaming the pulp out): Meinig interview - Gerson - AES - Roberts - intellihealthpics -

COMPOSITES problems: BisphenolVsMercury - estrogenic - ada - ada - bondfailure - bondfailure -

RADIATION carelessness: conebeamCT -

Alternative Dental links: WA Price - Jerome - Jerome - Jerome - dental testing - inflicting pain humor - Morales - tooth Meridians -

Orthodontics: idirect -
Other topics: prosthodontics -
Aristotle dental logic -

Self Help Equipment: Ultrasonex -

Dental Informatics: temple - 2003Conf - UIC - ADA - Columbia - biohealth - UPitt - UMich - AMIA - wiki -

Dental Materials: continental - jeneric - jeneric bonding - bondfailure - isopit - Linkow implants - oralb - toothpaste ingredients - NIH - umds index - Ivoclar - Therapeutic Digest - Guys dental & materials - biomaterials - biomaterials - Towne supplies - pulpdent - kulzer - Dental Fresh bicarbosilicate - Vivadent - allergy to latex gloves - buying network - 3M - models - boos lab - biocalex-root canals - Weathers -

Toothpaste Homemade: prepper -

Dental Medications: intelihealth -

Dental Equipment: air abrasion - root canal apex locator - laser bleaching - score turbines - kavo ultrasonic -

Periodontal/Gums Ligament: ada - ABC's(BMJ 2000;321 36-39) - PaulKeyesTechnique - Keyes - ProBiora - Listgarten - Li -
Perio Reattachment: Bui - Okamoto -
guided tissue regeneration (GTR):
Endo: Am Assoc Endodontists - Weathers endo - UI Chicago endo - Jacklich endo - Jacklich endo - Jacklich -

Bone anatomy & pathology: gsm - shrinkagewithAge -
 Stem cells: columbia -

Cancer: NOCA - SPOHNC - oral complications of cancer therapy, NIH 1989
Disability dentistry: Disabled - Hospital - IADH -
AIDS: DentalHIV - HIVDent -
Other Oral Conditions: CleftPalateFd - Sjogrens dry mouth -

TMJ: medlineplus - Gillespy TMJ - TMJ-Brock - TMJ anatomy - dislocated -
TMJ implants fiasco: FDA - FDA Vitek - tmjassoc - Angel - implants Davies ppt -
Denture Adhesive: BioforceSecureGum - Secure - miglyol -

US: NIDCR(nidr) - CDC - CDC oral - NLM

Info Sources: NOHIC - ADHA - IADR - ADA - Dysplasia -
Books: planetesme - WashCtyLib -

Tooth Wear: caries diag & mgt (NLM) -

Misc Dental links: healthyteeth - JADA search - ADA - opdent search - conventional techniques - resources - merck - aads - Dental Dictionary - oral flora -dental-industrial-academic conspiracy -   snore/tmj - dentalBytes magazine - DSI - dental-connect galaxy links - lycos links - yahoo dentistry - DERWeb, images - DERWeb, images - BSCD - mcleod lists - sportsdentistry - Ucer links - DOL links - DOL links - tooth fairy - xchange - xchange ed - xray diag - davidoff - dental therapeutics - sleepy - sleepy new - ADA politics - NCAHF propaganda - NCAHF propaganda - NCAHF propaganda - wisdom teeth, NIH 1979 - dental implants, NIH 1988 - sealants, NIH 1983 - Brompton - colgate - mryan - idf - sodadissolvesenamel -

States: ada - Az oral - UT - iowa links - iowa links - iowa links - Wash DCDS -

DDS Academia: AADS -ADA - Galil histology - ACTA Amsterdam - Friedlander - UWash - UMn - UNC - falk/UPitt - wessel/UPitt - nyu dentalweb - NYU - UMich - UMich - UCt - Temple - Attstrom perio - Lund perio - Eur Workshops on Perio - Am Acad Perio - perio berlin - perio berlin - Perio archive - Health/Dental - Sweden - Sweden perio - Sweden perio - NWU-perio - U Mich - Miss Implants - Baylor CE - Sheffield CE - CRA - Australian Dental J -

Conventional Dentists: choosing a dentist - find_dds - Markus - idirect - Holmes - Gen Dental - Dental On Line - Doty CyberWeb - Dental CyberWeb - AzDA - ADHA - martindale - Brit Dental As - Brit Dental As - flucke - flucke - quarnstrom - Elson - Dodes/Barrett - Dent-Tel-Net - Davidoff implants - mcleod - Suffolk Cty Dent Soc - Humboldt/schonfeld sleepy - xrays - Cal Dental Ass - cda public info - Dentalnet Austin - Kim Goldman Q of week - Widen - Myers Q&A - global - Dentistry On-Line - Dodell cases - Dodell - Dodell chatline - implants - Ucer implants - Loos-Boyden - digest participants - Roberts - Rosecrans - Stoll - perio - seltzer - spark search svc - dental mgt - Crown mgt - Pankey educ - Trager -

Prenatal Fetal Embryo Orofacial Craniofacial Development: EHD - UNSW -

Primitive third world dental facilities: Marrakech - Marrakech - Marrakech -

Cultural Modification Chiseling of teeth: Africa - Indonesia -

?1995-2008 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome

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