SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
Site Design: eyequant - wpfd
- efuse - stylizer
- 7rules - HFI
- Mackenzie
- usability(wr) -
htmltips - killersites
- webreference - networkforgood
- elliott
- katsuey - creativegood
- Shiple
- NLMqualitycriteria
- newsquality - Stefanov
- avoiding
Google ban - Wall
- Wall - smartIT
- denim -
-webreview - webmonkey
Optimization - mobileweb - YSlow -
Design Lessons & Books on line: Greenspun
- Greenspun - Kirsanov
(webref) - Veen
(monkey) - color(cool)
- dyeColorIndex -
Usability: Nielsen useit - Nielsen
- Nielsenalert - Instone
usuableweb - Rhodes webword - Gopal
- UIE - USgovUsability
- USgovUsability -
Usability testing: nist
- usablenet - netraker
- webcriteria -
Web Style Guides: LynchYaleCAIM
- Sun - ameritech
Designers: realtydesigncost
- nfl - JeanFirestine
- JaySibel -
designshops - katsuey
- 3Pt - Hartman
Examples: cool - pagesthatsuck
- 23successful
- killersites - tamtree
- elingo - apple
Ex info: eloan - dvorak
- cisco - novell
- earthmed - rainbow
- Stoli - cnn
- feedmag - salon
Ex arty: navisite - cyberd
- organic - RPA
- SmithsonianMuseum - vivid
Nielsen scanability: headings, topic sentence, big type, bold, highlighted,
bullet list, little graphic, caption.
Disabled access: DOJ
- ibm - adobe
- MS -
Web Developer: devweb - webdevlinks
- Googlewebmaster - yahooexplorer
- yahoodeveloper
HTML Quickref: wdvltags
- cwru -
- Quick Ref
- allaire
- zdtags
- blooberry
- charcodes(bbs) - charcodes(monkey)
- greek letters - mathcodes(w3)
- mathcodes - table
tags - netpedia -
HTML basics: ncsa
primer - LeighCourse
- werbach barebones - cern
(w3)Basics - uiuc
primer - ccit basics
- tork
primer - html
1-3 - uk
intro - htmlgoodies - Wmasters
Guild - iftech - maricopa
- wizard page create
- Birkbk
- Flynn -
- ucc - mcom
- forms(carlos)
- web
page creation -
HTML guides (search for web page creation, authoring, design):
- w3 - w3styleguide
- wdvl
- Sol(wdvl)
- efficient
- netscape
- Hood - WebDeveloperJ
- html3
specs - Thy
- allairelinks
- werbach - forms(ncsa)
- goodies - Woodallcompendium
- freetemplates - volitionlinks
HTML advanced: w3schools
- bignose - jalfrezi
- webmaster dev links - HTML
Ref Lib - webmonkey - webmonkey
- webpedia - webreference
- masonComposition - MS
winInet - compendium
- webbuilder - freezone
- internetcom - cache
tags - cache - WebL
- webdeveloper - webdevref
- webreview - IE5defaults
- IE5behaviors
- Alab listserve - Barta
- mpsaz - McElhaney
- projectcool - html
4 specs - HTMLWritersGuild(173102)
- HWGtips - pass
between pages - turn the
pages - redirects&SEO
htaccess: wordpress
- 110mb - 110mb
- JS - tools
- brainstorm
- vortex
- evolt
- google
- guide - freeweb
- 110mbPassword
- syntax
- apache
redirect & rewrite: ibd
- rewrite
- redirect
- webmaster -
create custom redirect 404: wizard
- smashing
- light - bing -
Meta tags: vancouver - galactus
- Villa - webdev -
dublinmeta -
cnet - searchenginewatch
- goodkeywords - searchengine - MSfunnels - xenu - googleSK - googleSuggest - thesaurus -
Frames: Anderson
frame scripting - monkey
- Marshall
- frame-like
table -
Validation & debugging: w3
- w3css - Quinn
- netmechanic - cse
- zdmechanic
- wwweblint - htmlchek
- aRealValidator - stolaf
- spyglass
- mercastra - watchfire
- tucows - Bobby
accessibility - webking - DOMinspector(Mozilla)
Speeding page: degeyter - pagespeed - pagespeed -
link check test for dead links: w3
- google -
dave - Ivrfy
- linkscan - cyberspyder
- garage
- biggbyte - xenu
- linkcheck perl - netmechanic
- webxrefNasa - 2bone
DHTML, DynamicHTML = CSS + Script:
- Steinman
- wdvl basics - wdvl
resources - zone - zone
- netscape - netscape
- webmonkey
- webref lab - webreview
- webreview
- cnet - cool
- allairelinks
- Goodman - mouseover
- background label
& tabs - brattascripts
- bratta - webdeveloper
- rule - Steinman
links - evolt - MSobj
- MSref
- MS - MS
- NNref
- layers - goodies
- goodiestopics
- cnet builder - builderbuzz(sbearj)
- chami - zope
- zopetemplates
CSS Cascading StyleSheets: htmlnet
- blooberry
- westciv
intro - firebugCSSdebug
- Cole
- Nielsen
- w3 validator
- w3 - w3
tools - w3cssp -
htmlhelp - chart
- zeldman -
zeldman - verso
tests - westciv
compatibility - webreview
- webreview
compatibility - stars
- nu - Nic
tutorial - cssCreator
- stylemastertutorial
- stylemaster
- goodies - killersites
- pseudoclass
- topstyle -
CSS tables: w3
- gallery - dev
- project7 -
- w3school - table2css
- denton
DOM: w3 - objects
- IE4vIE5
Jscript intro: Thau
lessons - Thau2eventvar
- Thau3DOM
- Thau4funct
- Thau5
- jsworld - jsworld
- webteacher - webteacher
methods - webteacher
event - voodoo
- cnet - goodiesPrimer
- goodiesRef - allairelinks
- mouseover - Goodman
- minitutorials - webref
tutorial links - sun tutorial
- Ward
- Ward
- commands(bearj)
- mpsaz - xs4
Jscripts: javascript
- webref lab - w3schools
- Flanagan
- javascripts - iplanet
- rule - ae39
- playroom - docjs(Shiran)
- chemaxon drawing - goodies
- goodies
- JScriptSearch -
hotstyle - jsworld
- 15sec - dynamic
- aspmail
- Jaworski - gamelan
- cnet
- PCR calc - PCR
calc - script 411 - script
ex - raydaly scripts
- TEX hypertext - Ware
mol builder - hypertext arch this week -
echo - adaptive
mm - Dos Net
Kit - Postscript html -
viewer tests -
kaleida multimedia - 200
applets - share
- chami - chemsymphony
beans - robtex animations - 10favorites
- goodies - goodies80
- webreview - playroom
- megasearch
- hostme - mouseover
- Negrino - loadingfile(webref)
- zd - VB
scriptcontrol - browsercontrol
- fontcheck - operators
- customobj
- Rzepa chem - lefteris
- modalAlert
- overlib - easyjavascript
- jsmaster - QuizMaker
- passbetweenpages
- iconbookmark - imageUpload -
JScript reference: Goodman
- Bostock
- NNdevex
- NNman
- NNref
- NNguide
- NNdevarchive
- NNdevcentral
- MS - IE5scripting
- IE5behavior
JScript debugging: Venkman(Mozilla)
- DOMinspector(Mozilla)
Hoover Rollover: rollover
- hoverhelper
- 1img rollover -
Navigation design: Sprague - Solr - chessboard
- usablea - usableb
- Petersen
- webreview - Fleming
- ahref -
Navigation Menu tutorials: webdevscripts
- smith2
- smith
- popup(Weiss)
- dropdown(Taylor)
- sliding(ASP) -
toolbar (webref) -
- Hier3(webref) -
webref - familylife
- menugenerator
Nav. Menu scripts | position | submenu | notes | ex |
Lefteris | popup L. click | yes | 1x7x4 | webcom farrar |
webref | triple list | yes | 5x5x5x5 | |
atg | triple listbox | yes | 5x5x5 | |
Morris | top | yes many | 5x5x5 | tight code |
Hall-brainjar -dyn | top | |||
kwancept | top | 6x4 | dreamweaver | |
kuznetsov | top floating | yes | 7x12 | not NN4, 15k JS |
Steinman | top | yes | ||
Gold | bar | |||
dyndrive dozen | several | |||
VII | floating | 1x4 | ||
VII | top flyout | yes | 1x7x3 | dreamweaver ext |
playwithfire | showhide | dreamw tut | ||
fireworks fw | buttonlike | yes | 5x5 | |
brattascripts | arty | |||
Joust outline | +side frame outline | download | ||
omen29k | side tree | download 29K | ||
goodies | side tree | |||
multibox | content sensitive | |||
internet bunch | ||||
Dir2menu | ||||
Netscape | collapse, slider | sideslider | ||
comharsa | floater | 1x8 | ||
Goodman | collapse outline | |||
Maximus | side slider | - | ||
Maximus | form dropdown | - | builder | |
menubuilder | builder | |||
Sorensen | plain | |||
hierarchical | download | |||
IEtool | ||||
neomedia | left collapse | NN & IE 4.5+ | ||
foldertree | Martins download |
Mail form: formmailer - worldwide
Site Map: xenu - xtreeme
- ndx - freefind
- powermapper - siteminer
- wrc -
Cookies: explained(zd)
- Ward
- implementation(Kristol)
- PGPcookiecutter - asptoday
- cookiecentral -
- NNcookieSecurityHole
- FlashCookies
- googleInterests -
DataDisplay: Exhibit -
AstroMark html alternative
Google Web Toolkit, Java>Ajax: GWT
- blog - forum
- widgetlib - EBG
- Hanson - designer
- ZK - ZK
perl: perl -
perl - vect
- activestate(free
bottom of pg) - activeperlDownload
- cpan - Hood
- bioperl - Nictutorial
- scripts
- primer(goodies)
- Wong - jamal
winperl(verhas) - Stein
- Schwartz - Mason
- perldoc - basics
- tutorial - tutorial
- Oreilly - cpan
- bioperl - vect
- resources4web -
perl packages: strawberry - bioperl - roth
- develophelp - dada
perl reference docs: Swain
- bokma
Python: diveintopython - python
- python workshop -
biopython - daylightPython
RubyonRails: rubyonrails - doc
- wiki - loudthinking
- chadfowler - tutorials
- rubylang - rubybabel
- rubyChemkit -
Allaire Cold Fusion: allaire - CFlist
- fuseware - cfhost
- freehost -
Serverside: Escapade
- minitutorials -
News: netimages - php
- progressive
- builder -
CGI: matt's cgi scripts - tammiescripts
- oreilly faq -
Gundavaram - ncsa
- walker
- perl - ncsa
specs - CPAN
- mit
- lib - cgi-free
- cgi
basics - jarlaase links -
jarlaase - vertex
- bignose - cgi
script intro - cgi scripts -
cgi faq - remotecgi
- Boutell cgic -
Graphics design: siegel
- andy - ruku
- scream
- Dia(visio clone)
- webdev - desktopPub
Color: safe(webmoment)
- visibone - LindsaySelector
- flash - koenen
- colour index intl
- hue chart -
Viewers: cws - lviewpro
Format conversion: companion
- hijaak150 -
Graphics software: kudo - adobeaplet
Image Protection:
1) Notify: Creative Commons license
- Copyright -
2) Watermark & hidden marking;
3) disable right click:
4) position pic underneath transparent GIF so save gets useless pic with CSSstyle
sheets , JavaScript or table
Pictures: yahoo - ditto
- altavista - lycos
- google - freefoto
Clipart, images: altavista
- Leigh - MSpic
- MSpic - MSclip
- yahoo pict index
- barrys - classroomclipart
- barry - tripod
- tripod - wdvl
- getty - webrookie
- stijn -
caboodles - simplenet
- sherry -
arttoday - sunflowers
- mccannas - plants(gardenbed)
- nosc image icon -
chem(csc) - chem(about)
- stanford pcd - Escher
- royal - Al'sFractals
- art
- jpeg
faq - pdb2gif -
pixelsite$50/yr - rose
- caltechfew - nasa
gizmo? -
Clipart Links: - gifworld
- companion
Fancy gifs: getty
- sgi images - sgi
libdownload - Leicht
Imagemaps: attotron mapper
- mapmaker - map2html
(perl) - ihip clientside
- cool
clientside - erin
imagemaps - erin
imagemaps - html
image maps - Imagemaps
- img size ht&w
(perl) - explaination - cmu
- mapedit download - coffeecup
Wavelet compression: Luratech
- elecard -
Gif optimization: Gifbot
- GifwizardShrinker - giftools
- spinwave -
Animated Gifs: alchemy
- cnet - gifcon
- animlover4000 - animation
software - tripod
- constructor
SVG Vector Graphics: adobe
- webreview
- webrev
- adobelinks
- monkey
- w3 - jasc
Icons: dcs
icon browser - iconbrowser
- cooltext
- free graphics - wdvl
- angelfire - artist4hire
- ender - biosci
- symbol sets
- McCanna icons - mccannas
- ralph icons - Chris
Buttons & Bars - tamu
agric - tamu agric
- smileys - smileycentral
- WebSoc - nosc
icons - unipi
browser/search - bsdi icons - nasa
icons - Daniel
nasa icons - Italy
Icon Browser - Anthony's
- flashy backgrounds
- hwg - iconographics
- dragon
- greatowl - planetsource
Image Ensembles of buttons, background, bars: bignosebird
Buttons: dragon
- Barta
Photos: imagebank
- corbis - arttoday
- eyewire - photodisc
- dynamicgraphics - photodisk
- artcille - stockbyte
- corel - qpq
- tonystone - getty
- hemera -
Fonts: fontorama6k - typesource
- shy - stimuleye
- uddiuddi - screammeemie
- warehouse - nick
- mashy - html2ps
- fontsize - fontanon
- myfonts - identifont
- myidentifont - fontpool
- Fontastic
Embedded Fonts (Netscape's truedoc .pfr works in IE with activeX; MS opentype
.eot is bigger & only IE): bitstream
truedoc - tijs - NN
- webreview
- builder - MS
- MS - MSwebfontpack
~Griffithlatest - 273lectures
- 273 - 2/3
- sylabusdoc
- 99 - mailMike
iphone: iui - webdev
- Lafuente - webapp
- ddj - servoy
web&desktop: servoy -
FrontPage: TinaClark
- Clark
- accessfp - aittroubleshooting
- FP - tips
- FP howto
- FP
access - FP
access - FPaccess(elliott)
- listserves -
FPlist - subscribe
frontpage name - FP anim
Netscape - sitecrafters
- listbox script
- McDunn
- venus - AccessFP
- FPlistarchive
script: dd -
JScript: jscript - msdn
CE msdn CE -
MS - MSdrivers
- CEpowerMag
- CEtj -
mod - moda - moeng - moform - tekaia orig - ncsa
what's new - Dilbert
get your personal
informataion off LN database
General computing Info Sites: DvorakRealcomputing
- techcrawler -
Remote display (PC-unix): VNC
Printer Ink: mis - stroud - grove - atlas -
webstar - claris
Hardware: free-pc - zd
batterylife - getadeal laptops -
nwcd - nwcd
lap - microwarehouse - nextag
- laptopsuperstore
- yahooLaptops
- nothingbutlaptops - cmpexpress
or cmpexpress -
cd - surplus .
surplus auction egghead . ebay
- andysgarage - 1stChoice
- hitachi - compaq
- fujitsu - geminiparts
- a1pc - intervest
- lmi closeout - spartan
- cp disc warehouse - insight
- mwmicro - clubpc
(cdr tricky) - necx - necxdir
- necxdir - c-stuff
by mfg - 42photo by mfg - accubyte?
- cypress laptops - arm
laptops - commodity
menus - truedata sys
- barnett port -
grystone pcmcia - fujitsu
- fcsinet ibm - index
ibm - brianpc? - thecomputercenter?
- ISN - isn
- stolen comp registry
- CDRdeals
Accessories: buycomp - megahaus
favorites to web page
German Sci Comp - Case Based Reasoning
CCL mail: OSC - regensb date - regensb subject - anchodd pharm -
Bionet readers- trier - uit - bionet - bionet - bionet - bionet search - www - Neth - Expasy EMBnet - nwu? - konstanz? neuro Search Bionet
LateX/teTeX loria latex - sunsite tetex - ac latex - ac latex - dante latex - dante latex - ulpgc - asterix - texconv - ctan - rft2latex - wissen - word2latex - JabRef BibTeX LaTeX - BibTeX -
Browsers: wyzo - Opera -
Foxfire: Firefox (sbexj4) - MozDev
- KeyShortcuts - FinniebestExt
- Grallabest
- FoxfireResize -
- mozSpeed - mozSpeed
- MozDevExt -
context query - FirefoxWeather
- Firetune -
lynx browsers - maxthonIEshell
- SEOaddons
- fireshotCapture -
Win IE: IE7 - IE7addons
- toolbar - browster
- ferret -
Google Chrome: googleAlarm -
Browser Widgets: widgipedia - sizer -
Wiki: Portland Pattern Repository - WikiEngines - ProjectForum - LegJoints - TeamNotePad - SwitchWiki - RubyForge - Wikimedia - Wiktionary - Wikibooks - Wikiquote - Wikipedia - WikipediaEdit - MediaWicki -
RSS aps: FeedDemon
- RSSBandit - GreatNews
RSS reader: pcw - netvibes - feedfly - Google - Rojo
- Bloglines - RSSoutlook03
RSS2email: rssfwd - sendmerss
URL shortener (preview): compare - wiki - google - bitly (+) - tiny ( - ( -
Preview shorteners: langa - meister - bitly+ - preview.tiny - unshorten - long - expand - longplease -
?1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome