SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
World News: AllenPolitico - huffingtonpost - drudge - dailybeast - Postprint
- Medialinks - UPI
- CNN - nando
world - stratfor - excite(att)
- PBS - NPRarchive
- doonesbury
- msnbc - SF
Chron/Exam - SF Chron
- SF Gate - Chron
Today - newslink - ny
times(uio uio, sobear y) - breakingviews - san diego source
- mci reuters
- newspage - newslink
- innosoft
links - time
daily - Time
- Time
Mag - USA - TV
- RadioNet - Raleigh
nando - chicago.tribune - san
diego source - Minneapolis Star Tribune
- Mo
Every - Brit Telegraph (sobear) -
today - media
index - mci reuters?
- southam news waves - newscan
- canada press - toronto
globe - national news? - BowstreetWebnews
- Daily news grabber
- GlobalResearch -
Resilience: Bad news may be depressing but it is technological innovation by
immigrants like this
that keep helping the US economy to dig out of one mess after another. Kotkin
Fluctuations increase and are more vulnerable to disturbance closer to a tipping point
Sector heat maps: few - finvizheatmap(week,mo) - stockmapper - moneycontrol - stockcharts - stockcharts - telegraph - marketheatmap - barchart - barchart - barchart - watchstock - nasdaq - nasdaq -
NYTimesmap - bespokeCharts - bloomberg - nasdaq - nasdaq - fidelity
sectors - macromon - marketwatch - marketwatchfunds - yahoo - yahoo - yahooday - fidelitycycle - cycle - msnsectors - barchart - BWsectorprofiles - BWsectors - WF - Stovall - SPDR - realestateJ - clearstationEtrade - relativeRotationGraph RRG - relativeRot - RRG -
Predicting: tetlock - 2015forbes - 2015Hussman -
Risk Tolerance Management: riskmetrics - risk anal - Marks - stipp - life
cycle investing conf - Consodine - weather - riskquiz - Guttentag - birds - investor - leithner - Gigerenzer - gigerenzer - gigerenzer - gender - ToxicologyRisk - SkillLuckMauboussin -
Obsession vs Delayed Gratification: marshmallow - marshmallow -
Rebalancing: QualValueStrategy - Consodine -
Economy Consumer Confidence Survey: gallupWeek - gallupSpending - google - retailgraphs - ConfBdConsumerConfidence
- UMichConsumerSentiment - ABCConsumerComfort
- ConsumerComfort
- gallupSchedule - RBCcash - UMich Econ & Agric
- IncomeSentier - IBD/TIPP
- TechnoMetrica
- topbrands - quirkyIndicators - patchwork - patchwork -
Investor Confidence: Moody - twittersentiment - googleTrends - IMX - margin - trimtabsflow
- trimtabs flow - fundflowFRB
- AAIInvestor - InvestorSentiment
- InvestBusDaily - IBDpoll - tweettrader - YaleCrashConfid
- ShillerYaleInvestorConf
- McKinsey(sby 11J) - dukeCFO - BAML - MerrillLynchAffluent - MLCFO - MLfundmanagers - BAML us equity strategy -
General Strategy:
kahneman - soros - livermore - scarcityrevolution -
Economy Leading Indicators: confboard
- IncomeSentier - NFCI - FREDstlouis - FRED - FRED - piger - capspec - CommerceRetailSales - JohnsonDiffusion - consumers - Spectator - aggregateSpreadDieli - ECRI - ecri - ecri - ecri - confbdvsECRI - shrm - yieldspread(Estrella&Miskin)
- yieldcurve - yieldcurve - VIX
- VIX - TEDspread
- steelAISI - steelnet - architectBilling -
Transport: railfax - AmAsRail - railinc - shipping - transportgraphs - ATAtruck - ceridianUCLAdiesel - BalticBulkShipping - BalticIndex - Harpex - FreightRates - BalticExch - BalticSlate - BulkCompanies - trucktonnage - gtnexus -
Economy Indicators: MoneySupply
- M3 - M3 - Williams - thumbcharts - fidweek
- TreasuryReserve
- FedChicagoNatlActivityCFNAI - StLouisFinStress - FedClevelandMedianCPI
- FederalReserve - FedNY
- FedPhily - FedPhilyADS - ADS - FedCal
- FedDallas - FedDallas - FedAtlanta
- FedStressKC - ADPemployment - employmentbias - CensusNews -
CommerceBurEcoAnal - BigpictureCommodities
- contango - CramerMktBottoms
- KassTop - censusrept - OilWeekDOE
- EconIndicators
- FRBbostonindicators
- FRBbostonstockmkt
- IndustialCapacity
- PurchasingMgr - CensusMfgOrders
- ISM - ISM - ISMsupplymgt
- CFOcapitalspending - businessroundtable
- ECRIcycle - PMIquarterly
- duke - petrorisk
- LaborDeptStats - xe
currency - FINWeb - Nashville
Factbook - Personal
Investment and Tax Info- UCan Entrepreneur
- Thomas Register - Exporting -
galt - fidelity
- WSJ headlines - business
websource - $stat-usa - social
stratification - e-health
crash - fidelitycycle
- fidcycle - housingvaluation05
- NAHBindex - FreddieMac
- Street6/5
- KPMGeurope - Lloyds
- CBIbritindustry
- InstOfDirectors
- Rydex Cash
Flow Ratio - Rydex
Cash Flow Ratio - S&P-PE
- S&PCommercialPaper
- Obamanomics - BIS - MishGlobal - WilliamsShadow - tischendorf -
InflationDeception: Nutting
- daze - Gross
- Conrad
- WilliamsShadowstat - mit - home
price increase slows inflation - bailoutholes
- realestate
cracks - rent
- Jubak
- JubakInflationProtection
- InflationComparisons - FedClevelandMedianCPI
- Erosion
- GAOcomptroller - Kass
- housingbubble
- Interest rise is to hold foreign dollar owners (creditors in Asia & Arabia),
is a cost to business and inflationary in its own right. SmithCommodwillfall07
- openness&inflation
- bankleverage
- PanicRisk
- panicPsych - williams - Miller
- BernankeLie
- Hamilton
- WarBegetsTaxes&Inflation - Allexander - FarrellAddiction - PCEPI - PCEPI - chainedCPI - chainedCPI -
Ponzi Economics: Kim
- Quinn
Secular Cycle: Lounsbury
- Lounsbury
- fidcycle - fidelitysectorcycle
- simuflation
- feeney - trend1871-2011 -
Kondratieff Long Wave ~55 yr cycle: answers
- astrocycle - rockwell
- kwave - Mish
- mcminn - kavanagh
- angelfire
Martin Armstrong (Princeton Economics) 8.6 yr (3141day) cycle: Saville
- contra
- best -
Housing Bubble: meltdown
- NAHBhousingIndx
- housingstocks
- stlouisfed15 - dallasfed05
- dallasfed06
- dallasfed07
- bostonfed
- GoldmanSachsShortsCustomers
- CounterpartyRiskMgt - RiskvsProfitMgt - underwaterZillow -
Recession Declines: wsj - recessionStrategy -
2008 mortgage leverage bank ripoff crash collapse and recovery: 1873
- Milliken -
- derivatives
- 1998deregulation
- BSgoldsqueeze
- dollarcarry
- regfixes
- comptroller - PeterSchiff - VARvalueatrisk
- Rogoff
- econbrowser
- Dalio
- Reshaping
- recovery
- GeithnerBadBank
- Cramer -
- Price
- Black - AIG-Merkel
- AIGbailout - zillowHomeEquity
- 09recovery - MistakesNewman - Appelbaum - PrechtorNov09 - townsend - Sloan - Sloanfix - Goetzmann - Gorton - Warren - GS - GSlobby - GSroles - Harrison - Rogoff - Rogoff - Krugman - FNMAE5% - homeownfaith - Bowen - FedDallas - Lewis - Brooks - May6marketgap - Butter - Klarman - ChinaDominance - BPhomicide - Soros - Harshaw - CDOgriffin - Samuelson - Grassley - Davis - Perry - Johnson - japandecline - QEfailure - Mauldin - Nutting - ShillingBottom - ObamaCompromise - SpainGoldDecadence - FooteFRB - Moore - Morgan - FedBubble - CrisisInquiry - CrisisInquiry - roche - butter - miskin - postreboundSlump - 2nddip - butter - IPOcartel - GoldmanCon - welfareBanks - Sloan - recoveryslowWF - AAAdebtsurge - AltigRebound - bearRebound - zeroInterest - bailoutcosts - monetism - S&Pdowngrade - trillionbailout - QE3conrad - QE3brown - slowrecovery - finding2ndbottom - Eurocrash - Eurocrash - 30yrdecline - KassMuddle - currencyRevulsion - ritholtz - beckworth - austeritynohelp - financialDebt - hiddenbailout - hiddenbailout - Roche - Obamabeatsreagan - SEC - Lo21books - Lo - stimulus3yr - Galbraith - Samuelson12 - refi - 8reaganfailures - MERS - orsag - sloan - 1763 - libor - liborEuro - dummies - supplychaincontagion - contagion - 21trillionOffshore - SecretAccounts - pearlstein - fiscalcliff - cliff - cliff - cancelbonds - MS - frontlineUntouchables - NuttingRealProblems - MenegattiDeleveraging - Dent - currencywar - currencywar - goldbuying - G20currencyrestraint - konczal - devaluations - deval - DalioDeleverge - DalioEcon - 72yrCycle - wagedrag - sectorsRecovered - RobertsGoldShort - fedNakedShortGold - shortViaJPM/HSBC/BNS - bullionbanks - tradesurplus - stockinflation - bubblesMauldin - nextRecession - dollar2yuan - FranceBetter - WuXiaShadowRate - WuXia - InsuranceDerivatives - YuanDevaluation2015 - creditDefaults - dollarbubble - goldfall - peaking - chinadownturn - chinalimits - ChinaPettis - 2015high - 2016recession - InflatedAssetsNotWages - yen - enddebtDruckenmiller - 2016peak - negRatesNoRiskCrash - ChinaManip - Japanzero - dollarBrazilManip - realtycrashes - trumpbump - collapse - trumpreset -
Currency Competitive Devaluation: wiki - help - blumenthal - reserveCurrency -
SubprimeProfiters: FN
- Harbinger - Paulson - Balestra - Scion - Peloton
Insurance regulation:
captives - vouchers -
UMd: Econ
- Inforum
- EconData
Contents - asia - inter
Amer dev bank - FergusonM3realty
home ownership distortions: times -
Bubble anticipation: Gerow - socialmania - bubblesKass - Barlevy - correctionHui - bubblesMauldin -
BearProofing: morningstar
- Sjuggerud
- ratecuttips
- bearmarkethistory
- Jubak
- Jubak1/08
- MickeyBearBottom
- Ritholtz10Mistakes -
Stagflation: economist
- bradford
- JubakLiquidityCrisis
- Jubak7/06 - Fuchs10/07
Economic stimulus: poor -
Pricing Power: wsj11 - prag -
DemographicBoom until 08: dentrec
- dent
Dollarization: frbatlanta
- dollarindexFRBAtlanta
Federal Reserve:
rogue - earlyFRB -
National Default:
polycap -
Savings Lifecycle: FRBboston
Trading Rules: Farley
Debt: holders - US -
Economy & Political Election:
silver -
Blockchain bitcoin: dabbs - mckinsey - transactions - nytimes - andressen - mining - bitkill -
Business News: yahoo
- yahoofin - NBR
- NBRmonitors
- nytimes - NYTimesFront
- WSJfront - thestreet(sbyj)
- cnbc - washpost
- cbsmktwatch
- PSG - investorlinks - busweek
- busweek - businessSTD
- bloomberg(sobj) - RBC
- efinancial - InvestBusDaily
- schaeffer - barrons - IMF
- MBRvideo
- kiplinger
- wellsfargo
- msnbc
- smart
- dow - s&p - Google
- inetstocks - CNNfn
- cnn - kernen
- optionmonster - ragingbull
- money hotstocks - nando
- wsj(ms) -
j) - smartmoney - elliotwave
- lax - multex
- tradingday - streeteye
links - ceohome - smart
- stocksmart - cbsscreener
- businesswire - excite
- cnet - fool
noon - asiabiz - nytimes
(sobear yui) - boston
globe - boston - houston
(sbear) - investorama
- Der Spiegel - NBR
- vicars - green
- IDB - datek
- sb (sbear) - thestreet
- newspage - newsalert
- comodities - money
- yahoo list - sjmercury
- ru - holt
- schwab (bear1q) - pcquote
- wallstcity - financialtimes
- IBD -
Digital Tech News: AllThingsDigital -
Index vs Managed:
Butler -
GainersWinnersLosers: morningstar
- marketwatch
- wsj - cnn - breakout - allstock
- Wpost
- schaeffer
- IndiaSulekha - OTCgain - OTCloss
- NYgain - NYloss
Outlook Opinions Advisors Commentary: Mauldinfx
- Markman - rjames - lewitt - grantham(sbej) - bespoke - dashofInsightMiller - dashofinsight - DShort - McClellan - shorttakes - Pimco - McBrideCalcRisk - sumzero - quantifEdge - AbnormalReturns - SeekingAlpha - Riesner - ubs - tweeters - Briefing - shilling - chrisperruna - maui - asymmetry - schwab - PaulsonWells - hoisington - roberts - TrainerNewConstructs3moold - puplava
- HamiltonEconbrowser - ContraQuant - econbrowser
- marketoracle - briefing(excite)
- Blodget - grantham
- fedsmith
- hussman - hussman - picerno - seeit - webbot - Saut - zaroDG - rogers - jubak
- barclays
- slopeofhope - tsptalk - forex - guru - InvestIntelAdvisSentiment
- InvestIntelAdvisSentiment
- Sedacca
- changewave - armageddon - krugman
- everbank
- pfennig - tickersense
- BMO - sabrient
- confbd
- PunkZiegel - PZpicks
- investIntellig
- minyanville - rothbort
- FreddieMac
- portfolio21mo
- kirk
- Bogle
patience - mktwatch
- BollingerEquityTrader(sbexcitj)
- hedgeblog - icahn
- swimmer - Shorr
- delong
- hedgefolio - Fink08
- traderpsyche - Astyk
- McClellanSumBreadth
- notableCalls - fidelity - HilaryKramerGamechanger - Rastani - greenblatt - MS2012-growth - BeseniusCreativeGlobal - minyan - shell -
Market news commentary emails alerts: wellsfargo
- WFday - valuelineDay - rbc - marketwatch - seekingalpha - marketwatch
- forex - PSG
efinancial - briefing(excite)
blogSentiment - AAIIsentiment - SentimentTrader - HarmonicsPutCall - greedometer -
Short Term Charts Timing: PrechterElliotWave - SwenlinDecision -
email news: thomson - businessweek
- busweek
- marketwatch
- streetauthority(sobj) - forbes
- gsearch
- access
Stock Analysis: advfn(sobyj) - zscore -
Covestor - Wealthfront -
Reputation: CFOtop50 -
Research: yahoo - capitalcube - reuters
- reutersmultex - smartstops
- multex - foolCAPSratings
- Stockpickr(sbearj) - marketocracy
- investhumor
- Institutional
buysell - wallstreetselect
- zacks - NYTimesStockscreen
- PE6-24,
+50day - powerratingRecentMove
- navellier(20874)
- prudential - starmine
analyst ranking - investars - dailystock/gigablast
- 50tools - MikeBurry - ThornburgMktanal
- ThornburgHoldings
- thomson - msn
- dow - bearstearns
- abwatley - investools(sbearj)
- thomson (bear sbear@uj) - starmine
- Daniel Turov (pred 1974 & 2000) - PKZnanotech
- valueline - lipper(bear@m
j) - mckinsey - BHrigcounts
- rigs - soros
- MSCI(sbexj) -
ShillerMktData -
- GrahamValue
- Lynch
- Templeton
- Piotroski
- Fisher
- BIS -
Short interest: viwes search - viwes
nasdaq - locatestock -
big shorts - shortstation
- cnbc
- bearmarket - PutCall
Insider: cow - form4oracle
- form4oracle - stockpickrInsider
- insiderInsight - stockpickrBuyback
- barrons
- iiol -
cnbc - cbs
- motleyfool
- insider wsj -
yahoo-insider - yahoo
- insider (Gabele) -
Stockpickr favorites: Insider
- InsiderMonkey(sbex) - Buyback
- downgrades
- SAC - piqqem
Picks: redchip - bw
- oli - derby
- brinker - navisoft
- CustomerServiceAwards
Audio: wmet - broadcast
- broadcast - cnn
- cnn - cnbcdj
- nasdaqupdate -
Technical charts: bigcharts
- slopeofhope - cnbc
- stockpoint - ivolatility
- clearstation - smartmoney
- tradingday - easy
- marketplayer - bullbearwise
- Hindenburg
- HindenbergOmen
- HindenbergOmen
- Coppock
Tech Timing: ContraQuant
- smartstops - KassTopSigns -
charts: stocks - funds
- top
250 funds - nasdaqHeatmap
- S&P-PE
- S&P-PE
RoboAdvisors: wealthfront - betterment - vanguard - schwab -
Funds Research: morningstar
- zacks - smartmoney
- smartmoney25
- marketwatch
- mojo - fundalarm - fundday
- scoreboard
- mfi - mfi(brill)
- mfcafe - mfmag
(BEA857A2, BEATUC) - fundalarm
- iionline - mfea
- stockjungle - lipper(bear@m
j) -
ETF Research: ETFripoff
- ETFlag - etfconnect - wsj
- ETF's - ETF
- ishares - ETFs
- ETFbudget -
Fund screening: morningstar
- quotecom (sobear,jkl) - cnbc
- stockpoint - mf
central - fundfocus - findafund
- schwab
- marketwatchfundsectors
Hedging: fundcreator - fundcreator - Black-Scholes
volatility - Black-Scholes - DividendPayers - Wealthfront -
Closed End Funds: site - closedend - funddata - viper - cefa - etfconnect -
Innovative: bw08 - forbes -
Funds: TechOppty(tefqx)
- CGMfocus(cgmfx)
- CGM(lommx)
- Auer(auerx)
- Jensen(jensx) - TIAA-CREF
- oak - citWA
- EriksenCedarCreek
- hennessy CornerstoneGrth
(hfcgx) - drcm
- open - Torray(toryx)
- OberweisMicroCapFund(obmcx)
- PerrittMicroCapOpty(prcgx)
- Hussman(hsgfx)
- Ariel(argfx,
- fundfamilies
- invescoPower - firsthand(sob11)
Schwab: bank -
Fidelity: sector - bank - FidGrowthDiscov(fdsvx) - FidContra(fcntx) -
Vanguard: VanguardFunds - VGtransfers - vanguard
index - ETFsectors -
Technology: hot16 - Ycombinator - TR50innovators - VGInfoTech(vitax)
- VGInfoTechETF(vgt)
- VGtelecomETF(vox)
- VGCapOpty(vhcox)
- VGPrimeInv(vpmcx) - TRPriceMedia(prmtx)- PrimecapAggGrowth(poagx) - PrimeOdessyGrowth(pogrx) - PrimeOdessyStock(poskx) - tlfqx
tifqx tvfqx
tefqx - fidelity
- FidEl(fselx) - SeligmanCom(slmcx)
- yahooSearch361
- applegoogle - fastgrowers -
Robot: hargreaves - alpha -
CyberSecurity: hack - motif - cibr - chkp - vdsi - tmicy - feye - cuda - qlys - rdwr - cybr - ftnt - panw - symc - splk - pfpt - blox - impv - zixi -
Realty REIT real estate: 2014 - VGreit(vgslx)(vgsix)
VGreit - CGM(cgmrx)
- HCP(hcp) - NatlAssnRealtor
- UShousingindex - investreit
- natlAssocReit - analysis - reitcafe
- reitUniv - forbes
- caseshiller
- caseshiller
- shillerBasis - housing10 - plumCkTimber(pcl) -
foreclosures - MassForeclosures
- RentPriceRatio
- RentPriceRatio
- housingbusts - rentalopty09
- IRArealty - SFRhomebonds -
MidCap: TSP-S - TSP-S - TSP-Spdf - w4500 dwcpf- VGCapOpt(vhcox) - VGStrateg(vseqx) - VGMidGrthIndx(vmgix)
- VGMidIndx(vimsx)
- vmgix&vimsx - VGMidGrowth(vmgrx)
- VGSelVal(vasvx) - VGCapVal(vcvlx)
- VGExtIndmidsml(vexmx)
- gorenscreen - TRPriceNewHorizon(prnhx) - TRPriceSmallValue(prsvx) -
Small Growth: VGStrategEqity(vseqx) - VGSmlGrthIndx(visgx)
- VGExplorer(vexpx) - VGStrategSml(vstcx) - VGSmlIndx(naesx) - VGSmlIndxAdmir(vsmax) - AmCentVista(twcvx) - NorthernSmallVal - braix - Fairholme - 100small - baronOpty - brown - midgrowth - PriceSmDiver(prdsx) - stratton(stscx) -
BigLarge: VGIndustrials (vis) - VGTotStkIndx(vtsmx)
- VGGrthIndx(vigrx)
- VGUSGrth(vwusx)
- VGGrthEq(vgeqx)
- VngrdCalvert(vcsix)
- RydexRussel50(xlg) - TSP - TSPtalk - TSPdaily - TSPwithdrawal - TSPwithdrawal - TSPwithdrawal - TSPwithdrawal - TSPwithdrawOptions - TSPmanage - TSPreports - TSPhack - TSPwiki - CauseyFedRadio - mgrix - PriceGrowth - AllianzFoc(pgwax) - AIGsun(fgi)
- Rafi1000 (prf) - cws - cws -
IncomeGrowth: VGDivGrowth(vdigx vig) - (vug) - 22earners - 2017 - VGDivApprec(vdaix) - VGEquityInc(veipx) - VGGrowthInc(vqnpx) - SPemergdiv - isharesDJemergdiv - alphaDG - DividendPayers - DividendPayers - FirstTrustStrategHiIncII(fhy) - stonemor(ston) - 2013screen - dividendBad -
IncomeDividend: morningstar - VGDiv(vym) -
Medical HealthPharmBiotech: (several)
- price(prhsx)
- ihidevice(ihi) - fidbiotech(fbiox)
- fidhlth(fphax)
- fidmedEqip(fsmex) - fidPharm(fphax) - fidinsur -VngrdHlth(vghcx)
- VngrdHlthetf(vht) -
Touchstone(thbcx) - (gthbx) - amcentlife(alsix)
- fidmeddeliv(fshcx)
- fidmedeqpt (fsmex) - fidhealthcare (fsphx) - GeneLogicdrugrepositioning - smartmoneyreview - marketwatchlist - FHhealth(hsfqx)
- Bumblebee - biohealth - santaurus - investorsHub -
International: VgrdIntlGrowth(vwigx)
(but eur fin) - VGIntlExplMidEur(vinex) (but eurjap) - VgrdTotalIntl(vgtsx)
- VGIntlVal(vtrix)
- dodfx - Portfolio21(portx)
- oakix - fidelity - FidSpartan(fsiix)
- AmCentury - TempletonDragonFund(TDF) - 10global -
Emerging: mauldin - VGEmerg(veiex)(vemax) (but 1% fin) - VGEmergtETF(vwo)
- VGEmergSel(vmmsx) (but 1% fin) - TRPEmerg(prmsx) - MSCI(bric) - isharebric(bkf) - S&P(bik) - (ibzl) - (lnft) - claymore(eeb) - AmCentEmrg(twmix)(but1.7%) -
Asia: VGPacif(vpacx)
- FidSEAsia(fseax)
- FidJapan (fjpnx) - FidPacBasin(fpbfx)
- GreaterChina(gch)
- WFAsia(saspx) - Singapore(ews)
- ews - YenLiquidity - asia
closed end - WBchina - Japan2011 - JapanInflation -
ChinaNews: economy - pettis - danwei - digitaltimes - ChinaAfrica - ChinaReach -
India: funds - street06 - MatthewsIndia (mindx) - INDA - BarclayiPathETF - PowersharesETF(pgk) - MorganStanley(iif) - BlackstoneIndiaFund(ifn)
- EatonVance - BSEsensex -
LatinAmer Funds: fidelityLA(flatx)
- PriceLA(prlax)
- IsharesMex(eww)
- MexClosedFund(mxf)
- IPC - theMexfund - MexEquity(mxe)
- ML(mdltx) - LATM(latm) - DWS(slafx)
- IsharesBrazil - Brazil(ewz)
- ScudderLA(slafx) - LADiscovery - Equity - BarclaysIshares - argentina -
Africa: 11 - etfdb - MSCISoAfr(eza) - TRP(tramx) - MktVect(afk) - AspenPharmacare (apnhf) -
Value Funds: VgrdIntlVal(vtrix)
- Vgsmlvalreit(visvx)
- VGusval(vuvlx)
- VGcapval(vcvlx)
- VGvalindx(vivax)
- VGselval(vasvx)
- Schneider - NorthernSmallVal - rsvax - umbix - muhlx - firsteagle(feafx)
- Clipper(cfimx)
- DodgeCox(dodgx) - WinslowGreen(wggfx)
- RoyceVal - ValueAdvisors -
Manufacturing: mckinsey -
Intl banking: everbank - myoffshore - BluePlanet -
Commodity: elNinoYears - growth - contango - MktVector(gdx)
- PimcoCommodity(pcrdx)
- trpReal(prafx) trpNewEra(prnex) - Oppenheimer - Oppenheimer(qraax)
- RydexComm(rymbx)
- SmithCommodwillfall07 - grains -
Gold: sharelynx - oracle - morningstar - writedownfraud - goldoilratio - goldmyths - goldpsych - goldchoices - goldoptionstrategy - costs - costs - betas - pwc2011 - Allexander - johnson - VGPrecMetl(vgpmx)
- VgMatl(vmiax)(vaw) - GDX(gdx) - AmCentGold(bgeix)
- Eldorado - FirstEagle SoGenGold (sggdx)
- worldgoldcouncil - swissamerica - Philadelphia
Gold/Silver Index(xau)
- CBOE Gold(gox)
- bullionexch - goldline - Endeavour - SilverWheaton(slw)
- goldMay06 - rangold - centamin - Northgate - aurizon - zeal - aurelian - iamgold - metaltrader - MervPrecious - goldholdings - Barnes - goldcarry - goldwaste - Perry - goldDowCorrelation - gold2011 - gold11 - gata - SocialEcoCost - smallstocks - minevsbullion - goldvsinterest - value2011 - 2012 - bigfunds2012 - standardnobenefit - Lassonde - goldlocationmap - companies - jhmint - liquidity - biggestmines - centerra -
energy petro: VGEnrgy(vgenx)
- altenergy - psce - debt - FidOilSvc(fsesx)
- TRPriceNewEra(prnex)
- PetroStatist - CanadaSecurities - spectra - DollarIndx - alt - wind - gastrans - oilprice - MarchettiDecarbonization - Pemex - batteries - masstransit - reserves2010 - storage2015 - frackingWater - fracking - frack - frackchem - shale - uranium - bostonfed - small - drops - drops - futures - transport (air, ship, pipes, auto), hotel, util, -
energy altern green: panelcomp - lithium - funds - altergy - newalt(nalfx) - FirstgreentechETF(qcln) - fidelity(fslex) - firsthand(altex) - guiness(gaaex) - sunpower - firstsolar - solar - GugenheimSolar(tan) -
metal: ipathNickel - rareearth - rareearthrisk - dajinLi -
fertilizer: filloon - niebert -
currency dollar: xe - ipath - dg - bernanke - reserveCurrency -
hedge: Mcmillan - cashtiming - Colliard -
Water: CGW - PHO - PallisadesIndx(zwi)
- Lindsay(lnn) - Veolia(ve)
- Tetra(ttek) - Pentair(pnr)
- Kinetics(kwinx) - Sustainable(smwnx) - First(fiw) - PFW(pfwax) - Allianz(awtax) - Calvert(cfwax) - Powershares(pio & pho) - summit - funds -
Environmental: green -
Financial: Business Development:
Security Military: 5security -
hain rxsd
ctea wfmi
fcvsx cncvx
oaklx wvalx
waidx fmiox
waegx wogsx
tefax tfsix
fspcx fidix
MITTS: Tobias
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RFID: rfidnews - rfidJ
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Quotes: cbs
charting - bigcharts
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search - S&P10
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Options: zentrader - depresseddividendstock - investopedia - investopedia - oic - coveredcalls - coveredcalls - nakedput - thinkorswim
- straddle - Pyle
- longtermLeaps
- leaps - riskaversion
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Covered Call BuyWrite funds:
nasdaq - strategy - pbp -
link format
Onlinebrokers Trades: foolcompar
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financial performance: dlj -
wsrn - finportfolio
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Tax defered earnings: fidelity
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Banking online: wpost
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OPMservices - OPM 888-767-6738,
202-606-0500, OPMforms - OPMreemployFERS
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soc sec app: max - onlineap -
Money Market:
quinn09 -
Will: documents -
Longevity Deferred Annuity: allfinancial
- SSRN-id992423 -
Bankruptcy default garnishment attachment: DOEdLoanSvc
- DOEd - ebankrupt - planetclick
- nyheac - TSP
- dfas
- debtcollection
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- creditinfocenter
- loanthis - PayAsYouEarn - PayAsYouEarn -
Certainty of Hopelessness undue hardship Brunner test: BrunnerAnderson - times - Brunner - pardo - iuliano - hancock - patton - robicsek - napier - SFlawlib - VAunemployable -
Lockhart SocSec offset over 750/mo: nclc - rhode - slba - USbrief
- USbrief
- abanet
- Lockhartbrief
- LockhartDecisionpdf
- DOEhardship - SocSecstop -
Conflict of protecting poor aged vs. collecting debt: Debt Collection Improvement
Act of 1996, which passed after the 1991 Higher Education Assistance Act that
eradicated 10 yr limit, exempts the first $9,000 in federal benefits annually
from offset and left old language expressly preventing administrative offset
of social security benefits if the claim was outstanding for more than 10 years.
Dept treasury rules limit to 15% of the monthly benefit. - cornell.
conflictofInterest -
Bankrupt statistics: uscourts - bankruptcyaction - bankruptcylawfirms - abi - garnish -
Student Loan Educat School: snake - ReliefDallasFed - payasearn - crowdingotherdebt - crackerjack - dreamdestroyer - homes - citibankCFPB - USassets - halfnotpaying - forgivenessDeduction - forgivePublicSvc - Bair - SocSec - retirement - diminishing -
Business - Management
Consulting: guru -
Business Plan: bizplan
- Berry
Bill handling: Billquick - quicken - mint - wesabe
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Trade: ITA - fed
trade regulations - freetrade -
Investment Education: Goetzmann
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Money is: Hilsenrath -
Wise Wisdom: thiel - SorosReflectivityMIT94
- SorosCEU2009 -
Regulation Reform: latimes
Bank for International Settlements: wiki - BIS -
microfinance discredited: foreignpolicy -
Keynes -
AynRandFollies: Lozada - Edwards - badforbusiness - notlibertarian -
Banking History:
DutchFiatMoney1600s - FlorinDecline1780s - banksCreateMoney -
Program Algorithm Trading: flashcrash -
Inequality: supplyfailure - supplyjobs -
Capital: 5sources: inheritance/resources; savings; access to financial markets; government; crime Brenner -
Corporate Welfare: taxbreaks -
Franchises: 2012ranked -
Transfer cash across border: exodus -
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