SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry

Places West

California: lycosjobs - statejobs - californiacoast - beachquality - strongcities - CaSeniorhousingsearch - Caseniorhousingsearch - satelitepics - gis - CaDieselReg - WiFiParks - SoCalQuakes - ArkStormFlood - Arkstorm - asbestosmap - asbestos - 2014ENSOdrought - SierraTectonics - SierraGeol - SierraUplift - violence500BC - drought - drought2014 -
Cal fires: firecenter - modis - OfcEmergSvc -
SoCal: smog -

LA Los Angeles: USCarea - USCbioinf - PuertaSolLincolnHt - LAfarmermkt - crimemap - thriftstoresmap - thriftyelp - WSSshoe (SunsetWestern) - Shoecity Glendale -
LAvisit: VisitorBur - downtown - lacom - times - couchsurf -
 Transit: metroPlanner - googlePlanner - metroRoutes - dashRoutes - Dashbusmap - metrolinktrain - LP - discover - TAPcard - TAPsenior - customerCtr - UnionSta 800NAlameda - BigBlueCoast - trafficdelays - traffictips -
  DMV: DMV 800-777-0133 - DMVoffices - DMVlocat - 3615 S Hope, LA 90007 - 3529 N Mission, LincolnPk 90031 -
  maps: trafficmap - satellite -
  outoftown: XeDoBus - goto - USAsia - pasadenatransit -
  airport: airportLongBuses - airportFlyawayBus - FlyawaySched - flyawayUnionSta - airportbus - airport - airportTerminalMap - flightview -
  bike: labike - bikepaths - rentBikeNation - CicLAviaApr -
 Edu Library: LApublic - LAcounty -
 Media: LAtimes - Weekly - eastsider - WhereLA - cbsNightlife - KCRW - KPCC - KRTH - singular -
 Events: weeklyCalendar - torrance - festsacred - scorebig - craigGroups -
 Music: weeklyMusic - latimes - timeout - timeoutFree - zup - andy - LevittLA - LevittPasadena - GrandPerf - Lacma - downtown - venues - echo - losglobos - WarnerTopanga - google - meetupMusicCal - meetup - craigsTickets - songkick - uclaEthnomus - GreekGriffith - latheatre - rupak - hollywoodBowl - salsacongress - philharmonic - ClubMayan - catalinajazzdinner -
 Housing Senior: ALA - LActy -

 Nature: Parks - coastGeol - TsunamiRisk - walks - BlockerBeach - wildcatCyn - meetupHikes - meetuphiking -
  Plants Botany: linked - NativePlantSoc - LAarboretumArcadia - UCLA-Mathias - StaMonicaMtPlants - StaMonicaPlants - StaMonicaPic - LasPilitas - SanGabrielMtPlants -
  Hikes: SierraClub - ChartersLogs - KauferOjaiHerbWalks - GriffithMeetup - HikingMeetup - NatPltSoc - NPSfb - StuntRanchUCreserve - CoastalSlope - Backbone - BaudarForage -
  Hiking trails: socalhiker - LAmountains - LAmtTrails - discover - modern - every - thrilldate -
   trails Pasadena: sturtevant -
   trails Malibu: solstice -
  Weather: SWdroughtforecast - subsidence -

EASTSIDE: wikitravel -
Echo Park 90026: googleBusPlan - wiki - EchoClub - EchoClub - DashPicoSched - DashPico - DashPico - DashPico -
  1607 Donaldson St 90026 to UCLAmedWestwood - RT) walk 1.2 mi or DashPico (every 14) to Sunset, 2/302 75min to Hilgard - RT) DashPico to 6Witmer 20min, 720 Wilshire, walk or shuttle or BigBlue3 sched - RT) DashPico to MacArthur & 1 block or Alvarado3 & 2 blocks, 720 or 20 70 min to Wilshire - RT) walk Allesandro Whitmore, 603 to Sunset, 2/302 75min to Hilgard - RT) walk Allesandro Whitmore, 603 to MacArthur, 720 or 20 to Wilshire -
 Univ So Calif main by Coliseum s of rt10: (main Libraries - SeaverSci Vt&Exposition -
 USC health med Lincoln Pk 90089: map - map - HelixCatalog - NorrisMedLib - card - staff - pharm - googleRoutes - bus78 - bus96 - bus92 -
 LA City College: library -
Burbank: AlisoGasStorage - AlisoGas -

Pasadena: LevittPavillion - HuntingtonGarden - weekly - Starnews - city - wiki - planning - MillardCamp - rain - Caltech - citycollege - transit - pasadenatransit - AngelesNatForest - raymondfault -

Westwood UCLA: wikitravel - bigbluebusW -
 UCLA westwood: UCLAlib - UCLAbiomedDarling - wifi UCLA_web - hours - UCLAvisit - UCLAmathiasBotG - FigueroaExt (Dash 3Witmer) - maps - map - map - shuttles - shuttleBruin Bruin - buses -
room housing: couch - couchUCLA - craigWest - craig - LAtimeshome - homefinder - hostels - Venice35 - HIStaMonica55 - InglewoodAdventurebyairport65 -
events: StaMonicaPier -

Long Beach: LongBchFlyaway -
LBcitycollege 4901 E. Carson or 1305 E. PCH: LBCC - lib - lib - libmap -

Anaheim: AnaheimConvCtr - AnaheimHotelsmap - anaheimOC - maps - UCIrvineMedPharmJobs -

SanJacinto: park - park - tram -

Orange County: CrystalCove - SanElijoBch - VanguardUmeals - hiketrails - shuttle2lax -
Sta Ana: observatory -
Newport Bch:
Laguna Beach: city - wiki - homeless - LB -

SanDiego: craigs - MadreGrandeDulzura - GeneAnalScripps - rarefruit - Goldtrail6nudeBeach - watersources - CarlsbadDesalination - Desal -
transit: MTS - googleplanner - XeDoBus - sandag - busbud - goto - Greyhound - TijuanaCBX - CBX - coaster to Ocn + Orange to LAunion - surfliner - amtrak - toLAX - toLAX - toLAX - LongBchFlyaway - bikeshare -
media: Reader - FreePress - Voice - CityBeat - UnionTrib -
culture events: reader - UT - UTmusic - CBmusic - CtrWorldMusic - SDorg - SDcom - OmoAcheCuba - afroJaziacs - afroRumba - rueda -
room temp: hostels - Hostel Hostel (521 Market, 800-909-4776) - OBhostel - PBhostel - acsmeeting - hotels at perdiem - conv ctr map - B&B - Best Western Bayside, 555 W Ash, 619-233-7500; Comfort Inn Downtown, 719 Ash, 232-2525; Quality, 1430 7Av, 800-404-6835; Staybridge, 1110 A, 795-4000 -
 rentals: affordable - yelp - SDHC -

North San Diego: busroutes - NCTDrail - Bastyr - PacificOriental -
UCSD: Events - Seminars - integrative - integJrnl4thWed - GilmanTransitCtr - buses - transport -
La Jolla Village 92037: wiki - TJ
University City 92122: wiki - gov - UCnews - 201superloop - superloop - TJ - sperling - UTCmall - miramarNoise -
 UC housing: crossroads - zillow - bastyr -
Scripps Ranch 92131: wiki -
Westwood: zillow -
Del Mar Ht, Pacific Highlands: TJ
Poway: wiki -org - TJ - BlackMt -
 Poway housing: uslow - housing - seniorhousing - affordable - AHA -

UCRiverside: seminars -

Palm Springs: PalmSpringsM8 - PalmSpringsLegends -
Pomona: rarefruitFest - California Rare Fruit Grower
Anza-Borrego Desert: plants - park -
DeathValley: desertSurvivorsCamping - nps - panamint -
JoshuaTree: BhaktiFestSept -
Mojave: preserve -
Ontario tent city for homeless: LAtimes -
Redlands: vaultJams -



Ventura: SespeHotSpring - vcstar - reporter - craigs - zillowrent - library -
 transit: VCTC - goldcoast - dialaride -
 Events: today - star - majesticTheater -
Camarillo: wiki - city - sperling - library - library - ISP - ISP -
Oxnard: transitctr -
Ojai: city - wiki - OVnews - CofC - MLS - OVconservancy - KauferHerbWalks - PotreroJohnTrail -

StaBarbara city (93013, 93101, 805): craigs - ucsb - SBCityCol - ColOrientalMed - sbcitygov - library - superpages - SBCFCU - naplesDev - cravingadventures - crimemap - homeless - PershingPk - gangs - landfill - TajiguasLandfill - venocoOil - aldana - traumachopper - McKinleyschool - immigrants - zoning2012 - taxrise - casmaliaToxicdump - coastkeeper - channelkeeper - harborparking - sherrif - MayEconTalk - chocolateMaya - antiDrillVote - life - showers - seniorResources - CasaDorinda -
 Water: cachuma - watersupply - waterdept - sewage - waterquality - drought - aerial -
 History: NicDen - MissionArchive - 1800 -
StaBarbara county: sbcountygov - housing - housingdev - affordhousing - county - parks - water - watershed - coopextension - ComActionComm - UnitedWay -
SB maps & transit: maps - maps - transit - biketrails - bicicentro - airport - taxi - 101jamsMontecito - eastside - 101widen - 101widen - roadprojects - shuttleLAX -
SBcity housing: craigs - independent - newspress - lowincome - sbhousing - housingauth - sbcchousing - stvincent - sbhomes - peopleshelp - mercy - housingtrust - homeless - pini - tenantunion - loop - bradley - pricey2014 - shortage - hostel - homeless - EsperanzaShelter - citycollegeDev - vacationrentals -
 senior housing: housingAuthority - seniornet -
SBmedia: Independent - noozhawk - ucsbnexus - dailysound - topix - PacBusinesstimes - Newspress - radio - kcbx90 - kcsb919 - kjee929 - kdb937 - citytv18 -
SBcity happening entertainment: downtowncalendar - arts - ucsbarts - topix - sbdancetribe - musNatlHist - musArt - musArt - beaches - symphony - arts - 10best - friendshipctr - liveoakfestJune - meetup - bandguide - lucidityfest - soundfuryJuly - goodcapitalist - muddywaters - bands - rhinonude - soho - Tonic -
SBinfo: wiki - downtown - info - CofC - muninet - library -
SBmed: cottageHlth - cottageHeart -
SBgeology: coastgeol - faults - usgsfaults - usgsfaults - quakemap - faults - CalGeol - beacherosion - CoastLighthouse - coastGeol - CatalinaCave - volcano - CuyamaGravel -
SBnature: BotGard - NatPltSoc - wildflowers - nature - StaYnezMt - tequepis - fees - SanRafaelWilderness - bikerides - Ynezbike - idyl - ColdSprings - manzana - manzanaCk - QuailSprPermaculture - oilLeak - playgrounds - sierraclub - sierraclub - sierraclub - flowers - McMenemy - rarefruit - truthaquatics - Figueroa - SedgwickUCreserve - hurricanedeck - wildernessmaps - map - forestmanager - huntingareas - goletagrapevine -
 Los Padres: LosPadresExpansion - LosPadresSEIS - HikeLosPadres - LosPadresCondorTrail - LosPadresSespeTrail -
SBnature trails: CareyGuide - FordSBoutdoors - hikesMacala - losttrails - losttrails - gaviota - JaJollaSpring - ArroyoBurro - ArroyoBurro - ArroyoHondo - ArroyoHondo - blueCyn - gibraltardam - matilija - matilija - rockyridge - cumbre - GrassMt - ColdwaterCamp - RattlesnakeCynTunnel - IndianCk - IndianCk - LittleSur - Tequepis - CachumaLake - MtPinos - PineMt - PineMt - CottamCampBlueCyn - brown - aMcCaslinhotspr - McCaslinHotSpring - MontecitoHotSpring - hotspring - backcountry - CondorTrail - whiteledge - madulce - pinnacles - raycamp - Manzana - ManzanaRays - PotreroJohnTrail - PotreroHurricane -
Beaches: total - sb - about - Bates - naturist - nudelaw - traincrossing - beachbacteria -
Goleta: city - wiki - SoCoastCU - development - CoronadoButterflyPreserve - parking - lib - fairviewGardens - fairview - entrepreneurMagnet - 82"vehicles - strong - cops - techused - gasstorage - gasstorage - gasstorage - beachrocks - beachrocks - EllwoodOil - 175units -
Isla Vista UCSB: UCSBmap - TajiguasBch - intlStudents - newstudents - homelessstudents - housingOwnership - ghetto -
Sta Ynez Valley: wiki -
Solvang: chumashExpansion -
Lompoc: homeless -
Summerland: heller -
Gaviota: coastplan - coastplan - hansonrange - hansonrange -
Carpinteria: traincrossing - venocoplatform - beachhikecamp -

Sta Catalina Is: expressferry - CofC - conservancy - bus - StaRosaHuman -



San Luis Obispo: NewTimes - bikeclub - CalPoly - StaMariaRefinery - StaMariaCops - NipomoRefinery -
 Diablo nuke: wiki - diablo - diablopge - stats - nrc - coolingtowers - vulnerability - cooling - zim - abalonealliance -
 Hosgri & other faults: HosgriFault - faults - faultmap -

BigSur (mi S of Carmel): wiki - BigSurCampgroundandCabins25 - ventana30 - molera - pfeiffer26 - kirkCk54 - PlaskettCk60 - rt1parks - MtCarmel - hiking -

Carmel: wiki -
Pebble Beach:

Monterey: wikiCity - wikiCnty - city - CSU - CarmelRiver -
 transport: MST - MSTmap - MST - bus - amtrak -
 news, events: weekly - weekly - herald - countynews - yelpbars -
 housing: housing - ofchousing - afordhousing - craigs -
 nature: climate - hikespeak - everytrail - roots - see - sierraclub - Mflowers - nativeNPS - MtMadonna - NudeBeaches - elkhorn -
 med: commHospHeart -

Monterey Bay: sanctuary -
Pacific Grove: wiki -
Marina: wiki -
Salinas: wiki - SalinasRiver -
Castroville: wiki -
Moss Landing: wiki -
Watsonville 95076 831 : wiki - gov - PajaroDunes - PajaroRiver - OhlonePeople -
Aptos: wiki -

StaCruz County: wiki -
StaCruz: seniorhousing - wiki - craigsSBay - cohousing - PescaderoLighthouseHostel - NudeBeaches - ucscLibJournals - ucscLibVisit -
 culture: ucsc - ucsc -

San Jose:

Sacramento: yahoo - SacBee - lycos - lycosSacVly - SacCty -
 transport: gotobus - megabus - chinatownbus - XeDoBus - SacTransit - Yolobus -
 bed: hostels -
 fun: kvmr(Sac) - FolsomGraniteArts -
 nature: SacNativePlantSoc - SierraFoothillsNatPlant -
 jobs: SacBeeSearch - SacBeeBrowse - jobbank - sacmetro - softcom - jobsmart - jobsmartPapers - jobbank - Sacramento - SPN -
Davis: UCDavis - UCDlibrary - UCDavisEjournals - domes -

Nevada County: ncgold - map - citydata - roadmap - MLS - UnionNews - wiki - RedbudNativePlantSoc - GoldCtryStage - gingerninjas -
Grass Valley: googlemap - cityof - looksmart - aboutgv - downtown - wiki - BriarPatch - SierraCollege - SClibrary -
Nevada City: cohousing - aboutnc - historic - wiki - kvmr - citydata -
Placerville: EvergreenHerbsCandis -
Colfax: greyhound -
Chico: CSU - ArtCenter - CC -
Reno: burningmanLaborDay -
Fresno: ForestiereUnderground - historic -
Merced: cheaprent - UCMlibrary - catracks - transit - bus - busmap - yosemiteMercedbus - city - sunstar - times -
 Yosemite: wiki - natlpark - yartsbus - SierraFoothillsNatPlant -
Mammoth: mccaslinHikes -

BayArea: GGmap - GG - MtTamSteepRavineCabin - hostels - PARCforums - BotGarden - USGSgoldengate - NudeBeaches - FamilySvc - scorebig -
 transport: GoldenGateBussched - BART - BARTap - BARTap - sfmuni - muniarea - TL - transit - airportshuttles - XeDoBus - goto - commutetime -
 nature: easyhikes - hikes -
BayMedia: Weekly - kzsuEvents - kzsu901stanford -
SanFrancisco: FtMason - SFtravel - UCSFevents - UCSFjournals -
  farmers markets: cuesa - offgrid - bluxome -
Berkeley: cool - city - ecolfarmmkt - UCBerkEvents - UCBerkHealthLib - quirky - quirky -
Oakland: airporttransport - grandlakefarmermkt - easyfarmmkt -
San Mateo County: samtrans -
Redwood City 94059: city - transit - yelptransit - 270 - 274 - 278 - caltrain - craigs - zillow - trulia - QiagenIngenuity 1700 Seaport -
San Jose: Mariannis$20 - airport shuttle to Metro/Ayer rail for Redroof - CityCenterMotel 45 E Reed 408-998-5990 - budget - hackerhostels - dojo - hackerdojo -
Vallejo: cinnabar - wiki -



Sonoma: Bohemian -
 Occidental: BotanicalDimensions -
Eureka: HSU - yahoo - TimesStd - Humguide - humscape - humbee - lycos - Hum -
Eureka Jobs: ewizard - TimesStd - humguide - humscape - HumboldtCty - HSU -
Ukiah: DailyJournal -



UNIVERSITY of ARIZONA(win)- phonebook - UAtranscript - events - chemseminars - nextweekartscalendar - musicweb planning - compworkshopsHSC - compworkshopsLib - UAlandscaping -
UA Departments: all - grad cert - Pharmacy , mail lists - Medical - Biochem - ubrp conf - Chem - BioTech - Biodiversity - IntegrativeMed - Cell Bio - ARL - Ag - herbarium - ccit - ccit labs - FRI - kxci - limbo - kuat - jobs - campus plantwalk - azwater - catalogs - treeringlab - treeringMaps - cam
UA Library: SciLib
- Sabio keywd - Sabio jrnl - ILL - Sabio telnet - Quicksearch - MedLib Aloe - telnet - acct - PCCsearch - PCC - tucson/pima lib TucLib -
PimaCollege: main - catalog - CIS - classesfall2k - classes - MAXreg - MikeGriffith273 - Griffith99 - mailMike -
Tucson News: Wildcat - QuePasa - Weekly - Star news - StarStaff - Observer -
Tucson: doTucson - yahoo Tucson - iTucson - tucsonsites - city of Tucson - emol - transitview - Tucson info? - hiking - sierratrails - Tortolita - Tortolita -pound - transview - airQuality - Rillito(epa) - StaCruz(epa) - reidzoo - road congestion - DMfcu - GABA - ITASA - Link - Flora - PimaGIS - GrantCampbell - shangralee - FoodConspiracy - FCbankrupt - TCWdemise - tucsonPlanningmaps - PaulReederInterview - terrasante -
 transport: Airport - PhoenixGuaymasBus -
Culture Events: batucaxe -
Tucson etc: AccessSig - TCS - SaguaroAvraValleyElectric - massage - pimacouncilaging - TucOldPuebloCU - DM - RoadrunnerHostel 346 E12 - BarbaraRose BeanFarm -
Pima County: main - development - subdivisionplatmaps - aerialphotos - transport/flood - GIS - assessor - propertysearch - recorder - recorderresearch - PAG -
Bisbee: cochisecourt -
Arizona:: webhub - azTourguide - azGov - azGov - DMV - azAgy - ASUaz legislature - azDistricts - azGroundWater - docboard - azInfo? - azWatershed(epa) - azGeology - sexoffender - azLandSubsidence - subsidence -
Weather Az: radarloop(icast) -  radar(icast) - radar(yahoo) - icast - dopler (icastPhx) -
Weather Satellite Az: satelliteloop - satellite (icast) - satellite anim - goes9 (unisys) - SW sat(uiuc) SW radar(uiuc) - uiuckpno -Az time - clock - NOAA - NatlWeatherSvc - satellite(nesdis) - satellite event - goes - wunderground - nasa - globalmoisture - goes snapshots - worldclock -
Climate: NWS climate - noaa - droughtcoming - droughtcoming -
Housing: milagrocoho - bnaibrithcovenan@qwest.com 4414 E 2 - tucsonIRhousing -
Plants: firefly -
Xeriscape Plants for Desert: mastergardener - dwr -
Tucson Nature Hikes: local -

Prescott: JeffBrooks -
Patagonia: alliance - mines -
Rocky Point/Puerto Penasco, Sonora: map -
Yuma: TamaleFestDec -

Frontera border San Miguel: fronteras -

New Mexico:
Chaco Canyon Anasazi: wiki - wiki - NPS - tradit - jacobs - exploratorium - nasa - lekson - hydrology - lidar - lidar - gis - nasa - stratigraphy - forest - GulfMacawFeathers - monastersky - woodsource - awatovi - salt -
Santa Fe: wikitravel -
Silver City: westNMUsilvercity - FaywoodHotSpr -
Albuquerque: wiki - wikitravel - city - UNMmedlib - petroglyph -
  transport: bus -
  nature: botgarden -
  culture: alibi - albqJ -

Colorado: CSUlibrary - CSU - CSUmaps - media -
Boulder: wiki - OgdenTraumaAttachmentDissociation - Diane Israel - county - city - UColo - UCmap - library -
 transport: RTD - RTDmap -
 media: weekly - camera - daily - post - post -
 nature: NPS - sierraclub - natureAssn - plants - parks - citytrails -
 events: post - reverb - craig - chataqua - orch -
 room: craigs -

Austin: informalclasses - nowlinhouse - ABC - herbSoc - wildflowerSchool -
Dallas DFW: transport - DART - Seagoville342bus - BaylorMedlib - DFW - DFWtransport - DFWdowntown - DFWwiki - wiki - visbureau - UTswMed - UTswMedLib - publicLibrary - county - cityhall - craigslist - wholefoods - news - FedReserve - BA - EconoLodge - Arboretum -
Houston: hostel -
Kaufman: wiki - city - KART - dhamma -
BigBend: post -
El Paso: HuecoTanks -

Nevada: vegetationmap -
Las Vegas: vegas - visit - conventions - chatter - smithCenter -

Utah: CedarMesa -


Oregon: Or employment - cities - click - lycosJoblinks - traveloregon - beaches -
Portland: travelportland - perfumehouse - Jillian Stansbury - MultnomahFalls -
Eugene: ciEugene - LTDbus - UOr - UOrSci - UOrLifesci - freenet - media - RegisterGuard - Weekly - OtherPaper - LaneCty - Laneaid - yahoo - lycos - Willamette - yamhillwine -
Eugene Jobs: RegisterAds - ewizard - UO - EugeneCity - LaneCty - OneStop - OneStop -
Corvalis: OreStUmap - OSUmap - OSUmaps - OrSt - OrStjobs - ORStPharm - ohwy - corvalisinfoOSU - visitcorvallis - ciCorvalis - elCorvalis - Gazette - GazAds - transit - corvalisclubs -
Ashland: O hwy - SOU - citylink - gov - shakespeare - CofC - DailyTidings - DTjobs -
Medfordgov - MedfordgovJob - MedfordCofC - nationJobMedford - MailTribjobs -
Bend: post -

Washington State:
Seattle: busmonster - boltbus - ferries - SanJuan - SanJuan -
Pullman: CofC - pullman - scenicviews - realtors - moscowpullmandaily - cityofPullman - areaguide - lewistontrib - spokannet - yahoo -
Pullman Jobs: jobs - wsu -

Hawaii: hawaii - LyonArboretum - EcoExcursions - AlohaStadiumSwapMeet - OahuVisitors - MaunaKea - seismicVelocity - retiring -
Kauai: KalalauTrail -

copyright 2015 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome