SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
Recycle and Bicycle for a healthy habitat !
Appreciation of our natural environment:
Thoreau: reader - transcend
- botanyindex -
google -
Contrast to Ben Franklin: odor
- eserver - early(popups)
Tragedy of the Commons: hardin - wiki - science - hyde -
Weather: Intellicast
- OSU - US24hrNoaa
- unisys - ECMWF - ecmwfForecast - weathercom
- weatherbug - accuweather
- weathergov - NOAAtropic
- goes8-9
US - satellite
regions - visualizer
menu - stormpulse - Satellite
UI? - wx-map -
USGS streamflow - USGSstreamflow
- month's streamflow - UV
(EPA) - GaileeeHuricane
- roadkillrojo - world
timeclock Global Change-Ag
Global Change-Health
- UCAR - surfforecast - freemeteoFeed - OceanTempNino - droughtmonitor -
Asia Pacific Monsoons: cook -
AllergyMaps: pollen - allergy
- nychina
- stateallergy - weather
- google - cnn
Air Quality Pollution: airnow - dust - PM2.5 - Air
kills WHO -
100 tons/yr used to top off 9 chlor-alkali facilities dwarfs the 48 tons emitting
from dozens of coal-fired power plants; the fate of all the mercury consumed
at mercury cell chlor-alkali plants remains somewhat of an enigma. Pg18 - EPA
- coalashdumps -
Pollution-see pharmtox - fireworks - fireworksTox - lakeToxic -
Lawns bad: McCartney - LawnPollution - GolfCoursePollution -
Topomaps: topozone - USGSlocator - USGS - USGS - NationalForestsMappingLC
- falingrain - nona
- tageo - onlinemaps - gaia -
GPS latitude & longitude: gpsresource
- delormeGPS - trapster - skyhook -
MapMaker: USmapmaker
- XeroxMapViewer
- googlemapmaker
- mapmaker - historical -
Climate & Ecology Zone PrecipRain Soil Temp Maps: usdahardiness - usda
- usna
- klehm
- sm - noaa - VTplantHabitat
- bhg
- berk - geospatial - nationalatlas - veget - ForestWorld - forestHeight - lidar - eusoils - eusoilsLatinAmer - MexicoEcology - hurricanes170yr - NorAmPrecip -
Climate: NWS climate - noaa - huricanetracking - holdridge -
Climate Change: adams -
Heinrich Nor Atlantic: wiki - tropicsdried - noaa -
Dansgaard–Oeschger: wiki -
Younger Dryas 12k bp: wiki - Liu -
desert growing: Oregon -
Maps: OpenStreetMap - yahoo - google
- googlemapmaker
- googleBusiness - mygmaps tag - arcgis - coursera - esri - wikimapia
- map24 - mappy - maporama - viamichelin - MSNvirtualearth
- mapit - windows - maps
- mapsarea
- utexas
- terraserver - multimap
- multimap
- umd -
- virtual tourist - Relief
Map of the US - MapsUT
- utexas - MapsAPI
- geonames(sgbexcite) - Ricci1602 - Ricci1602 - facebookConnections - franceJaunnes - OSGeo -
Maps with aerial photos: googleearth
- a9 - MSterraserver
Ancient maps: digimapbydate - waldseemuller1507 - rumsey(sgb11j) - EuropeBorders1000yr -
Madaba Jordan: rex - sacred - wiki - bible - bibl -
Maps Internet Routes: telegeog - telegeog - bandwidthtelegeog - seaguardian - seaTelegeog -
GIS Vegetation maps: noaa - Canada
- branner
links - arcgis - branner
- SF Badger - paleo-vegetation
- USvegetation - USveg - USsoil - CalifCoast
- NorAmerCover -
landview & census maps: semio map - Maps
- mapblast - landview
counties download - tiger - tiger
- roadless areas -
Aerial Views: earthviewer - Calcoastline
- Calsatelite - Calgis
- landsat
- usgs - usgs - geology
- nasa - flashearth
Weather Az: radarloop(icast)
- radar(icast)
- radar(yahoo)
- icast
- dopler
(icastPhx) -
Satellite Az: satelliteloop
- satellite
(icast) - satellite
anim - NOAA - ucar
- goes9
(unisys) - goesEGulfMex(noaa)
- SW sat(uiuc)
SW radar(uiuc)
- uiuc - kpno
-Az time
- clock - NOAA
- NatlWeatherSvc - satellite(nesdis)
- satellite event - goes
- wunderground - nasa
- globalmoisture
- goes snapshots - worldclock
- seatemp - CaribEarthscanLSU -
Pollen: pollen count - avantgo
Tucson Weather: weather
kpno - weather icast -
Az weather - radar
- dopler -
satellite - satellite
anim - goes8-9
US - goes8-9
US latest - surface
- Az
time - clock
Earth Images:
JPLphotojournal - SizePerspective -
El Nino ENSO: forecast - uiuc
- noaa
- 2014wagner - tisdale - ncsu - jpl - Tingstad2010 - 2010 - nina2010 - baez - wind -
Solar Flare sunspot cycle xray flux: wiki - bloom - noaa - noaa - GOESxray3day - tesis - stanford - aavso - ispgeek - sunspotsWarmer -
Flooding: CalArkStormFlood - Arkstorm -
Geology & Soil Sciences: earthscape -
wiki - prediction -
Earthquake Monitor Alert Notifications: reportCAmer - usgs(sgbj)
Earthquake Seismic Watch: iris
- hsv - NorAmUSGS
- monthUSGS - usgsGuate
- ShakeMovie - weekgooglekmz - edinburghPredict
- wiki - fema
- AtitlanUND
- Guate1976pics
- mudslide
- SoCalQuakeCtr - SoCalShakeMovie - geofon - CITseismol - TecateMtDust - noaa - earthscope - earthscope - earthscope - NSF - PalmSpringsM8 - insaradar - insarEarthscope -
Earthquake Construction: wallbracing
- spandrel
- Charney - SF - cover -
Earth Crust: gabbro - deepseaChallenge -
Plate Tectonics Subduction & Continental Drift: wiki - geowiki - 650milvideo - drift - drift - tarnodtag - Wegener - jmu - pratt - Maurer - moorland - enchanted - plate - Spreading - barnes - mantleflow - blog - outerCoreWaves - earthscope - AfricanGreatRift - paullgi - huang - enchanted - AccretionaryWedge - earthsci - patent - worldstressmap - worldstressmap - mantleshear -
WilsonTectonicCycle: fichter - fichter - fichter - jmu - SupercontinentCycle - RockCycle - quartz -
anim: berkeley - scotese -
plates curved boundaries: jmu - Mahadevan - Judge -
collision: Tibetfall -
Volcano Eruption: highspeedcamera - SIweekly -
Yellowstone: dzurisin - uplift -
Earth Core: 25gauss -
Pole Reversal: nasa -
Transport Transit: Carless community:
Vauban - innovation -
Mass Transit:
kivaPodWarehouseRobot -
hybrid car tech fix disaster:
Gorman09 -
Bicycle to reduce car pollution: optimal
cycling - racers edge - bikelife
- Velo bikes - bikepath
- cmu
- citybikes - AGOsafety
- SafetyCentral
- roadbiker advice - kryptonite
(320 Turnpike St; Canton Ma 02021) - safety
- ParisVelib
- CalfeeBamboo - LandriderAutoshift - pathdesign - pathdesign - pathhazards -
folding bikes: atobguide
- bikefriday - birdy
- brilliant - brompton
- dahon - peregrine
- nordic - Montague
- yeah - hubless -
lights: bikelight
- cygolight - phk
- homemade - homemade
- mtbreview
- performance
- revolights -
Bike Sizing & Fitting: universe
- colorado - AboutFitting
- BJfitting - Ergofitting
- cyclemetrics
- ally - peterwhite
- empfield
- source -
framesize=0.65(inseam); saddle-bottombracket=0.885(inseam);
halogen bulbs: liberty
- reflecta - reflecta
saddles seat design: best - brownchoose - comfort - spiderflex - rido - terry
- Fraunhofer - Fraunhofer -
bikeparts: cambria -
trailers: dane
- details - google
- bykaboose - cycletote
- bob - trailerauction
- biketrailers -
trailer shelter: tinyhouse - bushtrekka - DIY - treehugger - zamb - tiny - neatorama - SmallHouseSociety - smallhomes - interesting -
small shelter:
495LA - CentreSt -
used: classified
repair: allsands
- parktool
- parktool brakes
kryptonite locks vulnerable to bic pen: third
- big
- big
- eng - eng
- iamjp
bikeracks: peakracks - dero
- google -
Bike Power: pump
- hubcharger -
Hand Chargers: macworld -
LEDmfr: globalspec - maxim - misty - ledtronics - LEDvsCFL -
Walking: Tucson-flach - volkswalk
- Kerry's Az hikes -
Camping: basecamp - camping
Camping Equip: sportsmansguide
- thermarest - owlie
- sierraTP
- stove - cradlelounger
Pad: weeAiric
Parks: budgetparks
Diversity & Ecology: WorldPlantDiversity - envir chem - envir
chem - Natural History - LA
Natural History Mus - Habitat Ecol -
Va EcoWeb - arid
lands news - AmnestyI
- Biodiversity -
BDT Brazil Tropical db - Ecol
Net - GAIN sustainability - earthtimes
- Tucson
Nature Conservancy - Swiss
Natl Hist Mus - Natural Heritage biodiversity
- EnviroWeb - Edwards
Aquifer - Eco-Compass - EcoLink
- Natural Resources
- NatPks plant
lists - nortel
enviro - Envir Impact Statements
- RAIN, Directory - Greenpeace
- Rural Advancement - Protected
Areas - starnet
links - noaa
ecol - kudzumgt
- Heinz ecosystems
- DivideDiminish - NASsustainability -
Biodiversity, Environmental, Habitat: USFS
habitat categories - USFS
ecoregions - Natural Heritage
biodiversity - USGSatlas
- SEPASAL arid lands
- SEPASAL arid
lands - NewEngland
- aegis geograph info
- AustraliaEnvironment
- AustraliaVegetation
- IcelandTempRecord -
Forestry: Jurassic
Pine - Mo silva -
fws - Tex
forestry - Oxford Forestry - metla
forestry - forestCarbonCrops -
Snakes: snake ID -
herpetology links
Frogs: frogwatch
Sky: yoursky - StarDate
- Earth&Sky
- nasa
comet - goddard
comet -
Entomology: Colo
- UI - fleas
- FlyBase
Microbiology: Bacteria
taxonomy - Yeast
Endangered Threatened species: IUCNredlist
Ocean Sea: SverdrupOceanPhysBiol
- oilLeak
- AtlanticCurrents - oilReduction - currents -
Population: plannedparenthood - zpg -
density StimCulture -
Environmental Protection: EPA - EPA
- epa community tracking - epa
risk info - right to know - EPA
envirofacts index - EPA Toxic Release
Inventory - enforcement analysis -
sector index - EDF
scorecard - Natl Envir Tox Prog
- Natl Tox Prog home -
toxin lookup - NIEHS
list - DOE - SEC
- Carcinogen db - Chem
Indust Inst - CDC
- ATSDR Toxin Registry -
Canada Enviro -
ISEA exposure analysis
- ChemIITox - CEQ,
EIS - Triservice military
Toxicology Consortium - radiation
- OSHA data search - Chlorine
Chem Council - ecosys
toxics - EuropePollutantRegister
- EXTOXNET? - neurotoxins? - OregStU? -
oilrefineries: wiki - eere - geocommons - trifalx - refineries&pipelines -
why landfills leak
Formation of ozone by fireworks: Attri
Perchlorate in veggies: EWG
Risk: smith -
Half right eventually sorts out: chemistry -
Drinking Water Quality: timeswaterpolut - drugs
- drugs
- drugs -
UNESCO - UNESCOwaterscarcity
- GAOdrinking
- GAOgroundwater
- GAOwater
- GAObottled -
- OTA1984b
- Times09 - TimesPolluters - CourtBreaksCleanWater - CalifWaterResources - awwa - georgia - phosphateEcoli -
Disinfection By Products: sciday
- Clgene - Clrespir - Iodo-trihalomethanes -
Water Analysis & Monitoring: water
VOC & MTBE - watermonitoring
- Canary -
Water Purification & Filtration: OsmonicsHandbook
- homewatertreat
- wiki - wiki
- ncsu
- Mn - Mo
- UK - msu
- GE - GEhome
- GEmerlintankless
- wiki - ROguide
- straw
- GrayWater - PlantRoots - groundglass - microbIronPerox - heavymetalremoval - dehumidification -
Purifiers: GenEcol - Barnstead
- hurleychicago - bigbrand
- aquaflo - freshwater
- abundant
- aquasana - livsure
- multipure - GEresidential
- purewater
- aquaclean - wfilter
- puritec - apec
- vortex - envirotech
- watts - hikingKatadyn -
Purifiers UV: aquafine
- bulbs - waterfixer
- fixer
- hydrotechPura
- Pura - trojan
- chemfreeVend - aquaVend
- Alpine/EcoQuestEvang
- alpine - villagewater -
Water Fixer, Water Technology Div, CHS Group, G25TB 25w
Purifiers Clay Ceramic:
ceramictech - ceramic -
Ozone Purifiers: aquazoneFaucet
Filter reviews: consumersearch
- compare - wfcompare
SONOsimple arsenic purifier: Top container - 3 kg composite iron matrix filings
(inorganic As) in between layers of 2 kg coarse sand; Middle - 1 kg of activated
wood charcoal (organics) under coarse sand and above fine sand; Bottom - collection.
- dwc
- bangladesh
- jalmandir
- harvard
- wiki -
Ozone: applied - airzone
- mainstream -
- ojust - google
Water Camping Portable: genecol - amazon
Water Vending: liquidaction
- aquapolar - classified
- air
- pure - coinco
Water Supply: villageearth
- Yangtze -
Water Wars: oliver -
Pumps: handpump
- ram -
Water Planning:
Quadmoniot - globalfootprint -
Land subsidence: usgs -
Water Treatment:
Methane toilet latrine: time - ecosan - parkpoop - parkpoop - kerala - biotech -
Dry compost latrine: aidg - zoom - wiki - rotary - gates -
Sewage Treatment: anaerobic - HaitiCompostToilet - echo - lavoisier -
rhizopur: cirsee - cirseepubs - envir -
Wetlands: wild -
Waste Water Biogas: entremosle - fuel -
Perchlorate in Food and Water: fda
Hexavalent Chromium 6 in water: ewg - yahoo -
threshold - planetboundary -
broken fluorescent light bulbs continuously release mercury vapor into the air for weeks to months (Li, Environmental Engineering Sci 2011)
House Home Design & modeling: GoogleSketchUp - SketchupLandscape - 5books - Martin -
Shelter Home House design & Construction: hurricane -
tiny prefab: inhabit - design - tiny -
roofcalc: Malone - geometry - 3d2f - tulsagarden - roofgenius - roofcalc - tensairity -
microhouses microhomes: building - kaysing - summers -
prefab modular construction: builder - wiki -
precast building: pci - tempo - 15floorChina - disney - thomas -
dome: discovery - small - monolithic - mr - concretecanvas - tiny -
Sundial Design: google - accuratesundials - comprog - sculptures - horizontal - precision - orbitwatch - shepherdwatch - futurefarmer -
Noise: nonoise - cancelling -
Paper Recycling: chem -
Plastic replacement: GreenpackCorn -
Why environmentalists
don't eat meat
Suburban sprawl: zoning -
EMF electromagnetic fields: NIEHS
- RF - InchemELF
Electric Power Generation: mariah -
mercola -
Species Interactions
Judson -
Environmental Reduction: CarbonReduction -
outdoor wood preservation:
carter -
Nuke Nuclear: JapanHansen - FukushimaCs - worldexplosions -
Gardening: gardeninfo
BotanicaPlus - gardeninfo
- egarden
- gardenguide - seedquest
- lawyer trees, Wa -
MSUext -
gardenbed - Mitton's
Desert Gardener - PSU
cult - herb
crops - home
herbs - vegy
crops - organic
gardening - Asian
vegies (CQU) - Philippine
vegies - purdue
- Jefferson
- Veg-I-News - tamu
master gardener - TL
Garden Encyc - weekend gardener -
Va coop ext
- SanMarcos - virtual
garden - Shiitake - Landscape
- Cal Rare Fruit Growers - Cal
Rare Fruit table - Richters -
Plant Germplasm - Plant
Pathology - sierrahome
- timelife
- gardengate
- soil, pest control -
Cyber-Plantsman -
growing Australian plants -
plant propagation -
hydroponics -
plant pathology
- trees -
salOrganicLinks - Devonian
Bot Gard Alberta - plantsavers
- Gartenbau
Wissenschaft - growit
Seed Germination: ThompsonMorgan
- Clothier -
Garden Sources: uiuc
- unc -
- - kitchen
garden - amateur digest - purdue
list - jds - LER
Seed: OneGardenArtemisia
- SPH - exhibition
- rarePlants - seedquest
- ethnobotany - greenweb
- Chineseherbs - herbnet
- mailordergardening
Crop yields of herbs: NCSU
Planting Schedules: hierloom
- botanic - google
Landscaping: Bancroft
- Boulden
- google - UFla
Diatomaceous Earth: greenfire
- perma - ig
- walton - qpg
- diatoms calacademy
Propagation: Grape cuttings - grapecare -
Tree Grafting: UAz - UMissouri - ncsu - 4flap - arborsmith - hgtv - homeorchard -
Trees per acre: wilson
- google
- ucdavis
- psu -
Plants per acre: exhibition
Agriculture: Agricola search - Agricoloa search - Agricola - Agricola(COS sobearj) - AgriGator-UFla - Agrigator links - Agrilinks - Natl Ag Lib Biotech Info - Cornell fruit/vege - Purdue grains - pennpages - Alt Farming - pict, seeds & cultivation - TAMU AES? - agbiotechinfo -
Herb business assoc: Herbworld - AHPA -
Artemisia annua seed: kettleby - onegarden - inharmony - pleasance - ihbt - BT -
Tree Nurseries: rinconlist - google - sierragold - Fowler - CalRareFrt - FruitGrowerNews - NursermanAssn - NurseryAssn - NurseryAssn - OreNurseryGuide -
Avocado: Calavo - CaAvoCommission - AvoSource - growers - CaAvoSoc - GrowerHandbook -
Plant Genes: Natl Ag Lib; Genome - Plant Genome Info - Dendrome-Tree Gene - BeanGenes - plexdb - agbios -
Plant Pathology: AmPhytopathSoc - AmPhytopathSoc old - pathogensHi -
Plant Viruses: VIDE(au) - VIDE(idaho) - ICTV(nlm) - ICTVdb(nlm) - ICTV(uk) -
Insects: whatsthatBug - Insect Resistance - Hi - common insect ID - mosquito - InsectBites - pherobase - termiteMap -
Wildlife: bat houses - Aquatic Animals - Herpetology - herpetology - Frog Dissection
Pesticides: hclrss - safefood - producepesticide -
Rainbarrels: MDdnr - MDdnr - MDdep - WSU - wizard -
Sundials: sanford -
Energy Use:
USEnergy2009 -
alt fuels (hotline: 800/423-1363) -
biofuels -
renewable energy (modem:800-273-2955)
geothermal: Braytonturbine - google - smu - smuNorAmer - NorAmerMap - yellowstone -
Biogas methane poop:
ashdenAwards - vietnam - kenya - isat1 - isat2 - isat3 - isat4 - 3cuM - 50gal - construction -
Water algae: algaebiomass - joule - algaeWaterUse -
Refrigeration: icemakerheater -
Wind: windvsNatives - bladeless - teslainternal -
Renewable Energy: DOE Energy efficiency
- mail Energy Effic lib - Wisc
energy news - energysearch -
petroalgae -
Solar Energy: unisolar shingles - rooftopH - solarsolvents - martenson - perovskite -
Hydroelectric Water micro pico small mini stream power: wvu
- small - small - microwiki - picowiki - smallBC - absak - buildit
- reuk - ecosystems
- smart - smart - micro - micro - morehead - buildit - nooutage - hipower - mini -
- pipefriction
- pipefriction
Fuel cells:
gascell -
Construction Building Materials:
Insulation: Energain phase
change Al- copolymer-paraffin panel -
Cement: MgNovacem - Plastisoil - internalcuring - pozzolana -
Speed of Light: Romer -
Fabric of Cosmos Nova: spacegravity -
Mining: goldwaste -
Rare Earth Elements: usgs -
© 1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome