SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
MEDLINE Search frontends: GO2pubmed - GO2pubmeddoc - GOpubmedmesh
- pubgetpdf - pubgetPaperPlane - relevanceAids
- SciReaderDefinitions - Pubmed - Curehunter(sbej)
- hendersonList
- henderson
- rothman
- pubfocus
- healia -
- Entrez Global -
- Gateway -
relemed - hubmed
- toxseek - Pubmedtext
- Linkout - novoseek
- novoseek
- medie
- Arrowsmith
- SwansonArrowsmith - Arrowsmith
- ArrowsmithSteps - Arrowsmithlinks
- MedminerGenecards-PubMed filter - myMiner - TPX - TPXdoc - BioNLP - GOminer
- clustermed - PubMedtermmapping
- pubmatrix PubMed co-occurence
- ChemguidePharmguide - surechem - wordstreamWordGrouper - medline frontend (UtxSanAntonio)
- NLMdb
- xplormed
fuzzy wordassoc search - xplormed
- xplormed - MedMiner
- LatinAmMedLit
- LatinAmMedLit
- touchgrapPubmed -
@yah) -
- surechem - bioalma
novoseek - enhancer - pescador - pescador - unbound - nextProtein -
Summarize: RindfleschSemMedDemo - utah - ppt - comments - medlineCognition - pubFocus - pubFocusDoc - NLMCognitiveSearch - cognitionSemMed - webicina -
Medline tools: NLM
Locator - UI
to PMID matching - PubvizUMi
- toolbar
- clustermed - misearch - misearch - refmed - PubMedspeller - 28tools - 28tools - 28tools - 28tools2011 - etblastTextSim - quertle - nlmplus - medlineRanker - RankerDoc - mScanner - autoindexing - mentadata
- HelpfulmedRelatedTerms
- RothmanTools
- pubTator - medlineDownload
- medlineDownload -
reflectHighlighter - medSum - CitnSingle - CitnBatch - Clin - dailymedplus - FDAsubstanceUniqueIngredID - oldmedline - aps - CoPubPairSearch - CoPubDoc - CoPub250kKeywords - CoPubmining - collaboratorfinder - collaboratorfinder - sophia46-09(pfizer,sophia) - sophia09-11 - $ophia - genelitClustering(pubgene) - genocoding - handheld
Pubmed - docsource$12 - kidneyfilter - meshopsWordCloud - pubmedMaker2Filemaker - pubmedCommonsAuthorComments - journalSubjects -
Medline Eutil batch: E-utilities
- EutilLectures
- EutilBook
- Eutil - ebench
- tgen
- bioperl
- bioperlFetch
- bioperlPost
- bioperlPost
- bioperl
- mathworks
- API - API - APIlecture - APIlecture - mobilehandheld -
PubChem User Gateway (PUG) on chem page
Medline tips: Lewis
- Novak - Bastyr
- medlineFAQs - NLMfactsheets
- [tags]
- [tagdetail]
- /subheadings
- /SH - qualifiers - chem
search hints - stopwords
- stopwords
- nlm med info training
- PubmedTraining -
NLMtraining - cobrain
- SHARED Net multilanguage
- meshdrugs -
advanced KNelson - Nervana medline semantically
indexed - ovidlistserve - pubmedintroNCI2005
- medlib-Listserv
(MLA) - PriorityRanking -
URLlinking : or
Medline tutorials & guides: chemTutorial - lib10
tutorials - PubmedTutorial
- PubmedTutorial
- pubmedMeSHTutorial
- MeSHTutorial - Felixtutorial
- Beartalk
Pubmed SubsetStrategies
- chem - redesign2010 - NLMtraining - GenderMed - veterinerySubset - FableGeneprotSubset -
PubMed view dr=abstract/citation holds 8 hours: ToAbstract
- ToCitn
- Licensing -
- MedlineHistory
search comparison:
pubmed | ||
boolean default between words | OR | AND |
stem* | yes | no full word only |
restrict | search[rest] | rest:search |
length limit | none | 10 words |
PAexplode: tutorial
- techbull
- all
- PAtag
- PA2003
Medline Stats: medlineStats
- medline96-99
- medline00-03
- medline04-08 - NLMstaff
uses Google more than Medline - searchersurveyNIHlib
- Medlinestat7/06
- pubmedUsageUTx
- NLMwebStats - NLMwebStats
usage stats -
Medline Journals: Jsearch - Jdb2011 - Jrnl
list - Jrnl list
- Jrnl list - pubmedcentral - 1/4
of 1128 NIH funded authors submitted to pubmedcentral - 1/4submitted
- bioline -
journal abrev: ia
- ubc - cas
- karlsruhe
- leeds
MeSH Indexing: MESH
browser - MeSHonDemand - curehunter
- mentata - MESH
- MeSHtree10 - MeSHtree08 - MeSH
update - MeSH2003
- SCRmaint - MeshVideo - MeSHbasics(WHO)
- meshbasics - mesh
group publ - Bitola MeSH sem
rel - DCMS
citationmatcher - VA-NCVHS
std - VA-NCVHS std - Stuart
transcript - tambisConceptRel
(tambis guest) - FME
Digital Anatomist (sbear ip3V1.2) - MeSH
auto term mapping - Napralert
keywords - antarti.camap
- antarti.camap - COSmesh
- NCBImesh
- CRISP keywords
- meshXML -
- Mesh2005
- NLMtechbul
- NLMclassification - CTDmeshChemDiseaseInt
- IndexManual
- MeSHhistory - meshhistory
- MeSH1960 - helpfulmedRelatedTerms
- IndexingConsistencyFunk83
- MedInfMorris
- MeSHcataloging
- termFinder - aboutness - benefit&shortcomings - Fricke - Fricke - Fricke - journalSubjects -
Subheader Qualifiers: SHhierarchy - SHnoexplode - SHcataloging - SHmanual - SH2014 - SH2008 - SHlist - SHhelp - SHcategories - SHdescript -
meshnew: 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2010 - 2011 - Brazil2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 -
SemanticTypes: umls
- types
- cosmo
- Stone
- McCray
Mesh knockoffs: PSU
- webends - curehunter
- mentadata
- mentadataChem
- referenceMD - wikiproteins
- UMLS(Nelson'99)
- UMLS(Nelson2000)
- UMLSmetathesaurus - NCImetathesaurus
- NCImetathesaurus - metaphrase
- diseasesdatabase - UMLSclusteringPratt
- Pratt - Hagens
NLM Cataloging Classification
- NLMClassif - NLMClassif
- NLMClassifpdf -
medical - LC/NLMmed - LC numbers
- LC - LC
- NLMCollectionDevManual
- NLMacquisitions - umlsinfo
- DeweySystem - DeweyBrowse
NLM's Pubchem as front end to Elsevier's xpharm: arl
- cnn
General Classification Schemes: NCBObioontologies - ebiMiriam - ebiInteractions - Jamoulle
- knowledge representation Sowa - Laboratory
for Applied Ontologies - Thesaurus
Construction (Craven) - CravenDBdesign
- kmGov - myth
thesaurus - DigitalTaxonomylinks
- TaxoPractice - Nouns-left fusiform gyrus, Verbs-left inferior frontal gyrus and left posterior medial temporal gyrus - TaxoCommunityList - taxobank - willpower - accidental -
Automated text Classification: ShenNGram
Proteins classified by pathway, location, function, interactions, structure,
disease, deficiency, excess, coding genes, processing,
Cataloging: mic
Information Retrieval: TextRetievalConfNIST
- NISTlinks
- NISTretrievalgroup
- InfoRetrievalJ -
ManagingGigabytes - ComplexityJournal
- CodishTraining - ACM
Information Overload: Oliver
- Hsu - Hsu
- informaticsBusiness(Scientist)
Information Academics: InfoSchoolUWash -
ISB - biocuratorsSurvey -
Crowdsource Community Curation: BigData -
Medical Informatics: NLMbioinfInst
- AmMedInfoAssn - AMIAlistserves
- lexgrid - NLMgrantees
- how people search for
health info - UIChicago - nlm
semantic representation - metamap
- webinfo - opencyc
- directory of clinical
db - Columbia - Columbia
course - NCI self organizing clustering
- openclin definition
- kdnuggets - Directory
of Clinical Databases (DoCDat) - survey
of clin db - MedInformaticsTraining
- MedInformaticsTraining
- CitationAnalGarfield
- CitationAnalGarfield
- WebofSciThomson
- HIMSS/Dorenfest HealthIT
- myth thesaurus
- also see medical page - semanticweb
- UVictoria - ASHP
- med ontology research - Rindflesch
SemanticMedline - Rindflesch
- citationBias - LangualFoodThesaurus -
"Biomedical research has changed. Every paper has more and more data. People
are not just reading these papers. Researchers want to compute on the underlying
data." (David Lipman) [Steinbrook,
354:4 2006]
Information Categorization: Entrieva
semiomap marks nouns to index - NIHgrantsCategoryMaps - bioportal - inxight
- autonomy - clearforest
-calais - recommind
- knowledge representation Sowa - Laboratory
for Applied Ontologies - metamodel
- dataharmony
- searchtools
- vanRees
- daml - skos
- sheReasoner - GlushkoBook - GlushkoUCB - GlushkoUCB - PomerantzCoursera -
Thesaurus Standards: NISO -
Ontology has richer relationships: ontology
ontology std conf Nov 2002 - protégé
ontology editor - protégé
list - wordnetMiller lexicalDB
- topquadrantSparql -
Ontology: NatlCtrBiomedOntology - NCBObioontologies - OBO/OWL - OpenBiolOntol - OBO - ebiMiriam - ebiGO - GOtips - NetworkGO - NEXOdoc - Protege2003workshop
- kaon ontology mgt - ezOWL
protégé editor - protegeList - chimaera
- TopQuadrant - Collibra - OntopriseSemanticXpress - NISTbioblock - NISTbioroot - NISTontologies - Traits - vivo -
Ontology Biochem: NatlCtrBiomedOntology
- meeting - McShan05
- biolingua - plantontologies
- linkbase -
Ontology Chemical: Lopez
- ChEBI - Bodenreider-half
of GO is ChEBI and 1/4 of ChEBI is GO - LoPStER - chemblastNIST -
Ontology Drug: pharmgkb - pharmgkbtherap - opengalen
- manchester
- MedInformaticsDefinition
- drugOntology
Ontology Physiology: FMAnatomy
- ICD9
- ICD9news -
ICD-snomed - snomedBrowser - HL7 - MyCorporisFabrica - MCFdoc -
Ontology Biology: plantOntol - PlantStructureOntologysearch - conceptweb - gbif -
Ontology Disease Medical: ISB - IDO - bioportal -
Word meaning: BrainMRI -
BrainMRI -
Web Screen Scraping data fetching extraction for aggregation & offline use:
wiki - wiki
- screenscrapers - corpcouns
- Stein
- Kuhlman
- scrapeblocking -
Scrape Software: tethys
- velocitywebscraper
- velocitylite
- webscraper
- webscraper
- screenscraper - screenscrapertips
- screenscraperbasic
- suggestWS
- firefoxImacro
- Imacro - iopusiMacros
- web2db - gooeyWS
- snagit - sundew
- webdataminer - pagescrape
- pagescrape - Aquatextcapture
- easybee - QL2
- dapper - AnthraciteMetafly
- kapow - ibmqed
- jackbe - serena
- fetch - cURL
- wget - wgetwin
- wgetwiki - Rafawebdataextr
- searchtools
- quigo - youramigo - sundew
- snoopy - ql2
- addtoit - deskexperience
- scientioXmlminer
- megaputer - zephyr - swea
- newbie
- snoopy - filedudes
- kdnuggets
Download/Save/Spider/Extract web sites: downthemall
- contentsaver
- ConnoteaLinksharing - webtwin2help
- microsysA1 - SBquadsucker$30 - Teleport$40
wanted: deltaID, usda, pfaf, kegg,
Scraping API's: dbpedia -
Scrape Mechanize: sourceforge
- rubyforge - Hpricot
- Apodaca - ball
Scrape watir/ruby: ruby
- wiki - ex
- igvita
- Ruby
- rubyforge - chemruby
- rubidium
- rubyCDK - molruby
- Sciruby - scruby
- rubyforum - rubyonWin
- rubyinstaller
- firequark
- rubycrud
- raaum -
Scraping scripts & services: PubmedEutilLectures
- similePiggyBank
- piggybank
- nala - simileNCBI
- similiNCBI
- NCIjava
- NCIcacore
- VBmsdn
- VBnet
- WebRequest
- dalke
- Perlscript
- Python
- zestypython - beautifulSoup
- Laird -
- operator
- microformats - microformatswiki
- gaggle - iopusImacros
- Ball - Lin
- devasp
- futuresoft
- javatools
- JavaLib
- java
- Jones
- ajax - ajax
- Allen
- ZK - gmailscrape
- pywebperf - Willison
- PHP - net
- codebetter
- aspnet
- aspnet
Scripting Greasemonkey: greasemonkey
- greasemonkey - greasedocs
- greaseScripts
- diveinto - howtowrite
- userscripts - pilgrim
- hacks
Scraping Service: des
- scrapegoat - ficstar
- schrenk -
schrenk - web2db
- zephyr
Greasemonkey: mozdev
- dunck - blueobelisk
- diveinto -
Mashup RSS aggregation: ispecies - Yahoo
Pipes - pipeEdit -
- Pipechem
- googlemash - googleMashEditor
- googletutorial
- googleprogweb
- mspopfly - wiki
- Good
- mashnews - mashaward
- progweb - APIlistprogweb
- progweb
- progwebbest
- progwebhowto - webmashup
- bestof - master
- intelmashmaker -
RDF_URI: planet - rdfchem
- rdfwiki
- bizer
- sets
- w3 - uniprot
- dmoz - wiki
- nodal - xtech
ChemiInformatics: openwet
- IU - GirkeUCR
- chemPython - JOELib
- cambios - openBabel
- newsletters -
Mining Deep Web (dynamic search, unlinked, registered, scriped JS & Flash,
media): DQMbrightplanet
- completeplanet
- deep - wiki
- copernic - UCRinfomine
- UC
- oaister
- price - whatizIt -
Biomedical text Data Mining BioNLP: datamining review - nactem - wiki - @Note - @Note - orange
- pathminerMcShan
- timeblaster - almabioinfo
- ariadneMedScan
- ariadnePathway
- BioNames
Hirschman/Mitre - Rebholz-Schuhmann
- manchesterCtrTextMining - ColumbiaJournalMine(bj)
- Swanson
- Arrowsmith
- weka - textpressoCalTech - $bioalma
- AlmaKS - Knime
- IBMomnifind
- IBMtextanal
- BioNLP -
Social CrowdSourcing tagging:
Connotea - CiteULike - Bibsonomy - meshComparison -
Natural Language Processing (NLP): GENIA
- GENIAontology
- GENIAontology
TextProcessing: UPennMiner
- Textsense
- SensEval WordSenseDisambiguation - GregoireDisambig -
probabilistic topic modeling: times - arxiv - ngram -
KM Grants Management: KMmedconf 140 GW, 210 Borner -
Linguistics: cogsci
- cogsci
- AssocCompuLinguistics - coinedScienceTerms
Corpus word usage: UPenn
- K&Fbrown
- kucera&francis2200
- brown
- corpusHarper
- Bibliometrics
terms -
Word counting: graph
- ball
- wiz
- wordsmith
- keywordcount - rainbow
Image Indexing: SEW
- ESPgooglelabl - ESPimgindexgame
Music Indexing: herdit -
Email Alerts: myncbi
- Pubmedinformer(bj) - PubCrawlerAlert(by)
- PubCrawlerAlert - WeizmannAlert
- BioMail - JADE
- webmedlit (silverplatter)
- labvelocity - refscout
- publishorperish - BMJarticle
Journal Contents emails: scidir
(sbj) takes over contents(sbyahooj)
- TaylorFrancis (nihlib.bear
j 932-66-950) - ACS(2172030) - Thieme(sbearj)
TOCjournals: Fitoterapia
- IntlJMedInfo
- JEthnopharm
- Phytochem
- Phytomed - TrendsInPharmSci
- EurJPharm
- BiochemPharm
Biblio/Refs reviews: wiki - novoseek - psu - review
Jan2002 - compare
- 6reviewed
Software: Zotero-firefox - ZoteroJunglebakup - ZoteroDropbox - ZoteroExcel - Bibtex4Word - mendeley - chorus
- uwash
- dana
- Refs - Refs
- powerref - quosa
- quosareview
- (ThomsonReuters owns Endnote,
Procite & Refmanager) - procite
list archive - Paperworks
- onfolio - onfolioreview
- enLighterRetriever -
notabene - connotea
- citeulike - bibport
- bibport - evernote(1;j) - JabRef - docco - lucene - lucene - beagle -
MEDLINE: Pubmed is so good the
other ones are little needed except to get non-medline material: ovid
- Ovidhelp
- labvelocity - pubmed
links - COS - COS(sob)
- beWELL - helix
(bear) - glaxo (helix,member)
- heathgate (sbear)
- healthgate
- biomednet (sbear) - medscape
search(soaring) - healthworld
- infotrieve - niwl
- PhysOL - avicenna
- ucsf links
- NLMinternSilvPlat - NLMinternSilvPlat
- UAint - UAext
- UAacct -
Medline/Embase: Ramos-Remos
- Woods
- Heddle
- Stone(natl
prod) -
Other Biomed Info sources: ScirusElsevier
- kosmix - infotrieve
- googlescholar - googlescholarinLib
- googlehealth - sciencegov
- worldwidesci - searchmedica
- searchmedicaUK - HealthSearchEngines
- agricola - NIH
- STNdemo
- ingenta - nextbio(sbyj) - portals
- cdlib - Trip(61
med searches) - AfricaData(sbj) - scientificcommons
- Karolinska - CurrentContents
(D-8J25001) - Ovid - WLU
DBonline - CyberStacks
- Biochem db (Bids,
Abstr, LitDB, etc) - Wisc
- ingenta (guest jrnl) - sciencedirect
- scidirectdocs
- scopus - sciworld/scibase
(sbear@usw) - UC - Amedeo
- medwordsearch - research
findings register - RLG
- RedlightGreen
union catalog - RLIN - ALA-MARSbestref
- SocialBookmarks - OSTI
- surechem - PubDNAfinder - sagace -
Other biomed: IBIShealthweb
- mediherb
(sbear ye) - BearMedical - NCIbooks
- cytokines
Dialog: Med(embase,
biosis, healthstar) - Pharma
- Chem - bluesheets
- netscape
CARL: CARL - carl
telnet - carl
gopher - uncover - Uncover
- Uncover Search
- Uncover (bids) - stn
Open Access: eprints
- DOAJ DirOpenAccessJ - JSTOR
- JSTORtips - cabi
- Esposito -
HINARI (health internet access to research initiative): hinari
Libraries: worldcatFindItems - OCLCworldcat - digital libUPenn 18k - harvard - Harvard Cabot Sci - Melvyl-UCR - DRA Libraries telnet - Lib of Congress - WHO Lib - Smithsonian-Ca mirror - Smithsonian - austl lib links - GenomeDB -
Archive Journals: Porticodark - Porticodark - cernrepository physics & IT - cernrepository - MITdspace -
Full text books: google - gutenberg
- ebrary - worldlibrary
- giga - librarynu - ifileit(sbex) - resourceshelf - MedievalManuscripts
- hathi -
College Courses online: straighter -
printondemand (POD): sfwa - POD - ebrary -
Mixed reference sources (dictionary, translate, biog, map,
areacode, zip, currency):
refdesk - research-it
- bartleby - wolinsky
- cmu - kabacoff
- drudge - areacodes
- bitlocker
- ramseyil -
Reference variety links: babson
horn - bankerstrust - bellsouth
- bbn - fuld
- futures - konsynski
- tyson - montague
- scip - tasc
- remarq - tympani
Encyclopedia: wikipedia - wikicomment
- wikiEditscan - wikiaScratchpad
- KnolGoogle - Knol - herbinsight - sb
- cyclopedia - whatis
- 1911 - Britanica
- factcity - Funk&Wagnalls(sb19
jkl) - Encyc Brit - EBsample
- Comptons - unesco
encyclopedia 5motrial - Encyclopedia
of Life
Dictionaries: onelook
- wordnik - corpus - MerriamWebster -
Webster -
xrefer - omics
- Bartlett quotes
- Strunk & White Style
- ucsdlinks - PCwebopedia
Acronyms & Abbreviations: BrandeisacroMED
- Pharmacronym - Allie - MCCacronyms
- UCCacronyms
- acronymfinder - tufts
acronyms - macrosaurus
Dictionaries, Science: Cell
Biology Dict - Nature Encyc Life Sci -
dict cell bio
- harcourtSci - harcourtChem
- access - biotech
- molbio(gw)
- molbio(nih) - gw
med chem - GWsearch
- ergito (sbear@uswest) - biotech
life sci dict - PublicHealthThesaurus
Thesaurus English: roget -
nih roget - tmc
roget - thesaurasize - kwmap - thinkmapVisual - visual - visual - webster
- thesauri links
Translations: google
- worldlingo
- babelfishaltavista - altavista
- altavista
- babelfish - go
- free - free
- fagan - coleoptera
- elingo -
- Eng-Spanish
- SpanishMed - German
med - German-English -
- German - learnGerman
- Latin(tufts)
- Eng<>Latin(tufts)
- yourdict - Russian-English
- travlang set
- czech -
norweigian japanese
- Languages
- infotec - logos
- HLP - lai
dict - entrepreneur
- yahoo
dict - babel - chinese
- wholetree - multilingual
- Pinyin<>GR
- intertrans$ - agora$
- korean$ - arabic$
- $LH
babelfishformat eng>span:
Rhyming (orange): rhymer - rhymezone -
Intellectual Property: Who
Owns What - CompetitiveIntelligence
- IPconfusingterms
- AU Wash Col Law
- AU Wash Col Law
- MichState - MarshallJrnl
- ChicagoKentJrnl - MIT
- intangible -
Copyright: summary
- LibCong - LCworkforhire
- nolo
- CREDO(columbia
search) - columbia?
- cornell
- UTx
- Marshall - bohan
- Brinson - UA
- UMd
- UMd
- benedict -
- Templeton10myths
- Stanford - katsuey
- kuester - Hoffman
- Duquesne -
finehummel - EFF
- valauskas - FeliuLinks
- LC - LCpubs
- circ38a -
circ22 - findlaw
- UWa - 1976act
- fairusewiki - fairuserust
- PenguinParkercompilation
- DeWolf
- Guate2003
- Nesson
- Samuelson - FeistvRuralPhonebookCreativity - "Reality cannot be copyrighted" William Gibson - abandonware - orphan - InfringementNotice - CounterNotice - musicpiracy - JstorSwartz - TechStymied - CarrierRutgers - Carrier - extensionracket - leadscope - privacy - googlescans -
Digital Data: DMCA99(Lutzker)
- database(UNB)
- Pritcher
- linkdebate - publishingRevolution
- GoogleBookEffect -
Plagerism: eTBLAST - eTBLAST - comedy -
OpenSource: wiki
- wiki - wikiCopyleft
- opencopyLeft
Public Access: Shulenburger -
Trademark: sci3 -
Law: lia law dictionary
- jurisline - law-lexis
- findlaw - nolo
- Nolo Law home - agin
bankruptcy - carolwoo Law
- biotech-law -
- katsuey - Rutgers
Law Guide -
IPacademia: USC
- rutgers
- UVa Patent Fd - UMd
- USF - UCBerk
- depaul
- GWU -
NonDisclosure: wiki
- allbusiness
- google
- nolo - Halligan
- bitlaw - nondisclos - ipwatch - quinn - onecle - - uk -
NonCompete: wiki - sme - mel - real - umn -
Technology, Innovation, Invention Natl
Tech Transfer Ctr (NTTC) - priorart -
bountyquest - processpatent - patentAbuse - patentrigged - BayhDole -
Find Patents: cobrain - PTOfull
- PTO search -
US PTO - USPTOdeeplink
- PTOdb - sparkIP
- surechem - google
- freepatents - biosPatentLens
- ElsevierMDL
Patent via DiscoveryGate - scirus
- ibm search - ibm
- ibm - EuroPO
- EPOinfo - ESP - ESPinfo
- pcug - sunsite
- cnidr - micro
- latest - questel
- Shadow - sto
- derwent - cas
- shauna - Claessen
search - fastalert(biomednet)
- fastalert(chemweb)
- qpat (Person Lib) - sci3
- CAS - bountyquest
invalidation rewards - delphion -
wipo -
Germany - UK - Euro
- EUR esp@cenet
- espacenet - links(currentpatents)
- links(MIT)
- Neifeld links - PatentProcedure
- sopheon - Rath
- japan - $paterra
- PIUGlinks - patentsight - AOPpriorart - AOPsearch - patentvalue - enforcement -
Patent alert email: patalert - canada
- patents email alert -
Tradename: businesslaw
- Colo - Vt
- edoc
- graphics
IP market: biostreet - techex - pharma - knowledgeexpress - Uventures - delphion - patex - yet2?(bear j) - PL-xchange - techexchange - innocentives science challenges -
Patent Offices: Australia - Austria - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - Czech - China - Croatia - Cuba - Denmark - Europe - Finland - France - Georgia - Germany - Greece - Hong Kong - Hungary - Iceland - Indonesia - Italy - Japan - Korea - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Macedonia - Malaysian - Mexico - Monaco - Netherlands - New Zealand - Peru - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Russia - Singapore - Slovak Rep. - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Thailand - United Kingdom - United States - World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) - World Trade Organisation (WTO) -
Informatics: IU - RandomContextFreePaper - 20Questions - 20Questions - TextREtrievalConf -
Search Services: FindSVPteltech -
Find People: ussearch - intelius - zaba - whitePg - criminal - pipl - searchsystem - gumshoe - cvgadget - isearch - yahoo - scour - spokeo - rapleaf - rapleafOptout - ziggs - jigsaw
- eliyon - zoominfo
- infousa - iaf
- bigfoot - whowhere
- stalk difficult - netfind
- 555-1212 - switchboard
- whois
- knowbot - allinone
people set - Chemists
- Chemists
- Med Chemists - Scientists
- biologists - mailbase
members - cosmetics
dir - Whois
Gate - Whois/WhitePg
- lamb - internic
white pg - internic - type:
whois name - gnn
- Usenet
contributors? - infospace phone numbers
- NIH dir - komando
Reverse lookup: zaba - seo
- web101
- infospace (phone,
address, email, area code) - whitepages
- superVerizon -
reverse - reversephone
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