SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry

The division of alternative and standard is relatively recent. William Osler M.D, author of the greatly respected medical text of the early 1900's, included a great deal of what is now called 'alternative' therapies. Much of what is now placed into health categories is really the cost of being sedentary. Flexnor report (wiki) was the foundation of current medicine and suggestions of updating and revamping are now being made by NAS, HHMI, Carnegie,

Med Courses: MITHarvard - EuroBiomedOn-Course -

related Bear pages: Medical Informatics & Reference - Pharmacology&Toxicology - ComplAltMed - herbs - dental - biochemistry - drugs&chemistry -

Medical Health Web Search: genie - RothmanMedWikis - MedWikipedia - healthtap - healthmap - HSO - topsites09 - freeMedJournals - gpnotebook -
Rate Docs: ratemds - yelp - drScore - vitals -

Risk Perception: google - vickers - boven - riskquiz -
Death Causes: google -
Epidemiology & Prevention: pitt - healthmaps - 20criteriaforScarcity -

Physiology Organs & Systems: MedPhysiol -
thyroid -
GI Tract: GIendoscopy - hemorrhoids -
Sensation: senselab - odor - hearinggenetics -
 Eye: stluke - allabout - macula - optics - lens - opticAtrophy -
 Ear: otitis -
  accommmodation: see - physicsclass - crs - scielo - accommotrac -
Pancreas: pancreasweb -
Circulation: thrombosis - bloodtypeABOmap - Herbs&Nutrients -
Heart: am heart assn - heart (Franklin Inst) - portal hypertension (BMJ) - UnderstandingHeartTones -
Brain: CCD protein mapping -
Immunology: janeway - roitt - interhealth - altervista - cytokineGenes - Hunt/USoCar - NIAID - endotoxinLPS -

Medical Images: brisbio -
Anatomy: innerbody - InstantAnat - HONimages - skin histology - webanatUMn - animatedUPa - VHgsm - VHnlm - DreamNLM - Vesalius - Historicaltexts - Digital Anatomist Foundational ModelofAnat(FMA) UWash - FMA - UWa - Bergman - rothmanlist - lifehouse - ama -

Medical Dictionary: links - gray - medcyclopaedia - medscape(soabj soaringj) - medscape(cbs) - Curehunter(sbej) - coiera - cancerweb - cancerweb - cancerweb - acronym search acromed - tufts acronyms eocenter - jhu$tedman(pdr sobear j) - EUgloss9languages - 1look - German med dict  - mednetmt - intelihealth(Aetna) - wwwMW - NLMlinks - who - your - mel - WHO terminology - WHOlinks - personalmd? - PublicHealthThesaurus - PublicHealthLinks (UMa) -
browse: EUgloss - pharminfoAMA -
Search terms: medhunt - citeline - Lightning - MMRLib Dr Guide - yahoo health - lycos health - lycos med - healthwise - entrez medline -
indexes: medweb (emory) - medwebplus - healthwise - diseasesDB(Duncan) -

Diagnosis/Symptoms Clinical decision support: FPdecisioncharts - DXplain - DXplain just-in-time clinEd - DXplain Diag aid - nhsmapofmed(sby) - ZebraRareDiag - strategyHeneghan - ClinGuidelinesSinFrontera - KluwerUptoDate - healthanswers - GPnotebook - GPnotebook - DiagnosisExam - Emergency - isabel - SympDiag - UCSDexamination - diagnostic odds ratio calculator - pediatrics diag (ISA3777 bearsj) - evidenceBasedMed - Sensitivity & Specificity (SnNouts and SpPins) - Sensitivity & Specificity - DiseaseRisk - Benner Herbaltracer - cornellvetdiag - isabeldiag$750/yr - ibmWatson - LuceyCoursera -
Merck Manual of Diagnosis & Therapy: sections - merck - toc - yale - merckmedicus(sgbj) - oncologystat(Elsevier) -
Taking Medical History: bmj - medinfo - cayanga - gpmentor(sbe) -

Medical Information Resources: NIHmeddocs - NLMlinks - medpedia - Intelihealth(Aetna) - intelihealthSub - freebooks4doc - biomednet(sbj) - biomedcentral(sb@usw) - medsource - medstory - mdlinxSonyNews(sby) - webmd - medscapeCME(soab j; bearmed) - emedicineMedscape - emedicine(sbj) - medwiki - medstoryMS - medbiochem - merckmedicus(sobj) - merckmedicus(sgbj) - omnimed - healthfinder.govhealthanswers - PSL DrGuide - scirus - healthgatePro(sb) - GSM(sobearj) - CDCtopics - EmoryMedweb - Glaxo-helix - kabacoff - medwebplus - hardinIA - medmatrix - virtual mediconsult - healthchannel - osteopaths - healthcom functionalMed - yourhealth - nhsCKS - nhs - nice(sbe) - BMJ - HMID - Martindale - pdrnet(sobj) - gponline(sbe) - healthlinks - diseasedb - cybercare - Elhousecall - medwordsearch - ambrosia - doctorsguide - geneclinics search - geneclinics index - cismef French sites - medical biochem course - wisc links - medlib dir - TexMedCtrBooks - pfizer(sbe11J) - 5minconsult - medicalmnemonics - HonestDoctor - cliniquest - diseasesdatabase - patientUK - LRSMed - KELDAmed - CALreviews - conditionsCME - unboundedmedblog - healthline conditions - DrWiki - eMIR -
Med Info Spanish Prof: merck - familyDoc - cdc - wiki - HON -
Health Info Spanish Patient level: UMdPreg - UMdConditions - medlineplusEs - caphis - sutter - healthtransBiling - nlm - panam - HHShealthfinder - stanford - terms -
reviews clinical lit: NHS/CRD/York - TRIP -
Medical Q&A Advice: liveperson - justanswer -
Medical Sites: medworld - ovidDBof month - Scharr evidence based - docboard licensing - medsite(sbj 183345) - healthinfocus - netdoctor - medinfoWAX - HardinMetadir - HONmedhunt - omni - Trip(61 med searches) - AmAcadPediatrics (115828 beardog) - IOM - Biomedical links (Monash) - Brit NHS health - Internal med links - PreMedMCATwiki -
Emergency - First Aid skills - CPR - CPR - trauma images - trauma moulage - EmergencyMed&Tox - EMlinks -
Health Resources: healthworld - healthatoz - medicalizing difficulty into disease (BMJ) - omnimedToolbar32 - omnimed -
Physician Networks: sermo - docsboard - socialmd - doctornet -
Insurance Reform: MassPoll -

Conditions Diseases

Conditions with natural treatments: raintree a-z - Karolinska - Devries 100 (egregore) - waltzark 40 - florida - Blonz - Blonz - miningco A-G - miningco H-ZHerbalDave - vitbuzz - healthzone - planetrx - healthshop - craneTCM - vitamincom - allherb(Hobbs) - DrChristopher - earthmed - goodhealth - CherokeePhysicianForeman -

Conditions with standard conventional medical: medlineplus - NLM - NIH - medmaps(sbej) - UKnhs - webmd - Curehunter(sbej) - malacards - 16kdiseases - beWell110 - medicinenet - amedeo - Merck - AmDr - drugstore - mayo - diseasesDB - intelihealthAetnahealthanswers - healthatoz - UIowa - PLSDrGuide - adam - medicinenet - Hardin Iowa - cobrain - GSM(sobearj) - healthwide - rxmed - NIH consensus statements - OBanesthesia -
Clinical Guidelines: RCH - OntarioMedAs - Nat'l Guideline Clearinghouse for evidence-based guidelines -

Topics: DiseaseomeGeneRel - HDNhumanDiseaseNet - HuDiNeDoc - koop symp - koop conditions - koop encyc(DrugEmp) - mediconsult - Friedlander - Friedlander - iVillage - medscape - planetrx -

Cancer herbs: herbs screened for cancer - Snyder - hoxsey - hoxsey - cancer herbs - cancer herbs - cancer NCI - cancer NCI - annieappleseed - Supplements&Cancer -

Cancer touches all of us:

Each year there are:
1.25 million diagnoses & half million deaths per year
that's 1500 per day (1 every minute) !

['Cancer Facts & Figures' Am Canc Soc 1995]

Cancer is projected to surpass heart disease in a few years

['Cancer at a Crossroads' Natl Cancer Advis Bd 9/94]
            diagnoses(000)  deaths(000)  survival
lung           170            157            7%
colon          100             48           52
breast         183             46           75
prostate       244             40           83

Smoking accounts for 30% of all cancer deaths - responsible for 87% of lung cancers plus an effect on others. Risks of dying by lung cancer are 22 times higher for male smokers than for people who have never smoked.   National Cancer Inst Statistics

CANCER: insidecancer - NOAH(nypl) - NCIcancer.gov - NCI-caBIG - NCI screen - NCI screen - NCI cancer trials - UPa cancer trials - Prostate - NCI Cancerlit Oncolink - CancerNet - CancerNet(bonn) - NCC Japan - FDA - iarc - Genoa Canc Res - DanaFarba Cancer Inst - cansearch - CancerInfo Gene Therapy - ca-elec Carcinogen db - cancer pain mgt - faq/links - survivors faq - choices - JL McLaughlin, Purdue, plant agents - rectal(bonn) - Cancer Drug Discovery screen saver - screen saver - Geneweb Cancer Gene links - nci cancer prev - NCIgenesage - COSMIC (Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) - integrativeOncology - oncomine (sbyj) - wcrf - epidemiology - 10foodsfightcancer - NCCNcancerdrugs -
prostate: NCCN - NCCN - HPC1 & prostate cancer (nlm) - diag(wellweb) - prostate infolink - prostate(heal)sitosterol - cancerhelp - prostatecancer - planetprostate -
breast: NCCN - types & treatments (Cummings) - Breast - breast treatment - BRCA(NIH) - prognosis - prognosis - error -
lung: Gutman -
colon: screening rec -

Cancer Centers: UA - Am Cancer Soc - Telescan Europe - UWisc - Oncolink UPenn - UT - goodwin inst, Fla - Burzynski (3-phenylacetylamino-2, 6-piperidinedione) -

Publication of my comparison of two cancer drugs in Journal of Computer Aided Molecular Design
For other www resources about cancer click here
To learn more about TOPOISOMERASE inhibitor chemotherapy developement at U of A click here


Clinical Trials & Protocols: NGC guidlines - bewell diagnostics - 7500 clin trials (centerwatch) - clinicalstudyresults - Cochrane - trialscentral - ReCap - veritas - controlledtrials - clinicalevidence - NIH - NIH - NCIcancernet - NatEyeInst - NIAIDext - NIAIDint - NHLBI - Alzheimers - OfcRareDisease - FDA Ctr Drug Eval Res - CDER - AIDSactis - aidstrials - lshtm - lshtm - stroke trials - CRISP NIHresearch - UK - Lillytrials - Forest -
Protocols for Trials: NIAID -
Clinical Trials, recruiting: clinicaltrials - koop(quintiles) - Americasdoctor(centerwatch) - PDD -
Clinical Disease codes: LOINC - googleICD - ICD9 - ICD9 - ICD9news -
Gov/stat: pitt - WHO - CDC - MMWR - NIH - Morbidity&Mortality - agedeath -
MedicalRecords: QRESEARCH 7milUKclinrecords -
Epidemic Mobility: IndianaGLEaM - wheresgeorge -

Evidence Based Medicine (EBM): HealyCriticism - EBMquestions - InstinctTrumpsEBM -

Medical Advisors: dean edell - dean edell - mirkin -

Medical Mistake Error Reporting: Indiana - 300k errors 70k deaths - healthgrades - 238kdeaths -

Doctors Quality Rating: questionabledoctors - DocsDontSpeakUp -

Misc Links: A to Z - healthweb (NLM) - biomed - biomed - medmatrix - mednav - mednav - AmAssnInternMed - UPitt - Pitt - PittDBlinks - openclinical - Cochrane meta groups - yahoo diseases - comed diseases - comed services - medsitenavigator - nlm genes & disease - chid health topics (nih) - healthfinder - Natl health info ctr - beWELL - Blue med - wellweb - protein disease db - ncifcrf - ncifcrf cytokines - immune list - ucsf - Duke - medweb (weizmann) - unc Sheps links - UMich - aust links - Santel - ucla links - med matrix - MED MATRIX - med software - housecall (bear) - MRC - physicians online - Alberta Heritage Med - vanosta - Aging Res Ctr - Medical Info various (Aust) - Natl Lib Med - med links - Cool Med Sites - Med Sites - Interactive Patient - doctornet - health ed Louisville - immune list - ama - tulane Tropical - HealthNet - Candida info - arthritis - Virtual Hosp thyroid - liver - NeuroPharm - Pitt GHN - Leishmaniasis - tb - Aneurysm - physiol - HIV Gene - acupuncture - acupuncture - cytokines? - IL2 pic - tinnitis - insurance longevity predictor - hometest kits - utah med - UI - harvard? - Clancey? - hair - Alper -

Medical News: medscapeWebmd(soaring j y; bearmed ) - medscape - HIC Med News -

Lab Tests: DSL - labtestonline - HIC Med News-UPa -

Medical Statistics: USHHS - MEPS - NHS - highcosts -

Health Cost Comparison: OreHospitals -

Pharmacy & Toxicology

Schools, Publishers: Pharm Schools - Mosby books -

Mind: Hyperreal Drugs

Mind Body: nih conf -

Medical Organization: state associations - organizations(jama) -

Health Reform: Nutting - GrandJct -

citationBias -

MD choice rating: rateMD -

cozzi synaptic

Pharm Conf


Pharmacy IRC chat -

Biomolecular Screening -

Disease Gene Connections: geneclinics - UKansas - ncbi - hgmd search - genetests - MedgeneDisease - MimMiner -
Disease Molecular Mechanism:

Medgene LaBaer CoOccur 4k MeSH diseases X 53k NCBI genes (bearj) - Biogene - HarvardInstProt - LeBaerNature - LeBaerACS -

Medical Policy & Public Health: CanadaVsUS -

molec diversity preservation -

Veterinary: IVIS&PubMed subset (syah j)

Soaring Bear's DENTAL Information

Soaring Bear's HERBS & NUTRITION Information

?1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome