SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
Do you believe herbs are completely safe because they are natural? Are you taking herbs to replace drugs? Do you know how they work on your body ? Have you considered interactions herbs might have with other medications you take? Have you noticed that every year there is a new fad herb? Have you heard that herbs don't work?
The remedy is only part of the cure.
A true natural healing requires taking the time to explore
the root causes of a condition. Treating the root cause instead of symptoms
involves the gentlest and most direct way to returning to optimal health. Building
health is more enduring than treating sickness.
First principle is to be sensitive to yourself to feel symptoms
early. Stress management (quiet time, hot soaks, massage, nature
walks) and good nutritious food incorporated into your daily life is safer and
more natural than herbs. Nature contains many powerful toxins which may
be useful only if correctly used. Laughter
is the best medicine: bestof - LaughPage
- Dilbert - TopFive
Are you taking herb pills to replace drug pills?
Many people seem so delighted about herbs
being a natural healing that they overlook how herbs often get used just like
drugs. Herbs are the source of many commercial drugs and can be very powerful.
Be careful with source, dose, interactions & length of time taken, just
like for any drug.
Have you considered interactions herbs might have with other medications
you take?
There is a growing realization that this can be a very
big problem because of insufficient communication between pharmacologists and
herbalists and people taking combinations. Some notes are available at
FDA, Brinker.
Do you know how they work on your body?
Learning about the science of how complex herb compounds
interact with your body is the hardest part - but it's worth it. Despite
the what simplistic headlines often shout, there are still many glaring gaps
in knowledge about herbal medicine. Always ask for references. It is amazing
how blatant the deficiencies sometimes can be - such as a single study done
on just a few people ! Coke2Starcaps
Have you noticed that every year there is a new fad herb?
The latest fad herb is likely to have a limited supply for the
economic benefit of the promoters. Too many plants have been driven near extinction
by people walking past common weed plants having many of the same compounds and uses.
Plants at risk: UPS - b&t -
Have you heard that herbs don't really work?
Despite the long legacy, there are many detractors claiming
that herbs are either ineffective or dangerous. Amazingly they sometimes
contradict themselves in saying both at the same time! Such naysayers
tend to appear, at first, to be very concerned and very scientific. But
their true colors show when they defend conventional, but unhealthy, practices
such as junk foods diet, environmental pollution, etc. Their real client
appears to be big business. Some non-partisan scientists have addressed
the contradictions and dis-information spread by the hecklers: Leung
- Fugh-Berman
Synergy of plant components has finally been established by solid biochemical
evidence: Lewis
Have you read that herbs are dangerous?
Curious how some medical professionals
alternate between the contradictory positions that herbs are ineffective or
that they are potent enough to be dangerous. These same individuals are usually
the same ones who ignore the reports that adverse drug reactions in U.S. hospitals
kill 100,000 people each year (see JAMA).
Also see, "To Err is
Human" (NAP). Surely, Socrates can affirm that herbs can be quite toxic,
so care and information is necessary, just as for anything else that is ingested.
The vioxx story is not so new as much as a replay of when
aspirin took over the Willow bark market. Some observers of the time noticed
that "Salix bark is less depressing to heart than salicylic acid"
[Culbreth 1927];
Salicylic Acid large doses "depress the heart and respiration, lower the
arterial tension" [Potter
1902]; Salicylic acid "induces general depression of the functions
of the central nervous system. It depresses the action of the heart" [Ellingwood
Spray the weeds?
'Weed' is a state of mind, a plant looking for a use.
Ryan'syard What
we often think of as prickly, poisonous weeds are there from human land use
practices (slash & burn, overgrazing) and are part of the biological habitat
healing process. Imagine people harvesting these 'medicinal herbs' instead
of spraying those 'noxious weeds' with herbicides. Such plants deserve
further investigation. Here are some 'weed' sites to inspire more research: Oudhia
comment - USDAaphis
- USDAnoxious
- NPSalien - BLM
- CalDFA
- Calweed - noxioustimes
- NatureConservancy/ UCDavis - NatureConserv
- British
Columbia - Sasketchuan
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Colo Weed Mgt Assn - Connecticut
- Hawaii
- IdahoMontana
Illinois -
Indiana - Iowa
- Iowa
- NJRutgers -
- Ohio
- Oregon - Utah
- WSU - King
County, Wa - Wyoming
- World - World -
Weed o' Week - Cropnet
- merriweb - weedsmart
- garden
invaders - globalWeeds
- Coomb
- forestryimages
- Fletcher
- Australia
It is ironic that agribusiness and government spend millions on introducing
bugs for biological
control of a few plants instead of devising new uses for those 'nuisances'.
Herbs to drugs: Natural products are more diverse than combinatorial synthesis [Feher & Schmidt, J Chem Inf Comput Sci 43:218 2003]. Rediscovering natural products. [C&EN Oct 13 2003].
Food is such an emotional issue and it's hard to change old habits.
Most people don't act out in daily life what they already know to do better with
food. You could actually do more for your health in doing, daily, what you already
know than by finding out more about what to do.
There are more opinions about food than you can imagine.
You could spend years trying to evaluate them (all the while continuing to munch on the
same old food which you already know to be junk. So the best place to start is with
what you already know. Just do it!
Water Quality: Siouxlan
- EPA test methods -
epa watershed -
Nutritional Data USDAfoodcomposition
fnic search - NAT(uiuc)
- Langual
- USDA data - USDAisoflavones
- USDAflavonoids
- USDAnutrients
- NutritionData - UA
links - Am Diet Assn - arbor
- fastfood - VitGuide
- searchnutrition($79/yr) - about
MDR(JBC) - Nutrition
subset of Medline1mil - Nutrition+Metabolism
subset of Medline 3mil - supplementsLabels
- DINE - google -
Nutrients: zinc
- antioxidants(arbor) - oils
reports - links
- luteininfo - DrPasswaterArticles
Algae: Earthrise spirulina - ToxicCyanobacteria
- celltech blue-green - algae
physiology -
Vegetarian: VRG - WinArgumentwithMeatEater
- WinArgumentwithMeatEater
- vegnews - susanv
- vegy resource coop -
veganmenu - NAm
Vegy Soc - World
Guide - UK vege pages -
VegSocUK - UK
vege pages - sivananda -
vegan - vegan
action - Hulsey -
- ADA position - Vegetarian
recipes - good
diet - Veggie
recipes - food cooperatives - fatfree
- soyfeed
- fishedout - chickdead?
- earthsave (Robbins) links
- dairyMonster
- vegan Gregor - vegePassportTranslations
- vegparadise - stevenvegan
- vegyfriendlycities - GreenYourDiet
- ChubbyVeganUtube
- history
- nofishZone - carnivores -
Food Science Links AJCN - UW
- Mackin - Marques
- Martindale -
Med Nutrit - UMD
- yahoo - blonz
- netspace - FDA
food - NCI
Vit A - metametrix
- Bean Reference - VitaSoy
- Nutr Sci News - Nutrition
Reviews - Roby allergy
- Inst Food Sci Tech - Inst
Food Ag Sci-UFla - bookman
- pycnogenol/proanthenol
- rainbow - walden
vitamin - faminefoods(Freedman)
- Soyfoods - soyproject
- RousettKBNP
- preparedfoods - nutrasolutions
- tannin - tannin
- SoySafety(Davis)
- chipotleCalc
- sci
against cloned meat - HypertensionHerbs&Nutrients
Food Safety: nuttreatment
Carbohydrates: medbio -
Food Trends: IFT2010 - 13nutritionLies -
Sprouts: foodsafety - satitize - quicksilver -
Organic Processing:
beecher -
Antioxidants: GoldacreCynic
Food colors: wimona
- chemsoc
Food additives: chemsoc
- WHOfoodadditivesafety
- WHOchemsafety
Food pics: salzburg - salzburg -
Flavor: Flavor Wheel - flavornet -
Consultants: CANI - DannyWells - Leung - Lapinskas - Torkelson -
Supplements R&D: aibmr - phytochem - supplinfo - omega 3 & 6 structures - LangualFoodThesaurus -
D'Adamo's blood type diet lacks science
General comments: MMoore
- NPRSupplements3/99
- controversial products-McCaleb
- PID - Klein
Contraindications, Toxic & Adverse Reports (safety is as important
as effectiveness): FDA
search - FDAplants
- FDAplants - Purdue80
- Cornell90 -
Grieve40 -
MunroCanada250 - Munro - Munro - NIEHS
search - U
Fla70 - UAz30
- usda60 - UTexas50
- ATSDR search - ATSDR
- Singapore10 - Cornell10
- mediherb
(bear yui) - 70
poison pictures (UP) - 70
poison pics (ArrowK) - 50
poisonous pics (uiuc) - botanical
dermatology - contact
dermatology(Vanderbilt) - Rubberlatextbl
- herbs to avoid during
pregnancy (Langer) - FDAlist
- Coke2Starcaps
- ConsumerUnderreporting -
Plant poisons: Cornell
- ARSsearch - ARS-leffingwell
- Natl Ctr Tox Res - AAPCC
- Pyrrolizidines Roder
Herb/Drug Interactions (clue to bias is if someone knocks herbs without mentioning food effects): Bergner - InteliHealth - grapefruit - lifebalm chart - Treasure - Wong09 - UMd - VitHerbUniv - drugdigest - IBIS -
Regulation: FDA supplements - FDABotanicalReview - NAS - colchicinePrice - colchicinePrice -
Using Plants
Medical Botany Principles: Duke
- FtLewis
- WaynePalomarBot115
- Fundamentals
of Pharmacognosy by M Heinrich $38 -
Pharmacognosy: AmSocPharmacognosy
links - Umist
links - Intl J Pharmacognosy
now PharmaBio - phytopharmacognosy
- phytopharmacognosy
listserve - ChrisKing
- Napralert keywords -
Treasure deconstructing Varo
Taylor -
Herb Phytochem Plant Chem db:
USDA: Phytochem
db - Phytochem
Searchcgi - Phytochem
query - about
phytochem - chem query
- ParkPhytochem
Other: Moore
300 - Frendli
- terpene
db - quercetin-thorne -
phytochem db - greentea-thorne
- antho-cyanidins-thorne
- capsaicin
QSAR - Proanthocyanidin
- alkaloids - taiwan
research - phytochemWorld
- Phytochem Soc - JNatProd
- PlantaMed
(SocMedPlantRes) - kampoDBflavonoidswiki - PhytochemMS10k - TCMSP - TCMSPdoc - TaiwanTIP - TaiwanTIPdoc - MPDB Bangladesh - MPDBdoc -
PlantExtractChemicalLibraries: google - timtec4k - bioscreen5k - ibio12k - ibio12k - analyticon12k - MerlionGSK30k - NCI50k - microsource800 -
Extracts: methods - curcuminoids -
bioperine - forslean
- silibum - Aesculus
Distillation: The Art
of Distillation by John French -
Perfume: GoodScents -
Cancer: NCIscreening
- annieappleseed
- Supplements&Cancer
Melatonin: thorne - aeiveos - jor - Cracchiolo - Sahelian -
Estrogenic: phytoestrogen
(tulane) - phytoestrogens - phoenix - phytoestrogen
links - Aeron saliva hormone - Cracchiolo - tulane - Cracchiolo
yam - Stansbury - arbor -
Stimulants, Ephredrine & Caffeine: HRF - HRF - McCaleb - Blumenthal -
grapefruit -
Botanical Analysis: eurofins alpha - natural product extraction -
Herb Journals: J Natl Prod - Alt Med Rev - AMR contents - Phytochem - Herbnet mag - J Naturopathic Med - Bergner's Medical Herbalism J - Intl J Pharmacognosy (Pezzuto) - J Ethnopharmacology - Nat Products Reports - Fitoterapia contents(Indena) - RevCubana Plantas Med -
Ethnobotany, North Amer: Moerman
(umich) - Moerman
(AGIS) - ARSmain -
ARSsearch - ARS-leffingwell
- Ugent(siu) - RFord
UMich pdf - JonesCalif - Lincecum - Lincecum - Wash
DOT 70 - Cabrillo
Anthro links - female
puberty & menses - People
& Plants - BookNet
Ethnobot - bibliography - Bergnerlinks -
- herbalshaman
(~200) - AFS1
- AFS2 -
Stepp(UGa) - ecoport
- fitoterapia
- Horton - Thomson - ThomsonNewGuide - ThomsonNewGuide - ThomsonLloyd - Lloyd - hrafYale - permaculture -
ARS: ARSmain
- ARS Ethno searchcgi
- ARS-leffingwell - about
Ethno - ARS Grin 117
plants download - AGIS
foodplant db (Duke) - Duke
ref codes - Duke
activities -
search format:
Ethnobotany, International: kew
links - Kew Ethnobot
- KewEcobot - Kew Sepasal(bear
sby) - ethnobot links
- KatzerSpices
- Katzer - AllisonKnox -
Latin America: raintre Amazon(100)
- BibliotecaMedMex1100 - AztecMedGuerra66
- Costa Rica - Brazil plant list
- NE Brazil - Surinam
Caribs - Andes - SAmer
- Surinam - Guyana - Machiguenga/Eastern Peru - Guin?Bissau
- Brazil - Guiana - Chorti Wisdom - Kekchi Wilson - CentAmSyllabus - BrazilNubbe -
Asia: Japan ETHMED (slow) - Maori -
TCM Chinese: cam page - nus
- dictCH - chemTCM(sbexj) - rmhi - cintcmTCD - materiamed - herbasin/dasherb - tcmassistant - kampoDB - kampoDBmetabolomics -
India Ayurveda: Indian herbs -
- Pharmacopoeia - IndianMedPltGrowers(sgbex)
- IndianMedPltDict Khare07 - IndiaTKDL
- India Traditional
Knowledge Digital Library - IndiaTKDL
- Hyderabad - meddbDoak - mmdbd - mmdbd - Nepal -
Pacific: Austl. Indigenous
Health Net - Australia
Natl Bot Garden - ANBG - Austral
flora - Indigenous
Health Net - Bali
ethnobot (Duke) - Samoa(Dittmar)
- APINMAP (Asian Pacific
Info Network on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) and HERDIN (Health Research and
Development Info Network) -
Arabic: Islamic(NLM)
Africa: metafro (sbj) - africamuseumBe - metafroBurn - prota - Menispermaceae
- Tanzania - Schmelzer - NorthAfricaIUCN -
Europe: rubia - rubia
- Estonia -
Herbals Online, classic historic & ancient: Arber - Arber - Arber - CulpepperIndex - Culpepper
- Culpepper
- Culpepper(grey)
- Culpepper(yale)
- IbnSinaCanon1593 - Gerarde1597 - Grieve index
- Grieve - Thoreau
index - Gothick (Day)
- TierralinCks - weight&measure
- HenrietteClassicTexts(bearj)
- Potter
1902 - Felter
1898 - Pharmacopoeae
Bernensis Tentamen 1852 - Lilius
Gregorius Gyraldus, Historiae Deorum Gentilium, Basileae: Oporinus 1548
- CommissionAncientTradition (Dalfen)
- Winstonlinks
- ParacelsusNLM
- Galen
- medica - Pliny
- Pliny - StrasburgFlora
- BrunschwigDistillandi
- BrunBrunschwig
- BrunschwigDistillandi1512
- Badianus
- IndiaTKDL - Dodonaeus1550s - Fuchs 1545 - Fuchs1549 - Mathioli1562 - Theophrastus botany 300BC - 17thCentNotesWellcome - BrazilCaatinga1648 - BrazilCaatinga1648 - BrazilCaatinga1648 - BrazilCaatinga1648 - BrazilCaatinga1648 - BrazilCaatinga1648 -
Egypt Papyri: LeakeReview1952 - Kahun1900BCGriffith - Hearst1550BCLeake - Erman1550BC - London1350Wreszinski - Berlin1350Wreszinski - Beatty1200Jonckheere -
Ebers1550BC - EbersCarpenter - EbersNederhof -
Smith1600BCBreasted - SmithNLM - SmithNLMScroll - SmithNLM - SmithBryan - SmithTour -
Hippocrates: wiki - RegimenMit - Regimentxt - Regimenebook - Mit - MITworks - AdamsMIT - archive - AdamsHarvardimg - VaHSL - UVa - UMKC -
Dioscorides: wiki - ibidi - UVa - wikisource - paris - ibidi - heron - renaissance -
Herbals Online, modern:
PFAF (description, usage, cult): pfafUses
- pfaf(leeds) - pfafSearch
(leeds) - pfafSearch
(unc) - pfaf(perma) -
pfafSearch (unc)
- pfaf download -
Healthnotes ~250 (prima): healthzone
- vitaminbuzz - mothernature(cmgi)
- vitamins
- home
ABC Herbalgram: ABCCommissionE98
- commissionExt2000
- herbalgram
- herbalgramArchive
- herbalgramsearch
- herbclip
Various: globinmed(bearj) - WHOvol1(100)
- WHOvol1
- WHOvol1
- WHOvol1
- WHOvol2
- DL
Hoffmann(170) - Hoffmann
- onhealth(~170)
- webmd
- (~140) -
(~160) - allherb
(Hobbs 330) - Mooresw
- Mooreunc
- sequential
(230) - herbalshaman
(~200) - Kress -
hol online
(2000) - hol online - Hol
online name - kew
econ bot links - vatican
med - vatican
bot - nih ods db (50 suppl, 250,000 rpts
- krahe90 - symmetry
70 - smartbasic(65)
- Miss Ext Svc
search - Minn
ethno - FamineFood
(Freedman) - Nahuatl
- Kresslinks - JellinNaturaldatabase92/yr
- JellinConsumerReports19/yr
- scarletta - HealthCare
RealityCheck Scepticism - viable(340)
- SolgarNutritionfocus(200)
- tnp(prima
publ) - j) - vicusCommissionE(bearj)
- IntlMedPltGrowerConsortium(sbexcj)
- IMgateway - EMEA - fileguru -
Healthlink ~340: healthlink
search - healthlink
index - healthlink
browse - software
Several: cebradsh(45) - monature25
- SFoster - SFoster
- rxlist(40) - NPIC
- UNC(35) - kew
2dozen - kc25 - belmont25
- rinfocan30
- fitomed25 -
to top10 drugs - thorne12
- Camilla Cracchiolo12
- AMA12
- vogel14 - naturalnet
- wholehealth
- herbalalt21 - ANMP
- OSUlinks
- fitomed - tork(A)
- Swampy(30) - ricola(20)
- mediherb(sobear
j) -
Shorts: waltzark -
Davies egregore(130)
Herbweb herbage shorts (Johnson): omnicopia
- herbweb a - herbage
- herbweb links - herbweb
Poor: pagans
medline tidbits - UWa
NLM links to ARS (80) - Natmedsol
120 - altnature(30) -
drWhitaker briefs - shepherd
chart - HerbalDave - wholeherb?
Download Herbals: sunsite
shareware - NaturBase - FLORIN
- Felter(moore.pdf)
- Culbreth 1927(moore.pdf)
- Sayre1917 - pfaf download -
- Ritter Mother's
Remedies - Winstonlinks
- Winston - henriette - Scudder1898 -
Other data sources: Johnson holisticopia
herbage - IndonesiaMedPlants(bearj) - IBIDSupplements
title search - IBIDS
- medscape(cbs) -
- USDA bibliographies
- intramed - trieste
links - HoffmanHerbalistCD
- ThaiHerbalRepos - herbalnet - AssocEthnbioMexico -
Commercial Abstract Services: napralert
- napralert(old) - napralert
- napralert(stn)
- napralertlist
- AHP Upton - CAB
chem abst - ESCOP
Phytonet - Phytonet (PNNR101
txEM2I zero eye) - Medicinal Aromatic Plants Abst of NISCOM (formerly
PID, CSIR), New Delhi -
Gathering, Storing, Preparation, Using: Cabrera
- earthangel - stony
mt - weights
& measures - Neb-marketing
& production - waltzark
Other herblinks: TreasureBookworm
- deconstructing Varro Tyler
- Bergner - ethnolinks
- Ayahuasca/tryptamine
- Kampo - Shaman
- Dermatology Formulations(SoAfrica)
- openNAPIS -
Plant Names:
Individual Plants: I have some links at plants.html but please go to HerbMed for complete & organized Medline abstracts - herbmedpro - gaiaherbmed - TCMgendit -
Combinations and Mixtures: earthangel -
Schools: ColPhytotherapy
- Bastyr - SWInst - Bridgeport
Education links: newage
Interesting Links: Carvalhas
- rosenthal
- rosenthal
- rmhi - CompleatBotanica
- gardenweb - medwebplus
- medwebplus
herbs - guiaverde
links - IDBG - Phillips(colby)
- Plunkett - allherb
- npdc - statelist
- (usda) - NPDC
- Kew - Kew
others shamanism - lloyd
- Bower
Complementary Med - yahoo
alt med - yahoo
herbs - marco bleeker -
mcmaster - vlib
biosci - marcotte
alt med - botanical
- cornell botany
- cornell biodiversity - Humphries
biodiversity - Torkelson -
countrylife links
- holisticmed - VL
- flora europa? -
hoxsey - goodhealthdir
- PharmaviteNatureMade
- Haughton
- New crops
- Morton Fruits
- CMAPSEEC conf reports -
Fair Links: tims
- Brounstein - Brounstein
- algy med herb links -
medweb search (emory) - wellnessweb/Hughes
- Brach
- native am Tropicos
search - umist
- dentali - yamasaki?
- hyperborea (cute)
JL McLaughlin,
Purdue - problemas em biossintese
- Eden
- WHO - ILDISLegumeweb
- ILDIS Legumes - FLOTURK?
- NAPRALERT? - Poisonous
Plants in Britain CD - PROSEA
SouthEast Asia - SEPASAL
(Survey Economic Plants for Arid & Semiarid Lands, Kew) - TRADIMED
TCM; Seoul Natl. U.Natural Products Res Inst) - HOPKINS
CD Hoffman's Herbalist - DSQuali
- leffingwell -
other data sources lacking web access:
NATTS db, Central Drug Research Inst, Lucknow, India.
MEDICINAL PLANTS OF MALTA: 300 plants, Univ of Malta
MAPI (Major Aromatic Plants of India)?, Lucknow.
MEDICINAL PLANTS OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA from Wau Ecology Institute Herbarium, Wau,
PNG, containing botanical, phytochemical and ethnopharmacological information
on plants native to PNG.
INMEDPLAN (Indian Medicinal Plants National Network; Bangalore.
Lyle Craker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Langer's DROGENANALYSE: Deutscher Apotheker Verlag of Stuttgart, Germany. Contains
names, synonyms and illustrations of 2400 medicinal and poisonous plants.
GREEN MEDICINE: Chinese Herbal Medicine database published by the Journal of
Chinese Medicine, Hove, Sussex. UK.
AHEAD (Asian Health, Environmental and Allied Databases) CD-ROM series, disks
2&3. Contact NISCOM, New Delhi, or IDRC, Canada.
BACIS (Boelens Aroma Chemical Information Service). essential oils and other
volatile compounds.
TCMLARS (Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System,
English/Chinese bilingual) China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
TCM database and CHIMERA, a bibliographic database on reported cases of adverse
reactions to Chinese foods, from Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Suppliers: 2k Albany Bothell - ayush -
Herb business assoc: Herbworld - AHPA -
?1995-2010 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome