SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
Bear's links to plant pictures: herbpic - byregion
Botany Reference: BotanyOL
- wiki - BotanyOLlibrary
- wildclass - UPennOL
- 1788 Walter's Flora
Caroliniana - Smithsonian/NMNH - botanicus -
flower Inflorescence arrangement: ontario - wiki - biodiversity - palomar -
Botany Dictionary Glossary: usgs
- gardenweb - glossary(au)
- glossary(au)
- oxford
- plant systematics
& dict - monocot/dicot
distinction - plantontologies
- plantontology - botanycom -
Dict English Spanish: efloraTranslation - usda152 - usda152 - usda152html -
Education: learnplantsnow -
Identification Keys: CompareDallwitz11 - CompareDallwitz10 - CompareDallwitz07 - DicotsPlantSysNixon - deltaIntkeyDownload - Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)sobearj - Lucid(bear1j)
- LucidNeotropikey - lucid3free - kewNeotrop - kewNeotrop - LucidWoody - Discoverlife - TropicalDiscover - FlowersDiscover - TreesDiscover - enature - IdentifyLife - KeytoAllLife(bearj;f) - PlantImageAnalysis - gardenorg - KewZambesiaca - keytoNature
- keytoNatureSearch - ElectronicFieldGuide - FieldmusGuides
- FieldPicGuides - bmomFlColor - pughFlColorNC - mekaSliksJepson - jepson - mekaJepson - treeshapes - AboutTreekey - healthy - efloras - actKeyChinaHarvard - Pollyclave(UToronto) - FloraOnlineBuf - BBG - xper - XID - XIDnorthwest - silverkey - GobotanyNewEngland - keylargo - AustraliaWeeds - pondplants - fieldLinks - Walinks - shrubsDuncanUGa -
phone ID apps: review - list - leafsnapPhoneAp - calflora - XIDandroid - essentials - arbor - statesman - mobilehandheld - palm - palmkey -
web ID photo help: davesgarden - natureplusUK - allthings - leafveinsdb -
Keys of Regions: FloraNAmGenuskeys - FloraMesoAmer(mobot) - FloraMesoamerFamilies - MexicoConabio - CalifJepsonKeil - SanDiegoBowles - SoCalif - StaMonicaMt - StaMonicaFl - ArizonaDelange - ArizonaKinsey - WesternWetland - Desert - ColoAz - SEINsw - Colorado - TexasTrees - MissouriTenaglia - missouriplants - AppalachiaWeakley - Midwest
wetlands300 - auburnAlabama - Georgia - Pacific
NW flowers (Slichter) - Washburke - Cascades(Slichter) - MtNatureCanada - Wisctrees - WiscTrees - UWfamily(UWi)
& pic - WiscGymnosperms - Minn - StLouisSeasons - northeastHaines - wetlandplantsKey - PineBarens(Baker)
- usda - AsiaTrees - BorneoTrees - CanberraBlackMt - florabaseAustralia - NSWales - TasmaniaMonocot - Africa - Britain - GobotanyNewEngland - LouisianaStU - LouisianaGrass - SoutheastGwaltney - GeorgiaMarlow -
Keys TO Families: dicotsNixon - Colby Colby211 Hamburg
mirror - jepson - botSocBritish - HowToBowlesXID - pathkeyDelta - plantsystematicsDivLife - clc
- carter - Australia - houseplants - Thonner - GMUkelloff - UMa - wildclass -
Keys IN/OF Family: jepson - eflora - Convolvulaceae - ConvolvulaceaeCostaRica - MonteVerdeCR - IpomoeaCR - Clusiaceae
(hypericum, calophyllum, garcinia) - Cycads - Gymnosperms - Capsicum - Orchids (UWi) - kewGrassIntkey - Saxifragaceae - Symplocaceae - SolanaceaeJepson - SolanumDelta - SolanaceaeNHM - SolanaceaeLuirig - LauraceaeCostaRica - Zingiberales(NMNH)
- Iridaceae - WuChina - Heliantheae - Alnus - CornellGymnosperms - WiscGymnosperms - TLANlandscape - GrassVir - Carex - Carex - sedges - Clematis -
Family Asteraceae (Compositae): features - tribes - vkkey - vk - michKey - panero - jepsonCal - jepsonCal - jepsonCal - FloraNAeflora - FloraNAeflora - Elpel - kewBolivia - eflora - efloraVernonia - landcareNZ - landcarekeyNZ - ShinnersWiscpdf - tamu - composorg - UNMworkgroup - lifedesk(sbe) - AsterOntario - picsItaly - pics -
Family Apiaceae (Umbeliferae): WuChina - jepson -
Family Fabaceae: planetnet - jepson - intkeyUSDA - harvardchina - zipzoo - coeCal - NorAz - tamuPic -
Family Asclepiadaceae: delta -
Family Apocynaceae: carr -
Family Acanthaceae: durkee -
Family Flacoutiaceae: alford -
Family Ericaceae: usda -
Concordance table of Family Names (APG, Cronquist, etc) by Reveal
Suprageneric Names Database Natl
Ag Lib - finder - 11k genus changes
(IPNI, Clothier) -
Plant Families: UConn - Reveal plant systemics - botany
307 U Toronto - kew
genera within families - 3letter
family abrev - Liliaceae - cycads - Mistletoe - Cacti -
FamilyLists: kew - wiki
- delta - Reveal -
Trees Keys: TreesDiscover - Yucatan
trees - CaribTreesKirk - CostaRica - AsiaTrees - SoCarolina - TennRadnorBaskauf - VaTrees - VaTreeLeafTwigKey
- Leaf & twig (VirT) - leaf&twig - MinnTrees - trees(UDel)
- Iowatrees
- Iowatrees - Wisctrees - Wisctrees - Oregon
Conifers - trees
(Abrahmson, Bucknell) - trees
(arborday) - Georgia - FloraNorAmFamilies
- FloraNorAmFamilies
- Kell - Michigan - Michigan - about - selectree - NixAbout - TexasTrees -
Fruit: FruitKey - CaSUWolfFruit -
Search on color, season, zone: sierrahome
- Hearst - Reed
Databases: IOPIdblinks - weeds of world (oxford) - WOW - swiss
flora - NPflora download - IOPIdatabases - Taxonomic Database Working Group - Linnaeus taxon
db (like delta?) - BritishFerns - WiscFernKey - AgroForesTree 700 Asian trees id & uses - pfafSearch(unc) - PFAF -
Delta: intro - deltaBeginColeman2010 - newslet1988-95 - intkey - biocollections - intkeySeltmann - old uno - muenchen - news - naturbase - taxasoft
editor (gouda) - Pollyclave
(UToronto) - Navikey - pandora - xdelta - deltaALA - FreeDELTA - FreeDELTA - FreeDELTA - FreeDELTA - Freedelta - Freedelta - OpenDeltaXML - OpenDelta - links - datasets - datasets - DeltaAccess - DeltaAccess - Diversity
Workbench - delia
extension - DIANA interactive shell - taxasoftEditor - PyDelta - PyDelta - BugsIntkey -
Meka: Meka
download - Meka - MEKA intro - MEKA faq - JepsonMeka - Jepsonkeys - SLIKS - bowles -
Other: florin - Lucid(bear1j)
- LucidWeeds - LucidWeeds - LucidCentaurea - BrahmsHerbariumdb - Alice - Xper - Xper - Xper - xper - EDIT - UMassElectronicFieldGuide - identifyKeysCentral - Scratchpads - CyberTaxonomyEd - iBiosphereWiki -
Principles of Interactive Keys: delta
- kew - tdwg
APG vs. Cronquist taxonomy hierarchy: When Linnaeus began the binomial naming of species during the 1700's, plant systematics was based on the appearance of reproductive parts (flowers) and has gradually been refined to the current Chronquist hierarchy. Genetic knowledge of the 20th century led to the APG system based on gene sequences which is highly useful for evolution, however is limited to only the minority of plants that have been sequenced, hence a majority of plants are left in the category "not assigned", so loses relations coming down through the centuries in the Chronquist hierarchy.
Cronquist Classic system is based on appearance of reproductive parts: USDA
Plants - CronquistPhylogenyTouchgraph - CronquistTreeTamu - CronquistTreeLohmueller - APGvsCronquistCarrUHi - APGvsCronquistDelta -
APG sequence system is based on gene sequence (RNA pol) but incomplete: NCBI - Tree
of Life (APG) - MoBot - Uppsala - TAMU - APGtree - APGvsCronquistCarrUHi - review:
An update of the APG classification Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
141: 399-436 2003 - Bremer in "Plant Systematics for the 21st Century" ed
B Nordenstam, G El-Ghazaly & M Kassas, 1998 -
18S rRNA gene sequences of plants: UCBerkeley -
Names cross index: BONAP(berkeley)
- USDAplants - Integ
Taxon Info Syst - IPNI search - IPNItips - LatinChangesClothier - TNRSmobot - TNRSiPlantMobot - TNRSresolution - Fletcher
- Moore - PlantList - Plant
Name Db - CommonNames(b&t)
- CommonCheshire
- MeaningsDave - frog - nearcticalinks
- NCU(iapt)
- ING(Smithsonian)
- ING(Smithsonian)
- Bryophytes(mobot)
- Porcher
- WatsonDallwitz?
- HindiSanskritBotan
- SpanishNames(ciagri)
- TicoSpanishnames
- Portugese - Names
in Current Use search - AsiaSyn - Asia&ArabicNames
- JapanesePlantNames
- Serbian.Latin
- rememberingnames
Latin Name Meanings: latinNameMeaning
- winternet - calflora - clothier -
Authorities: UMd/NAL
- Kew - Harvard -
Common Names: Porcher
- ARSgrin
- ARSgrin
- ARSgrin -
Taxonomic Description: jstor(sby 1j) - taxonomicDBgrp(IntlUnionBioSci)
- SI - SI
- valikko 400
tropicos search - taxonomyDying - ars/GermplasmRIN
- ars-GRIN - zipcodezoo
- Gray
name search - Gray - Reveal plant systemics - DigitalFlowers - UIUC
- TreeWeb
- Florachecklist
- DELTAfam
- DELTAfam - DELTAfam
- DELTA fam
- DELTA Marchantopsida
- pandora
- meem - IOPI - sp2000
- Pines
of ENorAm(ncsu) - AtlasLivingAustralia - hiroshima - Fire Effects - lichens
Oslo - Fam
Concordance - Asteraceae
(unex) - Molina
(unex) - jds35 - ChinaFlora
(byfamily) - speciesquestion
- gymnospermsdb
(Earle/Bonn) - gymnosperms(Earle)
- gymnosperms(Earle) - FungiTaxonomy - Cycads
- Cycads - Cycads
- Cycads
- DigitalTaxonomylinks - FloraAustraliaOnline
- TDWG - TDWGproc
- TDWG07
- morphbank
- taxonXML
- GBIF - morphster
- FloraCostaRica
- FieldianaLatinAmer
- FloraGuatemala
- FloraGuate - ctfsPanama - crescent - flowerparts - jstorPlants - Theophrastus botany 300BC -
Botany Classification: Upsalla
- angiosperm
phylogeny clade - plant
systematics & pict - SystematicsSyllabus
(Evans) - plant
kingdom classification (Zeuter) - Treebase
(UCBerk) - zookeys(sbyj) - phytokeys -
Taxonomy Parts Nomenclature general: morphology
dictionary (probe) - DownieUIsystematics - Farabee
- taxonomic key by pictures
(omnicyber) - dictionary (gw)
- ID software
(bleeker) - Bleeker
Botanical Sorting - IDsoftware(bleeker)
- guiaverde software -
leaf margins(ostracon)
- herbaria, taxon, ecol - fi
software links - Taxon201
Manhart - taxon301Wilson
- taxon301Wilson
- Flora NAm -
Botan El News archive -
- Intl
Code Nomenclature - INGcontents
- Arabidopsis(entrez)
- treebase
- species2000 - systematics
- digitax - digitax
- OUlinks
- World
Taxonomist Db search - taxon
links (Johnson, Ark Tech U) - Botany
201 (EnglerTAMU) - 201tamu -PlantAnatomyMalpighi1675
- 17-19th
century bio manuscripts Stueber - WolfCSUStanislaus
- UIUC - EFGkey
- freedic -
Flower Parts: fairchild - palomar - ibiblio - flowerPartCodes - flowerterms - calverley - floralformulas - stamens -
Plant Photo Pic tips:
PlantPicBaskauf -
Chemotaxonomy: pakistan
Course Materials: Reveal - botany115 & plant families (Wayne) - Plunkett VCU - UWisc - UMn herbarium - smithsonian - smithsonian search - U Fla herbarium - Mo. Botan Gard - UMo list - UCt - UCt tree list - UA herbarium - Helsinki links - Dickinson - IOPIdb - Wolf (csu Stanislaus) - UToronto - UToronto - Botany 201 (Engler, TAMU) -
Plant Physiology: Iowa -
botany 251
U Toronto - OttawaDrawings
- seedID - seedImage$ - cartage
- PlantStructureOntologysearch
- fruittypes - plastids(Joyard,
Plant Physiol 118:715 1998) -
Plant Anatomy: LeafShape(cnps)
- Botha
- enchanted
- botonline
- worthley - Fruit&nuts
- Fruit&nuts
- PlantCellOrganelles
- Plasmodesmata
Pollen: Roslin150
- nrm - Upsala
FloralReflectancedb -
LifeCycle of plants: Biodidac(UOttawa)
Photosynthesis: botany
322 U Toronto - govindjee
Phyllotaxis spiral fibonacci patterns in plants: smith -
Phenology (flowering period): Dawes
(ohio) - WashDC
100 spring plants(NMNH) - National
Arboretum all year -
Plant math to anticipate night length: scialdone - scialdone -
Plant Pathology: APS
common names of plant disease - ForestPathology
- PLEXdb -
parasiticPlants: parasiticPlants - omnisterra - Nickrent -
Herbaria/Arboretum catalogs: USNationalLeafdb - Linnaeus(nrm) - TAMU - ConnCol - UConn - UConn family - HarvardGray - Harvard specimen search - mobot - CSUStanislaus - NYBG - Canberra - NCSU - NCSUsearch - UFla - BIMS(CostaRica) - Jamaica-Sloane - CMU-HuntBotanicalArt - NYBGVirtualHerbariumDB - NYBGVirtualHerbariumSpecimens - BotanicusHistorical - NewUnclassifiedSpecies - fairchild - LouisianaSU - LSUgrass -
Plant GeneDB: Ag Geneome - Plant Gene db - ERGOplant - planex - planexdoc -
Botany Links: VirtualLib(Russell, UOkla) - UFla - FloraNAmsearch - FloraUS - FloraMesoAmer - FloraofOhio - FloraofUS - FloraofPuertoRico - Hamburg - nearctica - links - yahoo - yahoo plants - mbleeker - Torkelson - TAMU Botany Links - CtrPlantConservationNatives(mobot) - npdc (usda) - usda-nrcs - UNC - VaTech - Scott fp 3000 - IDB(Lampinen) - IDB(Liu) - Liu Botany - helsinki - UNM - OSU - VirTech trees - Ontario trees - Colby - CSU biosci - CSU botany - Liu links? - Botlink - Au - Berlin - Botan Stanford - fi - Cuphea, Lythrum? - BotAuthors search - Gresham - ETI(unesco) - Inet Dir Bot Software - UKansas - AtlasFloraeEur - BotanySoc - 17-19th century bio manuscripts Stueber - NBII - nl - AustraliaANBG - ElSalvadorTrees - LondonNatlHistoryMus - FallFoliage - CarnivorousPlants - BrazilPlants -
NativePlant Soc of US: md
Evolution: PaleoceneFossilsColombia -
DNA barcoding: Panama -
Checklists: So.Appalachians
- WetlandsPlants(fws) -
Palms(Hole) - Chenopodia(Flora)
- Grass - Grass(si)
- Grass(mobot)
- aridlands - CostaRicaHaber
- Belize(nybg) -
- Mesoamerica(mobot)
- Nicaragua(mobot)
- Mexfloralists
Rare/Endangered Plants: Natl
Collection - ESIS
SW - NMrare
- US
- US - by
state - Idaho
- India -
Forestry: Jurassic Pine - Mo silva - fws - Tex forestry - Oxford Forestry - metla forestry -
Parks: NPS - Botanical Gardens - USFSwildflowers -
Botanizing Trails Online: UWisc BG - UWash - UAz campus - OreMcCree - UCBerkeley - UCBerkeley - Huntington - Worthley - Australia's Virtual Herbarium -
Habitat/Climate zone maps see environment page -
Plant Distribution Maps: natureserve
- 500treesUSGS -
Vegetation Diversity: WorldPlantDiversity - DiversityProductivity -
Collection Tracking db: TMCT -
Mushrooms: nybg -
floridataStates -
birds: ornithology -
Herbal Art: herbalart -
Botanical Plant Garden Label Marker: bgci - ahs - paweverlast - zinc - gardenmarkers - sheen - mylabel - crescent -
Economic botany in herbmed page
Landscape Planning: AlbemarleVa - findaplant -
Organizations: BotanicalSoc - AmSocPlantTaxonomists -
Commercial Product Suppliers: Moore's list - essential oils - Gritman oils - twinlab - natures herbs (twinlab) - Whole Foods Mag - ashland pharm-botan - mediherb Aust (bear) - cosmetics dir - pict, seeds & cultivation - sequential - timtec9000extracts -
© 1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome