SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
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Hits clustered by categories: vivisimo - scirus science search - clusty - soovle - clusteredhits - killer - searchme - turbo10 - kosmix(walmart) -
really cool visual web displays: Kartoo
- touchgraph
- anacubis
- factual -
Search Strategy: Olsen - law -
Multi Comparison: 2011saam - 2007pcw - McGee - mapGeshout - panabee - googawho - search3 - millionshort -
Meta search Multiple mashed combined with categ/related/widen/narrow: search(cnet
categ) - ixquick - ixquickexpert
- info - zapmeta
- dogpilego2net - metacrawler(go2
dh infospace) - ask
Meta search Multiple mashed: Mamma - webcrawler
- qb -
Meta search results separated: fasteagle
- kedrix - superseek
Aggregated: Scroogle -
Visual Mapping of the web: websearch
- uiuc -
- thebrain - ebookmap
- cybergeography
- grokker - viewzi
Vortals (vertical search engines in specialized topics): SEW
- HON - edu
Vectories (vertical directories):
Science: sciseek - scicentral
- infomine -
- althealth -
Chemistry search engine: chemie
- chemie -
Spanish America: yupi - mexicoyahoo
Images/Pictures: google
- google - freetouse - ixquick
- yahoo - altavistagenus
- lycosgenus
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- facesaerch -
Image similars: cydral - corbis
- mediabakery - cobion
Image reverse identification: google - tineye - tinyeyePlugin -
Image Free: xchng - compfight - photopin -
Google tools: tools
- googlehelp - bump - customize
- faganaid - WordProximity
- quotes - numbers
- googleScholar - googledir
- XoomML - correlate - NSAtips - servers -
Books: btebooks - amazon - mcgraw-hill - powells - daedalus - allbookstores
price comparison - escholar -
books online: archiveorg - gutenberg - wikibooks - scribd - ebook3000 - manybooks - openlibrary - google - netlibrary - mitclassics - literaturenet - biodiversityBHL - digLibPk - RapidShare - Megaupload - Hotfile - biolibde - cmu - upenn - bol - merlot - marketplace - NZealandDigLib - NZealandCommunityDevLib - mcgrawhill - Macmillan - ebookmall-epub(bear@mailinator) - bookboon - kindle - kindletop100 - kindleDI - bookyards - planetebook - curriki - planetpdf - planetpublish - akw - digPubLibDPLA -
Books search: googleprint -
google:show all titles: inurl:print - amazon - pdagoogle - pdagoogle -
Audio Books: linksmake - linksgizmo - shouldbefree - librivox - edufone - edufone - itunes - freeclassic - archive - openculture - opencultureSpanish -
History: Herodotus - Herodotus - Herodotus -
Rhyming: langenberg -
Writers: inkspot - writers
web - online freelance writers -
Science Writing: nasw - amwa -
Publishing & Printing:
Bowker Advance Book Info: bowker -
Book Printers: ThomsonShore - Bookcrafter
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Book Design: hkbu -
publishersdepot - googlepublish - googlepublish -
lists: PMA - yahoo - inkspot - bizweb - lights catalogs - comlab - faxon - Doody's Health - net
Book Shop - Heinemann - Rettig - agents -
Personalized searchAid context learning: filangy - google - googlenote - awaresearch - onfolio - nextaris - websearch -
Search download tools: ferret - omnimedToolbar32
Deep Search: cvg - pipl - spokeo -
Federated_search: wiki - wikiEditscan - freebasetopics - stumbleupon - SearchTogether -
Cool tools: 7toolsMcGee
- tastekid -
Natural Question Search: wolframalpha
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- powerset
Sets: indiana
- searchIQ - mira
- allin1 - Marks
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- acufind - nist
- inktomi
Reviews, tips: feature
showdown - searchIQ - SearchEngineWatch
- SEWchart
- SearchEngineDB - beaucoup
- windweaver reviews
- startools -
ratings & boolean notes - indiana
manual - goto
searchterms - Lawernce/Giles
- things yahoo does that google doesn't: researchbuzz
- seoradio search talk -
Net Search Single Tools: blekko - omnimed
- search4science - distil - teoma
(askjeeves) - omnifind(ibmyahoo)
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- fyber - anacubis
- goto - directhit(jeeves,
popularity) - mindset - exalead
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- superfish - NorthernlightBusiness
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- fast alltheweb -
webbrain - cobrain - thunderstone
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ecyc - aliweb
- aliweb search
- InfoSpace - webtop
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- internets - meiW3catalogCUI
- iatlas - Lycos(fast
dh) - mylycos(soaringbj uses AlmondNet)
- hotbot(lycos, dh) - msn(dh,
looksmart) - looksmart(dh) - attnet(dh)
- zd(dh) - go(infoseek) - infoseek
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- bitshark - wombat
- planetclick(google) - anzwers
- why - jeteye
- pubsub - zip2
- cuil
Editor assisted: looksmart(dh) - Yahoo
- askJeeves -
Personalized dashboards: myyahoo(soaringbj)
- mygoogle - netvibes
Directory-Index Browse Subjects: vlib
- dmozOpenDir - LibrarianIndex
- InetPubLib
- inet pub lib- GimpsyActiveVerbDir
- DOE VRD - yahoo
- google
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- infomine - argus
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- dataspear
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- openhere - healthlinks
- UPacademics - wiki
MapLocation based: mapshark -
Verify Site: trustwatch - McAfeeSiteAdvisor
FTP files: FileWatcher 300 Mil -
Web Archives: webarchive - WayBack - Furl - oldversion freeware -
Usenet Archives: GoogleGroups
- DejaNews
- remarq - newsville
- metalab usenet - InReference
- mg - cyberfiber
- ii -
Listserves: News Archives: sci.*
- 85K Liszt - lists
search - yahoo - surfnet
- tile search - mailbase
listserves - nova
6K - neosoft
paml - neosoft
subjects - FAQ Archive -
Fuzzy FAQ's - List
of Lists - UI
Gateway - list
signup - listserve setup: onelist -
linkbot - goliath
newsgroups - hwg lists(0173102
j) -
CCL Links: CompChem archive,
intro, jobs, journals, software, latex, misc
Search software: gurupopup - watson - alexa(Amazontracker)- amsysEZ - directhit - transcomBeeline - excalibur - webforia - searchbutton - purpleyogi -
Search tools: clipbar
- webtop - flyswat
- netsanity - etour
- transliteration(cyrsh) - backflipbookmarks
- lexiquest - thirdvoice
- copernic multisearch - PowerconsToolbox
on web page - X1 - Google - Microsoft
- omnimedToolbar32
- omnimed -
Word Meanings: BrainMRI - BrainMRI -
Robots list: robotstxt -
Make a shorter link: shorter -
Portal Enterprise: plumtree - glyphica - inforay - sqribe - portera - actuate - viador -
Account Aggregator: yodlee(sbear 1j)
News-Alt Health: NPI
- healthdaily - Alt
News-Medical: internal
- med newswise - reuters
- drugdiscovery
- yahoo - clin
netprints -
News-Science: biomednetbeagle
- sci newswise - ScienceNews
- sciencedaily - World
- biospace - unisci
- inscight - explore
-eureka - SciAmer
- NYTimes
- LATimes - Albuquerque
- whyfiles - nature
News-Tech: cnet -
News-General: msnbc -
cnn - TVguide
- sources -
News-email alerts: talkwalker - google - yahoo - elib
Search Magazine articles: findarticles -
Expert search: google
- webhelp
- LibCong askalib - abuzz(soaringbearj)
- askme - expertcentral$(about
sbearj) ememoriesphoto
- exp$40(sbearj) - inforocket$(bearj)
- keen$(DrBearj) - abuzz(soaringbear)
- infomarkets - teltech
- MicsoftQnA - maltego(sbej) - maltegoSetup - maltegoBegin -
Personalized search: askaScientist(HHMI)
- straightdope(CecilAdams) - furl
- spurl - ask
- a9 - yahoo
- WondirAskQuestions
There's a very active race between search engines going on and their affiliations
change frequently. Last year's statistics mean little this year. My favorite
NorthernLight is long gone and still noone else does categories so nicely. Excellent
comparisons of the search sites are continuously maintained by Greg Notess at
searchenginesshowdown and
by Danny Sullivan at searchenginewatch
. Total number of pages indexed is an easy and big number but only useful for
obscure topics. When you get ten thousand hits for a common word, then selectivity
and categorization are more important. Pages that were removed after indexing
are a time-wasting annoyance so check out the dead
links report. For every search engine imaginable (12 thousand) try Wong.
Here are search rules
for some of the searchers. When searches fail try these tips of siliconvalley
and in some books
suggested by Danny Sullivan. Pandia syntax
summaries help.
Search engine
comment |
% bad
pg mil
users mil
users % 4/00 | |
google advanced | popularity |
- altavista |
related |
18 |
fast lycos | no boolean |
snap |
3 | |
hotbot (Inktomi dh Lycos) ecyc |
touchgraph related | ||||||
Yahoo | human ed |
54 |
Euroseek |
directhit | related |
askJeeves (dh) | human ed | 6 | 1 | |||
NorthernLight | categories |
metaweb Freebase |
Conferences search: herbalgram
- healthtech-chi - natural
prod insider - chemsoc
- confseek - ACS
meetings - ACSlocatorSearch
- ACSlocator3mo
- ACSlocator
CompChem - ACS/Comp
- healthtech - AAPSpharm
- AAPS (152152) - herbalgram
- AmSocPharmcog - PSNA
PhytochemSoc - NatlAgLib
meetings - NIHpalladian
- DIA - molgen
- molmed - iupac
xport - EndoSoc -
GGT - molgen
- nmhcc - acuk
- keystone - Schrodinger600
- niehs
herb safety - pharmUO
- ORelilyBioinfo - organicworldwide
- eventonline - chemweb
- chemweb - chemsoc
- phytochemEur - IUPHAR
- AAAS sci policy seminars
- Intl Soc Philo Chem
- Gordon - WATOC
- IScienceX - ASBMRbone
- ibc
- AmAsClinPharm - InflamResAssoc
- RSC -
Specific Conferences: creativmad2/07
- ASP07 HolidInn 88 Spring
St 04101 - eastland
- USMhostel -
AMIA Oct22-26 DC - ACSAug05
- ACSdatamin05
- PharmaDiscoveryMay10-12DC - MolecMedMay05
- SympCompCellBiol 3/19-22
compmed June 25 - PhysioSci
Mar31 SD - AmSocPharmacog7/23-7
- hiltonGardenInn(2500 SW Western
Blvd.Corvallis 877-782-9444, 541-752-5000) reserv 22-31 (3194447277) - Pharmacog7/31/04
- ACS08/05
- ACS3/04program
- pastACSprograms
- 227Anaheim -
drugMet 12/04 - pacifichem12/15Honolulu
Sheraton Waikiki 96815 (808) 922-4422 -
Gordon05: adversedrug6/5
- CtCollegeMap
- bioorg6/12 -
plant eng7/10 -
natprod7/24 -
cadd7/31 - medchem8/7
- integrins9/11
- TextRetievalConfNIST - TREC
Specific Annual Conferences: 123genomics
winter: AAAS Feb -
spring: ASCPT Apr2 - SWBotMed
Apr2-3 - great smokies
fl week end April - MedEarth
NC Jun1 - wintergreen Va May
- DrugIntJune
- DrugIntJune - IntegMed
Mar6 -
summer: IntlHerbMassJune - LaPaixJe25
- WiscWellnessJuly
- rainbowJuly - Am
Soc Pharmacog July -
ieee bioinf
Stanford Aug - Breitenbush
herb Sept 3 - Colo
Laborday -
fall: AmHerbGuild Oct - AAPSNov
- plantamedSept
- Gesellschaft Arzneipflanz Aug 21-5, 2005
Online conferences: chemweb
- ECCC - ECCC8 (bear
j cj99vcq) - ECCC6
- ECCC2 archive - echet98-UK
- echet96-US - echet96-UK - Biomed97
- Biomed96 - Biomed95 - Biomed94 -
- ChemInt99 -
Biomoo: telnet connect - web interface - home page - faq - faq - clients - CollegeTown MOO - CollegeTown info - CollegeTown info
Fax-an-Email - hellofax -
Wireless Access Points: jiwire - jiwire
- nodedb
- bbwhotspots - wifihotspot
- wififreespot - eweek
- wifireespot - wifizone
- hotspothaven - wifimaps
- omnihotels - kensington
WIFI aids: PCworld
- post08
- SSIDscanner - WiSpy - Chanalyzer - HotspotShield -
- MSNpaswdchecker
Social Bookmarking: Addthis
- digg - stumbleupon
- reddit - delicious
- 10others -
twitter - cowlick -
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