SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry

Washington DC region:
Weather: post - weather - wunder - wunderWind - icast - icastWind - dcpages - noaa - bolt - MontgomeryCam - DCdotCams - DCpostCam - traffic - pollen - gasleaks - gasleaks - gasleaks -
satellite: USyahoo - NAm satellite(noaa) - Mdsatellite - unisys eta prediction - USanim(weather) - mallcam -
radar: weatherloop local - radar NE fast loop (OSU) - anim ECentral(weather) - ECentral(weather) - icast - EUSradar(accu) - radar(yahoo) - radar(weather) -
Music: radix - KCMillenium - MilleniumArchive - strathmore(bearj) - KCmonth - KCweek(sob) - KCtext - KCseats - NSO - NIHorch - nihphilharmonic - SIevents - SIjazz - NatlGallerySun - NatlGallery - hirshhorn - Freer - LibCong - NatAmMus - MusAfrica - chopteeth - lafirma - Asia - SulekhaIndiaevents - KeralaAssoc - vrindaban - AsiaSoc - India - Clavius - dcblues - transparentJazz - MCC - WPAS - artistdirect - NAS - Lisner(GWU) - national - BethesdaEvents - inseries - echoHaiti - kankouran - memoryofAfrica - danceafrica - InstMex - InstMexico - corcoran - conseratory - ArlingtonArts - Arlcal - Alexfunside - CrystalCity - BaltSymph - embassy - Czech van ness -> tilden - MCIseating - DARConstitutionhallseating - UMd Smith - marineband - HollywoodBallroom - FtReno - FtReno - bethesda - CarterBarron - blackrockGermtown - MHztv/wnvt - rhythmworkers - classacts -
Music clubs: StateTheatre - 930club - DC9 - blackcat - birchmere - juste - cecilia2619ColPikeArl - latinBillyfone - clarendon - salsaCS - stuckonsalsa - salsaapache - salsapower - OrchRomana - latinsoul - tropicalia - DCrueda - billyfone - justsalsa - salsanews - wepa - oohsalsa - latindancemd - danceintime - dcdancenet - Zanzibar - crossroads - dccarib - caribconn - Bollywood2Night - persianparty - dukem - Rock&RollHotel - hem - digitalcitysearch - ontaponline - ontap bar events - FriMusicClub - GlenEchoDances - RiRa - Rockbottom - GallerySilvspr - fivedc - LincolnTheatre - dcnine - Rock&RollHotel - velvet - warehouse - warehouse - iota - mybakery - wolftrap(800-955-5566) - HR57 - zoobar - elBoqueron - FirestationcueGaithersb - GrowlersGaith - bohemiancaverns - nation - PolyesterHustlepass - Jaxx - jamminjava - madamsorgan - bluesalley - McLeanComCtr - dcspot - pheer - barseen - dcnites - DCsessions Sat rock - StElmoAlex - prosinthecity - folk dance Fri - vip - fur - nissanpavilion - airclub - helix - DCimprov - BaltFunkBox - Sorso - ontap - austingrill - entresnous - madpowerunit - dchotspot - h20 - love - RNRbar - masoud - DrDremo - twinshalfprice - jazzcorner - dcjazz - 18stLounge - citron -
Events: CityPaper - WPostWeekend - Pathways - WPostcityguide - WPostcityguide - freeinDC - weloveDC - intowner - dcpages - DCcal - pubcrawler - DCIntlConnect - SilverSpr - MontgomCtyArts - MontgomComCol - TakomaVoice - NIH R&W - Friendship Hts - FHUN Friendship Heights - VSDC - VegySoc - VegySocevents - VegyDC - vegDC - vegan - meetinDC - BethesdaComedySat - FreeSpirit Alliance - FSAsweat - NIH reclists - meetupRockville - meetupDC - Viva - MDfun - Corcoran - Smithsonianres - natl mus women - phillips - ellingtonFest9/28/05 - bbqJune - ritesofbacchus - prosCity - GalaTheatre - MCIverizonCenter - WorldArlingtonSep - GMU - boomerangpartybus - beatniks - dumbartonlectures - potomacFlutecircleFeb - francophoniedc - torpedofactory - bigbandjamApr - May2PassportEmbasies - Playa Del Fuego May - preColombianSoc -
Lectures: IMF - politics&prose - PoliticsProse -
Restaurants: VegyPlaces: CS09 - CS10 -
Museums: glenstonePotomac - glenstoneVisit -
Festivals: eastcoastjazzApr - DEjazzOct - rockvilleEvents - HagerstownBlues Je1 - bbq Penn9-13 Je23-4 - SIfolklife - frederickblues Jul14 - WilmingtonJazz midJune Market&10 - folklife03 - dcheritage - ColumbiaFest - KimmelPhila - SriSivaHinduLanham - desiderata - coalesce - linganore -

Transportation: Metrorailmap - Metro - MetroBusyStations - commutetime - Montgomery Bus - RideonRoutes - RideonMap - RideonMap - RideonMetroStations - RideonFareExch - metrobusMD - metrobusDC - DCbusroutes - DCbusmap - DCbus - GeorgetownShuttle - NIHshuttle - nihtransport - nihTransport - nihbldg10 - NCIshuttle - NLMdirections - parkingnih - CapitalBikeshare - CapitalBikeshare - FairfaxCon - Arlingtonbus - commuterbus - commuterrail - MarcSchedule - NIHcommuter - Frederickshuttle - Telecommute(fed) - NIHtelework - NIHteleworkpolicy - GuarRideHome - bethesdatransit - eyre - Leesburg - DART beachbus 5/24-9/3 - roadworknbc - traffictop - trafficmd - BaltimoreTransit - marylandshuttle - DCcommuterconnections - soberride - Greyhound - PeterPan -
Airport: DCairports - airports - DCAterminal - DullesBuses - Dullesbus - BWImarc - BWI - BWIbus - washflyer - BWI B30 Greenbelt - BWIsurvival -
DC-NYbus: post - couchsurf2014 - busjunctionDCBoston - boltGreyhound - Tripper - DC2NY - WashNYDeluxe - WashDeluxe(866-287-6932) - VamooseBethesda(877-393-2828) - megaCoach - Gotobus - chinatownbus - IvyToday - Hola - 2001bus - mvp - I95coach - Dragon - Greyhound - vamooseNYC - apex - NewCentury - DOTsafety -
Cars rental: carwiz - carrental(dcpages) - yahoo van search - DCairspecials - Budget WS1, DCA 30% BCD# u025609 - Thrifty(1008 EW Hwy) - Enterprise - EntSpecials - National - MotorVehAdmin - MVA locations - GasPrices - zipcarViaLivegreen -
Credit Card car insurance: visaCDW - iii - AmEx - bnm -
Bike: bikeWashington - aps - citybikes - capcrescent - capitol crescent - capital crescent news - Montg cty bikeways - Md DOT bike plan - ArlingtonBike - AlexandriaTrail - PotomacTrail -
Bike C&O: bike C&O - bike - C&Otrailmap - rivertrail - riverriders - Potomac Pushbikes, 2 blocks from towpath, 11 East Potomac Street, Williamsport, MD 21795 301-582-4747
Maps: Bethesda roads - DChistoric - MontgomeryCty - MontgomeryZip - Montgom - SligoCk - Md - Rockville - AU Tenley - HowardUarea - HowardUcampus - topozone - Rock Ck - Balt parks - GMU - GMU - BaltimoreTransit - NCImap - NLMmetro - Vabikemap - DCneighborhoods - CrimeHomicide -

Nature: WPost - Md - learningescapes - naturalcap - NIHrecgovHiking - MdNaturalHistory - Montgom trails - WorthleyBotClass - MdNPS - VNPS - vnps - BotSocWash - Sierra - SierraBalt - SierraDC - DCfloraSI - Biotrek - PotomacAudubon - MontgomCtyParksMaps - MdParks - NorVaParks - Lobstein - Lobstein - Riverbend - GreatFalls - potomacLevel - potomacSewer - VaGardens - Potomac Appalachian - PAevents - DCpages hiking links - MetroOutings - ChesapeakeAlliance - NatlArboretum - NatlArboretum - ArboretumMap - ArboretumBlooming - FreeSailing - SailingClubOfWash - canoecruisers - bikeleague - WashABikeAssn - CDCbikesafety - outdoorsclub - bikebrunch - MdBikeLinks - USBG Botan Garden - WinklerAlexandria - WinklerDev - smileherb classes - RestonWalks - AdkinsDelmarva - EdgewaterMd - MeadowlarkBotGardVienna - MeadowlarkBotGardVienna - GinterBGRichmond - CylburnArbBalt - OregRidgeBalt - WAMUhikes - MayBlackwaterWildflowerPilgrimage & map #304-558-2754 blackwater - PotomacRiverflow - communitygardens - TreeStewards_ArlAlex@verizon.net Nora Palmatier 527-2349 - WinterPlants - ChesapeakePlants - BayIslands - herblist - nativeplants - EarthSangha -
Parks: DNR - parks(dcpages) - NorVaRegionalParks - VaStatePk - MontgCtyParks - Brookside - PrGeorge Parks - GreatFallsVa - Fairfax - FiarfaxParks - Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens - Rock Ck - WVstateparks - WVparksmap - NPSmaps - GreenSpringAlex - AlexandriaFlora -
Mountains: BlandyVaArboretum - YankauerShepherdstown - CathedralWV - parks Pa Hershey - Shendandoah - Shenandoah - Shenandoah trails - Shenandoahtrails(gorp) - ShenanMay10 - ShenanCamping - Old Rag - DevilStairs - LittleDevilsStairs - ShendoahOutcrops - PotAppTrailClub - PotAppCabins - Appalachian Trail - Guest Shenandoah River Pk - GWash. forest map - LandCelebration - zendik - WVHighlandsConsv -WVstateparks - MtRogers NatRecArea - MtRogersG&F - MtRogersHiking - MtRogersAR - MtGrayson - WashingtonJeffersonNF - VaWildernessGorp - VaLanduse - NationalForestsMappingLC - reserveamericaCabins - HarperFerrytreehouse - flower&wine - Quaker - IceMtWV - RickettsPa - BlackwaterWV -
Gettysburg: SnaggyRidgeRhyolite -

Beach: transport - dc2ny - best - Parks - Delmarva sandseekers - cleanbeaches - oceana - beachwebcam - AtlanticBeachCamping - beachquality -
Ocean City: Dunesmanor$39Dec - oco - royale - gateway - oceancitywebcam - fenwickinn -
Asateague: npas - nps - nps map - dnr - state park 888-432-2267 (B12,18; C13,15,17; E14; F11,20,22,24,13,15; G12,13,16,17,25; H14-20)
Chincoteague: ct -
Cape Henlopen Del: delsp - beachnet - sandseeker - lewesde -
Del: De state parks - DeCampRes&Maps - DeShorePk - DeShorePk - DelmarvaBeachMaps - beachnet - del - Bethany - Bethanywebcam - Seaside Inn $49, FenwickIs 800-417-1104 - RehobethDeweyMap - rehoboth - delB&B - DeweyBus(citypaper) - Deweybeach -
NJ: state - atlanticcity - oceancity - NJso - seaisle - stoneharbor - wildwood - capemay - angel - pinebarrens -
NJ Atlantic City casinos: Eyre - wiki - acnj - goldenring - rohrbaugh - fairfieldresort - 866-222-5728 -
NC Outerbanks info: outerbeache maps - mapquest - PeaIsNWR - PeaIs - NPS - Nature Conserv - events - OBsurf - dillonAir - connection - OutbanksNews - CharlotteObserver - RaleighNews -
NC Outerbanks houses: RodantheR20(Sun) - SurfSound - SurfSound - Dolphin - OBXorg - HatterasRealty - WhiteOBrentals - Colony - firstcolony - outerbanks - OBx - Manteo - Corolla - Scenic - Carolina - Lamb - Twiddy - Elan -
Myrtle Beach: cc -

Richmond 23218 (804): wiki - wikitravel - timesdispatch - style - gov - gov - GinterBotGard - visit - JamesRiv - tourism - FRBrichmond -
 maps: gov -
 music: cary - camel - canal - fan - gallery5 - hatfactory - national - strange - centerstage - symph -
 events: style - td - vmfARTs - out - richmondcom -
 educ: VCU - VCUmed - VCUlib - VCUvisit - VCUlibfriend$50 - VCUevents - PubLib - URichmond - biotechResPk -

Places: calvert cliffs nuke -

NIH events: NIH calendar - NIHcalMo - videocast - vcastpast - UCBerkLectures - NCI - SIG - Wedlect - NLMvideo events - ACSdc - vaccine - bioinformatics - NLMmeetings - BCIG - NLMregents -
NIH whowhere: HHS staff dir - NIH dir - NEDstaffupdate - nihVisitormap - nihStaffmap - NIHmap - NIHmap - NLMmetromap - NTEU - 2004Associates - NIHspeakersBureau -
NLM misc: NLM internal - NLMlistserve - NLMvision - Bear/Mesh - NLMstafflib - NLMjobs - NLM floorplan & clipart - NLMinfosystemGrants - NLMannualrpt - NLM Long Range Plan - NLM long range plan - NLMadvice2015 - NLMgrants - NLMcustomersvc - NLMtraining - NLMtraining - NLMtraining - NLMtraining - NLM edfund - NIHEmailClient - NIHEmailClient - NIHfaxemail - personnel7M - NLMacquisitions - NIHpeerreview - NIHalumni -
MeSH-Medline: SCRmaint - NLMtechbul - NLMlogo -
NIH misc: myNIH - NIH SIGs - NIHnews - NIHnews - NIH Gottesman news - NIH Lib (745-10, F -6, S 830-6, Su 1-5) - LCcat - recycling - NIHtravelSystem - OfcSciEd - NIH FOIA - HHSquickhire(92722 j) - HHSquickhireEdit - CareerHere - CareerHere - HHSCareers - USAJobs(sobj) - fedworld - Firstgov - SES - NIHcurrent - NIHjobs - NIH budget - fedupfeds - chemsafety - NIH/ORS (OfcResSvc) - NIHFCU - NIHstaffSurvey - NIHstaffSurvey - HHS forms - NIHshowers - NIGMSpharm - NIHroadmap - FDAcriticalpath - bldg1Lunchroom - HHSmentoring - MentorRoles - NIHMolLibRoadmap - CIThelp - CITknowledgebase - CITvirus - securitynews - NIHadvisory - NIHmolmodl - NIHCITmolmodl - NIHmaintenance - NIHplan - NIHremoteaccess - ClemMcDonaldSeminar - ClemMcDonald - NIHimages - HHSsurvey - HHSsurvey -
NIH Assistance: employee assistance - NIHhelp - worksupport - telecommute - Work & Family Life Center & Library (31/B3c15) - NIH FLC seminars - FLCsignup - nih work enrichment - LifeworkStrat fin/legal 1-800-777-1720 - HHS career counseling - NIHret - NIH TSP - GSQualif - NLMloanrepay - NIHOEO - NIH-OEO - OEO - EEOC national origin -
NIH Training: FAES Bldg 10 B1-L-101 - computertraining - CIT - CITclasses - CITsoftware - NIHclinctrlectures - NIHtraining - NIHtraining - NIHtraining - NIHtraining - NIHtraining - HHStraining - NLMtraining - NLM edfund - NIHlearningsource&HRdev - NIHclin training - usda grad - NCI/FDAfellowship - NIHcorecompetencies - OPMleaderCourses - OPMleaderCourses -
NIH Benefits: OD - OD - ODfaq - OHR - mypay(800-390-2348) - TSPsecurity - TSP - TSPdaily - TSPrandolph - TSPwithdrawal - TSPmanage - myNIH - sickleave - ehr(8M4) - NIHpayrollbenefits - employeeexpress - SSstatement - federalpayfinder - fedsalaries - fedpay -
Health Insurance: narfe - BlueCross(R58546428sgbj) - BCBScompare - BCBSmedicare - BCBSmedicarepdf - FEHBmedicareOPM - BCproviders(sob) - benefits checkup - VisiondentalOPM - ExcellusBCBS65 - healthplans - HealthplansCompared - Comparehealthplans - CompareFedPlans (last,first) - healthinfo - Md health insur ombudsman 877-261-8807 - carefirstMD - visiondental -
NIH Rules: NIH policies - NIHconduct - NIH OfcMgt - OfcPersMgt(OPM) - JobRights - Kendall - NIHPerfMgt - NIHperfreview - NIHperf - NIHperformance mgt - AFGE2419 - official VS outside - NIHofficialDuty - NIHoutsidework - form521 - HHSoutsideactiv - OPMoutside - OPMoutside - outsideWorkOGE - hatch act restrictions - ethical conduct - NLMbroadcastEmail - NLMbroadcastEmail - NIHconflictInterest - NIHrecusal - OPMtelework - NIHtelework - OPMsickleave - OPMLeaveWOpay - OPMPartTime - AFGEunion - FedStaffRights - OfcSpecialCounsel - HHSofcInspectGen - NIHdiscipline - NIH/HR - OPMqualifications - vetprefDOL - HHS-HRmanual - Performgt06 - Perfeedback - portalHR - NIHrespect - NLMrules are hard to find - HHScomputpolicy - reprisalZerhouni - govloop - misconduct -
OPM data rupture 2015: OPMhack2015 - OPMhack - OPMbreach - OPMCyFIR - OPMhearing - hearing - OPM - OPMfaq - 21rupture - 21fedsmith - fedsmith - opm - impact - arrest - arrest -
Grievance: art31 - pilotgrievance - pilotgrievance - grievformat - reprimand - reprimand - clinctremplrel - improperconduct - OMAquality - PRPletter - PRPforms - NIHgrievance - FarberLaw - protections - MeritSystemProtectionbd - MeritSystProtBd - mspblaws - whistleblowermspb - nofear - adverseactions - VanHollen - BarrPost
Abuse of Authority: HHSbully - HHSstopbully - 345616 - FieldBullyOL - whatisbullying - kickbully - workplacebully - workbullying - workbullycost - Bully in sight - workbullytips - abusesentencing - NBrunswick - Auguide - google - bullygoogle - difficult people - nccourts - Kohn - whistleblowers - battle bad behavior - disruptivePhysician - scaringi - reprimand -

retirement-finance page

Education Colleges: UMd - UDC - AMU - AU - AUschedule - MCCMontgomeryCol - USUHS -
Library: MontgLibrary - NCIlibrary -
Media: WashPost - CP - Causey FedRpt - WashTimes - MontgJrnl - Gazette -
Radio: wamu 88.5 - wpfw89.3 - 94.7 - 9.47 - (202-432-7625) - wpgc955 - whfs105.7 - 995 - dc101 - 630wmal - wmal 630 - 107.3mix
Classifieds: Gazette(wed) - CP(tue) - post -
Banking: couchsurf - bankondc -
Health: TaiSophia - LunarMassage - PotomacMassage - CtrPhysMassageTher 5225Wisc 202-364-6016 - vegetablegarden -
Markets: farmermkt&coop - spiritualfood -
YellowPagesBethesda: YelPageCity -
Misc: cityguides(dcpages) - metrolinks - NChevyChase - dcregistry - PlannedParenthood -
Neighborhood choice: iown - post -
Hotels: AmerInn - hostels - hostelz - hostels - Lofstel - HostelIntl - normandy109 - Arlington Hilton, Ballston metro $75 - TabardInn 1729 N (DupontCirc) - TaftBridgeInn (DupontCirc) - SwannInn -
Beds: Clay -
Eats Food: vegycouch -
Thrift Stores DC: 2200 S Dakota Av NE - 6101 Georgia Av -
Thrift Stores Md: 9464 Ft Meade Rd, Laurel - 9880 Wash BlvdN, Laurel - 3402 Hamilton St, Hyattsville - 620 Diamond, Gait - 619 S Frederick, Gait - 730 Gude, Rockville - 1075 RkvlPike, Rkvl -
Thrift Stores Md Silv Spring: 955 Bonifant - 942 Wayne, 8233 Fenton - 10730 Conn -12247 Georgia - 3820 Aspin Hill -
Thrift Stores Va: Diversity, Richmond -

RoommateGet: post - post (1j;) - recgov - craigslist - NIHfellows - NIHfellows - roommates (sobear j) - gazette - fastrental - landlordportal - washclassifieds - roomster - ShowhomesManager -
Bethesda Rentals: craigs - craigs - CraigGooglemaps 12-17, 17-22, 22+ - WashingtonPost 12-3 - hotpads - NIHhousing - NIHshare - NIHrooms - NIHrent - 301-496-4973, Bldg31, Rm B3C03/B1-W30 - GazetteWed - military - CityPaper - CityPaper share Tue3PM - frontlinedc - cazoodle - hotpads - Metroroommates - yahoo rooms - MontgCtyApt - yahooapt - postAptcom - post rental houses - rockvilleapt - RockvilleTownSq - southernapt - dcpages - easyroomate - moving - vacancynet - TakomaVoice - AU - noah - cohousing - MontgyInflation - MontgCtyPropertyTax -
Storage: movingctr - estorit - estorit search - storagenet - selfstorage - rentnet -
Realty Homelistings: gov - Theresa - DCHomePrices - DCHousingPrices - realtorMd - MLS - realtor - posthomehunter - realguide - homestore - homeseeker - homedb(current, no map) - GoodmanRockCkWoods - homeseekersearch - realtorDC - LongFoster - Kimball(LF) - Radosh - Slomoff - Theresa - Gazette - comparables - MDassessment - MDpropertyinfo - homegain - cyberhome - homes - homeseekersrealtor(NAR) - homestore - homegain - homebid - owners - homepath - VaHousingAuth - Manna - FSBO - ColmarManor -
HomeInsuranceClaims: ufaa - choicetrust -

Bethesda: topix - yahoo - yahoo - MontgomeryCty(yahoo) - MontgomCty - Bethesda Gazette - vegy - PassageIndia - VegetableGarden -
Montgomery County: MCty - MCtyHousing - Montg housing decisions - MCtyLibrary - MCCcourses - MCCclasses - MCsummerclass - MCCjobline - taxrates - infogrid - Montgomery potomac plan - MontgPubWorks - twinbrookNIAIDhazard - SmallClaims - donationsPickup -
Housing: evictionsummary - districtcourt - holdingover - Mdhousinglaw -
Md: Rockville - SilverSpring - yahoo Md - UMd Col Pk - vegy - MDgov - MDglance - MdTourism - taxform - taxinstructions -
DC: gwu - dcpages - DCgov - visitorinfo -
Shelter: thrive 16 & Newton -
Food: food&friends -
AgingElderly: iona -
TakomaPark (20912): map - Newdream - vegy - yahoo - Voice - cityof - masterplan - historicdistrict - takoma - hopewood -
Virginia: vip - Va - Fairfax - Fairfaxlinks - Fairfaxlinks - ArlingtonCtrWellBeing - WarwickAlexandria -
slugline - sluglines - slugVa -

Baltimore: wiki - wikitravel - gov -
 transport: amtrak -
 culture: MusArt - JHopkinsMed - JHUmed - JHUmedlib - JHUmedlibAccess - trinacriaDeli - BohemianCafe -

Coop: NE -

Singles Apps reviews: five - 14 -
Singles Apps: hinge - POF - OKcupid - tinderIACfb - tinderuse - tinderuse - happn - badoo - lovoo - grade - sparkstarter - dapper - antidateWomChoseIOSus - cloverIOS - cloveruse -

Singles: greetingmessage - fishsearch(bearguaM) - fishbeargua - okcupidIAC(sbex) - howaboutwe - greensingles - scientific(sbearj) - ourtime(herbalbearj) - sciconnect - medPassions - medmatch - singlesnet(soabjex) - allsinglesmeet - craig - matchmail - matchIAC(soa) - matchUS(sbex) - matchMex(soa) - perfectmatch - veggiedate - veggielove - happycow - vegsingles - matchinggamePics(sbexj) - datingring - SkoutAp - badooAp - MeetMoiAp - coffeemeetbagel - findyourfacemate(11j) - place4friends(sob) - lava(soab) - imatchup(sob) - misstravel - friendorama - webdate - flirtomatic - shaadi - jewish vegan - jdate - dcsingles - dcsingles - dcpages(sb) - SVDC - single volunteers - citypapsearch(114058 soab123) - thirtyplus - faceparty - post - washcitypap - ashleyMadison - lovehomepage(sb) - CP(sb) - adforsingle - post - dcyoungprofes - barebuns - horny - bottomline - doingsomething - bikeandbrunch - VIPdances - Fredericksingle - SunSingle - Aliantha - LAsingle - sociables - Learning Escapes - spiritualsingles - NewBeginnings - WashEthicalSoc - cedarlane universalist - ethicalsoc - NorVasingles - GesherJews - ncsac sex addict - 8mindateDC - MEETinDC - youngbenefactors - 8minutedating - vegetariansummerfest - care2 - entresnous - ASL - travelchums - connectingsolo - osolomio - billionaire - shasdi - matrimonial - SoAsiaCupid - redlight - mutsugoto - meetic(soabjex) - uglyschmucks - singlesPoll -
eharmony: 6 factors: agreeableness, closeness, sex, extroversion & experimental, spirituality, optimism
Social Networking: myspace(sy 1j) - facebook(sex1j) - facebookEvent - openFBsearch - facebookprivacy - facebookSuicide - friendster - attraction - grubwithus -
Blogging: wordpress(sby1j) - movabletype - disqus(sbej) -
Collaboration: secondlife3D - secondlife3D - drexel -

Assistance Aid: CCNV - thrive -

© 1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome