SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology |
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry |
Guatemala general travel info: expatexchange - androidApp - Apps - nomads - safety - 21reasons - find - inguatvisit
- touristoffices - inguat - asistur# - wiki - guateweb
- globalheritage - bbc - MayaIdentityInMixedCulture - MayanNotGuate - BTI - maynard - viaje - wanderlust - guatemala nature - mayaparadise - 5senses - 20yrDemocracy - frommer - myGuate - embassyGuide - USEmbassyGuate - Embassyhours - passport - GuateEmbassyDC
- VoteExpat - USState - USState
- cia
- kpmg - escapeartist
- happymango - nativeplanet
- inforpresscaTowns - GuateBelizeBorder
- GuateBelizeBorder - every - links - politinfo
- infoplease - phone#
- travelpics
- lanic - matchMex(soabj)
- cstn
- volunteer - volcanos
- volcanos - viaje
- peacebrigades - Nolin - googleGT
- BanguatEngl -
- security -
- guate360pics - destination360 - PostCorreo - postalcodes
- times09
- reserves - travelblog - HardshipINS - infoamer - cohre - bestof - ediplomat - guatemalay - drivetoUS - ecowatch - guides - dirla - redcross - wikileaks - wikileaks - mangoproduction - MexicoEmbGuate - latinobarometroPoll - Poll - vanderbiltLapopSurvey - mushroomstones - sotzil - peakery - deguate - PopulationINE - beaches - beaches - SympArchaeolResMuseoGuate - quetzalnet - parasioLandmeier - Blumthirdworld -
Language Areas: mineduc - Guate
languages - Guatelang - languages - SemanticaGuatemalense - languageRenewal - codisra - cholsamajPubl - ualberta - gulper -
livecams webcams: dir - tikalfutura - fuego - fuego - fuego - fuego - atitlan -
Maya Conferences: 1997UnivLandivar -
Old pictures: MuybridgeGgl - 1875MuybridgeBA - MuybridgeBA - 1875MuybridgeI - 1875MuybridgeII - MuybridgePana - 1893MaudslayGlimpse - 1893Maudslay - 1906Pepper - 1933movie - McBryde1947 - McBrydePana1932-6 - 1947GuaCity -
Crime: alertos - alertos - crimeEmbassy - 80,300 killings 1997-2013 - ProsecutorTouristCrime -
Belize border: amandala - belizenet - bg - mongabay - asil - 2012 - borderfarmers - GuateBelizeAdjacency -
Drug Cartels: riskareas - 2011 - DyncorpCounterNarcotics - DyncorpGAO - zeta - zetaOrg - zetaMonterrey - pbs - police - elfaro - torment - armyguns - fieser2011 - Lorenzana - LorenzanaArrest - groups - Tesucun - Sonsonate - CopanDrugs - ross - allison - fleischman - NicaraguaVigilance - meth - marazeta - ms13Salvador - marines - marines -
Guate Maps: kmMarkers - distanceChart - zonuRoads - zonu - distanceCalculator - mapcruzin - relief - moon - - mapquest - bing - topoUT - mapsUT - sirvir - allabout - worldatlas - covial - embassy - satellitephotos - guateweb
- ahguate
- zona10
- noaa
- UNmap
- maps2anywhere
- mapas - travelportal - vidiani - lanic - inforpressca
- civilwar - Quakes
- gps - distancecalc
- ceur - omni - Agric - mines - erosion - volcanos - olmecpreclassicRoutes - GuatMayaRoutes - GuateMayaRoutes - mayaclassic - Ortelius1580s - Arrowsmith1826 - Baily1850 - Dally1845 - geog - dlocOldMaps - rumseyOldMaps - rumseyOldMaps - rumseyOldMaps - solar - minerals - nasa - CorredorInterOceanico - viaje - conap - segeplanInfrastructure - segeplan - segeplan - mapasred - prensalibre - topoGaia - GuaSouthEast -
Transport: rides - jalon - driversbad -
Nature & Ecol maps: Usumacinta - Peten - SierraLasMinas - 19habitats - 7biomes - EcolZones - Holdridgezones - europa - birdlist - GuateConifers -Barillas - treeringstudy - forestry -
Maps Topo Elev Relief: Elev - GuateW - GuateW - beans - maphill - static - static - NazcaCocosCaribPlates -
Maps Rivers water: rivers - rivers - rivers - rivers - rivers - rivers - rivers2000USarmy - soils - surfaceWater - drainage 47%Gulf 31%Carib 22% Pacific -
River Rafting: rafting - RiosRafting - MaximasRafting - RiverExpeditions 13Av 14-70 z10 -
Belize Ecology: BelizeSpecies - vegetmapsBelize - Meerman04 - biomeBelizeMeerman01a - biomeBelizeMeerman01b - rainBelize - biodiversityBelize -
Spatial Infrastructure Planning: geomate - gvSIG - SDI - sinpet - segeplan - Alwang05 - segeplanInfrastructure -
Guatemala travel: lonelyplanet - rough - moon - visit
- ca - google
- turansa - gttravel -
quetzalnet - guaunltd
- about - travelguide
- mytravelguide
- alpha
- 1000guate
- enjoyguatemala - latinworld
- countryreports
- ethnologue
- gringoguide
- tallnedgyblog -
mostlymaya - webtourist
- hotstays
- eguate - tripadvisor
- languages
- languagemap
- viaje - Ivan
- nativeplanet
- cycling
- jps
- planeta - pbase
- birdingspots
- quetzalnet - xplorando
- guatefotos - envivo
- linda - BoyneBlog
- Viehoff
- romanvirdi - baktunroute -
Guate fiesta & market days: fiestas
- festivals
- marketdays
- marketdays - fest&mktdays
- mkt&elev
Social: amigos - matchEs(soa) - matchIntl - TotalFreshBerries -
Medical: embassy - drugsoverpriced - Medical Tourism: IMTJ - SFU - medtourism - GuateMedTravel Lori Shea 4701-4520 - Tecniscan 29Av z11 107-204 -
Hospitals: scout - doctorescom - USembassylist - LP - allianz - google - sermesa - Hosp Centro Medico CentroMed 6Av 3-47 z10 2332-3555 2334-2157 2279-4949 - Hosp Herrera Llerandi 6Av 8-71 z10 2334-5955 2384-5959 - Hosp Senora del Pilar 3Cle 10-71 z15 2279-5000 - Hosp Univ Esperanza (FMU) 6Av 7-49 z10 236208626 - Hosp de las Americas 10 Cle 2-31 z14 2384-3535 - Cedros Libano 8Av 2-48 z1 2230-6274 - Hosp Hermano Pedro - Hosp Ambulatorio Multimedica - Hosp San Juan Dios 1 Av 10 Cle z1 2253-0443 - PuntoMedClinics Majadas - roosevelt - INCAN Inst Cancer Bernardo Valles 6Av 6-58 z11 2417-2100 -
Air Ambulance Medevac Helicopters:
Life Flight 2381-7777 - HeliGuate 2381 7777 - AirAmbulance - AirAmbulanceWorld - AirAmbulanceOne - AirCare - AirCritical - HeliTours: mexcal - antig - mosaic -
Neurologia, ictus infarcto cerebral: paginasAmarillo - iggsMgt - TMSrehab 20Av 0-49 z15 2369 3238 - sermesaNeuro - CongressoNeuro - InstNeuroNino - stokes - neurovirtualEpilepsy -
Legal Law: landlordTenant -
GuateWeather: foreca - weatherbugAtitlan
- yrno
- INSIVUMEH - insivumeh - insivumehStations - rainInsivumeh - rainmap - rainpredictNoaa - weatherbase - yahoo
- yahooHuehue
- intellicast
- intsatellite
- msn
- ask - hispavista
- weather
- herald
- mytelus
- underground -
- noaaHuehue
- gaismaPrecipDawnDusk
- surf - rainfallTRMM30day - OceanTempNino - treeringstudy -
Hurricane Damage:
Agatha - AgathaDamageMF - AgathaDamageBill - AgathaDamageAlan - AgathaMuirhead - AgathaRain - AgathaFloodMaps - AgathaRelief - AgathaVideo - Alex - 69+410bridges - MitchLandslides - MitchLandslides - MitchDeslizamientos -
Satellite Animation: accuCAm
- VaporWAtlgoes
- VaporWAtlgoes - servirCentAm - AccuGua - Guate - CaribAnimW
- CaribAnimW
- CAmAnimW
- WAtlant(goes)
- goesWAtl - Caribgoes12 - CaribIR - insivumeh - unisys
- servir - EEPacNoaa
- EPacVaporAccu
- EpacAnimAccu
- AtlanticHuricAnimA
Satellite: accuHuricanes
- CAmA
- EpacificA
- CaribY
- GuaW
- CaribEarthscanLSU - stormpulse -
Earthquakes in Environment - InstSismol -
Geology Caribbean Plate: anim - animationIE - Mann07 - eeri - Pindellfiu - Pindell2001 - casco - Kozuch97formation - DutchUWi - JamesGeolsoc - usgsSeismicity - ModelsUtex
- wiki - Pindell09
- nasa - faults
- Galofre - Lodolo09 - weber06 - Barillas - CaribTehuantepec - geolsoc -
Chortis Block rotation around Soconusco: Rogers07 - Heijns06 - James05 - Rogers03 - Rogers03 - Rogers03 - Rogerspics - 144Mrogers - RogersCSU07 - GuateChiapasBorder - SilvaRomo08 - SilvaRomo09 - Keppie08 - Gordon97 -
Galapagos force on Cocos:
galapagosPlume - mantleplumes - lafemina09 - mackenzie08 - hotspot - rise - tripleJunction -
Environment: savingtrees
- inabForest - ForestDecline - AllianceIntlReforestation - AssocForesteriaADECAF - inabRegions
- inabRegions
- pfn - nasaPics - InstAmbiental - InfoAmbiental - MinAgric - CoffeeCarbon - CoffeeFungus - GlobalCarbonCredits - GCG - cleanFarms - AgForest12 - AirMonitoring - water - CoffeeRustSpray - 95%RiversPolluted - RepsaPalm -
Trees: Jacaranda
mimosifolia - Pseudobombax
ellipticum brush tree - treeswiki
- landmeier -
Plants: MexicoConabioKey - AtitlanMedPlants - authenticTrees - tropicTrees24 - TikalTrees - TreeRedlist - FloraMesoamer - wikitrees - wikiesFlora - wikienFlora - wikicomFlora - belizeNYBG - FloraCostaRica - FloraHonduras - floraBiofl - floraBiodiv - floraWorldcat - LegumeKey - Zamorano - flickrflowers - Quedensley - Quedensley2 - PlantarumGuateSmith1889 - usdaWildRelativesofCrops - invasives - BibliotecaMedMex - MayaPlantConcepts - HerbarioUVAL 18Av 11-95 Z15 Edif II2 - ViveroBotanik Calle Mariscal
18-40 Z11 2473-1941 - JardinBotanico - BotanicGardenHistory - LandivarIarnaArboretum - LandivarMap - Chocola - Hongas Univ San Carlos - CriolloAvocado - QeqchiTerms - SololaAsteraceae - paleobotanyGraham - paleobotany - concyt - ComisionNacAprovPlantasMed (Conaplamed) - Carib - HellmuthFlaarMayaArt -
Fieldiana Flora of Guatemala: FieldianaGuate - FloraCentAmer - FieldianaLatinAmer - FieldianaCA - BiodivFullSet - 24/4 Standley - 24/9Standley - 24/7/4 Melast-Onag-Halor - 24/II Grass-Swallen - nhbsFieldiana - floraGoogl - ZunilAsters - HemsleyBiologiaCentraliAmerGodmanSalvin1888 - HemsleyArchive - HemsleyArchive - HemsleyMobot - HemsleyHonduras - Hemsley1Ggle - Hemsley3Ggl - Hemsley4Google - MaudslayBiol - citebank - HeathPlantList - westernHighlands -
Guate Nature: biodiversity - biodiversity - forestdiversity - resources - AssocReserves - CONAP - volcanos - UICN - RainforestLumber - snakes - treeplanting -
Plant pictures: FloraMesoam - Lauraceae - Q'taxa
Peten trees - Lacandon - MonteVerdeTreekey - mayasautenticos - autenticosFlowers - autenticosFruit - archivGuate - FieldianaLatinAmer - FieldVerapaz - FieldAll - FieldNicaragua - biodiversityLib - GuateWilliams - Wiki - wikimedia - FloraCostaRica - QuedensleyPlantPics - UFMbotgard - UFMmonths -
Guate News media: Periodico - Prensalibre - siglo21 - LaHora(sgbe)
- DiarioCA - contrapoder - nomada - greentimes - elQuetzalteco - GuateTimes - CMI - plazapublico - plazapubInterview - noticias - todanoticia - todanoticia - cmi - soy502 - canalAntigua - Diario - nuestroDiario - diariodigital - diarioCA - saasgob - govnews - sostenible - PorMiFamilia - google - yahoo - coa - wikinews - CAdata - LatAmHeraldTrib - telesur - GuateDailyPost - upsidedown - upsidedown - paperboy5 - prensa9 - 7noti - topix
- ein - otb
- wikio
- esperanza - abyz - nuestrodiario - revistavivir - nytimes - WNCA
- Voces - IPS
- Americas
- bnamericas - potenBusiness - infoguate - solidarity
- publinews - publinews - EFErelief - abc - argen
- medicaldeportation
- RosenbergVideo
- FreshPlazaFruit - Revue - RevIndustria - wikioSolola - gov - Sololatecos - guiasitio - TVcorrupt -
Communications Media Broadcast: media
- hermandad - myspaceGuateMusic
- Albavision -
Web Internet: links - ISPs -
TV: couchtuner - kodi - ustvnow 7free, $30/30 - popcorntime - smartflix - prensa - yahoo - clicker - wiki
- tvguide - tvguide
- tvstations
- tvstations
- tv
- guatevision
TV satellite:
lyngsat - lyngsat - lyngsat
- dishpointing - claro - Claro - AmerSky - DirectExpert - DishLatino - nation - sky -
TV guate: canalGua - TVcorrupt -
movies: putlocker (close2popups) - xmovies8 - fmovief - 123popups -
TV panadish: 3canal - 7noti - 9guavision - 10 - 15vea jump stream - 16vision - 26xtime - 27disney - 28tnt - 29fox - 30HBO - 31max - golden 32goldentelevisa - 33TCMlachile - 34sony - 35-40sports - 41anim - 42discov=71 - 43hh - 44tlc - 45g - 47NG natgeo - 48histmex - 49tru - 50cuba cuba cuba - 51destino - 52TodoNoticiasGua23 - 53telesurVenez - 54cnn - 60telehit - 61ritmo - 64classic1 - 65tr3s - 66antigua - 67univ - 68tve - 69wb - 71discov=42 - 75abc - 76cbs - 77nbc - 78pbs ucf - 79cnn - 81msnbc - 82aljezera - 83tnt - 84ifc - 85comedy - 86tcm - 87cinemax - 88show - 90tbs - 91A&E - 97monde - 98dw - 99italy -
122-211 *FXen - 122-507 dspace - 122-508 *TNTla - 122-516 * Golden - G Gtelevisa - 123-411 *NGeo - 123-152 RT - 125-157 *CNN - 125-158 CentamB24 cb24 - 125-204 *TNTser TNTser - 127-564 *arirangKr - 128-409 *wobiBusins - 130-509 *TCMla - 132-205 *sony - 132-207 *axn axn sony - 132-571 CCTV - 133-408 *H2 - 135-505 panico -
Deleted tv: chinaCNTV - liv - bbc - 49inf - 74syfy - 85starz - 92hist - 100NatGeo - 101discov - 102tlc - 103discovLife -
Pana radio: guateall - medios - panaradio - ati - 88.7 radioSolola - 90.3 rel - 94.6 mod - 95.7 rel - 99.1 radio5 - 100.7 rel - 101.9 vozAtitlan - 102.3 rel - 103.5 rel - 105.5 - 107.9 -
Radio Guate: emisoras - radiotime
- tunein - radiostations
- radio
- sonora96.9 - spectrumlicense - emisoras89.7 -
Phone wiki - freqbands - commands - directorio - tigo Comcel
Millicom - tigofacebook - tigoFB - tigoSmartWeb - tigobonuslimit - tigoEnviaSaldo - tigocodes - tigocodes - collect#825 - tigoUS - tigoLopez - tigoPolitics - ALOdiscount - telgua claro Sercom - movistar telefonica > CMI - movistar8g300q - telefonicaIP - Movilway - llamaG - llamaG - 18mil - registry - registered - Carib100Gcable - 21milphones - bellvoz - skypeUS2G - 2014law - Mexphone -
US phone number in Guate: LP - googlephone - skype - magicjack - flynumber - tollfreeforward - phone - sonetel - callcentric - moshinOnsipJitsi -
Cable Web Internet: CristobalNet - panadish - tigo3G - tigorates - tigo4G - tigomodem - tigomodemold - yego - HuaweiE160 - HuaweiE160 - tips
NGO Social Service: PBI - wingsFamilyPlanning - namaste - soros - safepassage - ngonet - proyectogt - transitionsAbroad - wuqu'kawoq - VanderbiltMoore - MoorePediat -
Guate spanishschools: 365schools
- spanishcourses
- worldwide
- edutourism -
Guate hotels: hotels
- larutamaya - larutamaya - hotelslaruta
- deGuate -
Guate Banks: BanGuat - turansa - BI-ATMlist - BIndustrial - Agromercantil - BancoAgroMercantil - Banrural - Reformador - G&T Continental - regalocard - MiCoopeCreditUnion - CompartamosMicrocredit - BAC -
Guate Visa Migracion Extension: colina - 90daysCityPolanco - XelaTapachulaWicks - AntiguaTapachulaPolanco - BelizePolanco - okantigua - oggy - marbles16 - marbles15 - xelapages - discover - bradelectro - drypixel - weblog09 -
Guatemala City: wikitravel - wiki
- gov - bypasscity
- tripomatic - crimezones - MariscoWaterpark - HormigoGarden
- Saraguate - restaurants
- muni - esperanza - sinkholeZ2 - sinkholes - safepassage - dangerparts - danger - Paseo CayalaZ16 - cayala - cayalaParque - cayala - cayalaRoads - campustech - campustec - tec ruta2via4 Z4 - centroMedico - FuLuShou 12C 6Av - malldev2012 - nokiate 16C 6-17 z10 - webcam - cycling - aqueduct - RiverExpeditions 13Av 14-70 z10 - 1947GuaCity -
Maps: mapas
- mapactivo - wikimapia - wifihotspots - moon - travpod - larutamap
- covial - GwebZ1 - Z10
- Trebolgooglemap
- muniZones
- wifi - historicPhotos - photosralf - population -
Transport in town: transmetro - transmetrowiki - transmetrowiki - TMzone6 - transitInCity - choices - TMcard - trafficAmilcar - siga - EmetraCamaras - EmetraCameras - Cameras - 1018cameras - 10kcameras - aboutbuses - busstations - busschedule - vgbuses - guatebuses - busayudantes - TransurbanPrepaid - TransUrbanlowuse - TransurbanSubsidy - buslicenses - articulatedbuses - subsidy2013 - subsidy2013 - subsidy2015 - subsidy4.5MilQ114buses2016 - trafficchaos - busesShabby - busAudit - AmarilloTaxi 2470-1515 - RosadoTaxi 727-2838 - aboutbuses - TikalFuturaTraffic - extortion - extortionMark - fearonbus - 106m -
Transport air: AuroraAirport - AuroraAirportwiki - DGAC - AeroStatist - airlines2015 - skiplagged -
Transport nacional Bus general: mapBusstops - wikitravel - deguate - horario - imagazinetur - mapactivo - nexdu - guia - container -
Transport nacional Bus West: toXela - Xelabus - xelapages - toHuehue - trebol 41Cle 6Av z8 or cemaco 23 Av - Transporte Marquensita blue to SM 1Av 21-43 z1 W of Asturias, N of transurbano Bolivar 2230-0067, 2232-7996 - Rebuli 21Calle &4Ave Z1 2230-2748 - Halcones - Halcones - Halcones to Huehue 7, 14, 18; Roosev 34-47 z11 (curacao) 2439-4911, 7963-3000 - Linea Dorada 16Cl 10-03 z1 2415-8900 - Galgos Galgos Galgos Galgos email 7Av 19-44 z1 to Tapachula or 730 & 2 2220-6018 - Mayade Oro MayadeOro Malacatan viaReu 7-55 Calz Ag Batres z 12 (toward USAC) 2471 0952 - Alamo twit 12AvA 0-65 z7 2471-8626 - RapidosdelSur 20Cle 8-55 z1 2232-7025 - Velasquez Roosev 9-34 12 Av z7 2473-5081, maybe 20 Cle 1-37 z1 2221 1084.(not transport 0 Cle) - Zaculeu now Velasquez 20Cl 0-35 z1 2478-5081 - Tacana 2Av 20-42 z1 5516-6987- FDN , FDNfuente 17Cl 8-46 z1 2251-3817 - LasCharras - Mazariegos - Líneas America 2 Av 18-47 z1 2220-8430 - PezzaRossa - PezzaRossa -
Transport nacional Bus East Peten: EastTerminal 7Av Calz Indep z2 - centranorte Atl km8.5 - LineaDorada 16Cl 10-03 z1 2415-8900 - ADN - FDN , FDNfuente 17Cl 8-46 z1 2251-3817 - Litegua Litegua 15Cl 10-40 z1 2220-8840 - Litegua - Litegua - MonjaBlanca -
Transport nacional Bus South: Nicaragua Ave 9 15-59 2PM by HotelEspana - pullmantur - TransNica - CostaRicaTicabus - TICA Tapachula-Panama Proceres 26-55 z10 2459-2848 - king -
Shuttles: Turansa - shuttle - AngelfireShuttle - GuateVisionShuttle - GuateVan -
Bus regulation: rules2014 - busSubsidies - bussubsidydelay - transurbano - busconversion -
Culture events: hacemos - muni - periodico - Yovida - ministerCultura - IGA (9Cle 3-4Av z1) - TheatroDickSmith ruta1 4-05 z4 2422-5555 - helloGua - todoticket - puntogua - puntogua - EventsMuni - elazar - paizfundac - paizfd - doblevia - corpoeventos - travelpod - periodico - CS - HillelJews - deguate - marimba2012 - artecentro 9Cle 8-54 z1 2270-8400 - TeatroUP 10 C 10-32 z1 -
Entertainment: EventsMuni
- prensa - artenguate - paiz - recrearte - Corralejos 19 Calle 22-17 Z10 - Bambeko 7 Av 13-01 Z9 - Saigon 15
calle & 2 Av Z10 - TeatroUP 10C 10-32 Z1 22325181 - CafeImeri 6A 3-34 - Estadio Mateo Flores - EstadioMateoFlores Z5 - movies
- GuateReggae - StaTeresitaHotSpr - mancha - fontabella - zonarte -
Music: musica - quehacemos - puntoguate - todoticket - quehacemos - fundacionpaiz - teatroNacionalAsturias - AsturiasCameras - AlianzaFrancesa - jazzenGuate - jazzGt - springJazz - Sinfonica - Conservatory - aol - tigofestMar - wiki - rockrepublik - iguanamangaband - casainstrumental - muni - NovFest -
Clubs: moon - LP - vt - nile - frommer - fodor -
clubs z1: centroCulturalEspana 6Av 11-02 z1 - 502pizza 4 Cle 5-15 - Bodequita 12Cle 3-55 z1 2230-2976 - GranHotel 9C 7Av z1 - Gazabo 6 C 3Av - Metropol 6C 3Av - BadAttitude 4C 5-10 z1 - Rock'ol Vuh 6th Av 1-32 z1 - EsquinaJazz 6Av 0-15 z2 - Trovajazz via6 3-55 z4 -
z4 nite tour: La Playa via5R1 - SUAEdisco v5- Trova v6 3-55 - EstacionNor 4 ruta 6-32 - Refugio ramada v5 6-48 - GeneticMajestic 3 ruta 3-08
clubs z10: RattleHum 4Av 16-11 2366-6524 - Cadejo 5Av 16-49 - Motor 2Av 15-38 - infinitoVegy 12Av 17-40 2368-0384 - hardrock 1Av 13C z10 - bluesMelancolia melancolia Reforma 13-89 5826 3131 - CentroCultCardozayAragon 2Av 7-57 - Kalhua Kalhua 1Av 15-06 -
Libraries: ElsevierWIPO - sibmas - ArchaeolAssocTikal Reforma 8-60 322 - BibNacional - BibNacmap - BanguatLibrary - BanguatLibBranches - USC - USCmap - UFMmed - UFMlib - UnivRural -
GuateCity Education Universities: wikilist - USACmed 2Av 12-40 Z1 - USACpharm T13 Z12 2443-9500 - USACbib Ave Petapa Z12 - USACbibOdont - USACmap - USAClocations - USACagronomyT8 DavidMendieta - USAC - USAC - USACtv - UFrancMarroquin - UFM LVM biblioteca 6CleZ10/15 - UFM Med 6Av 7-55 z10 - UFMmap - UFMwiki - UFMdelaTorre - MuseoIxchel UFM 6 Cle z10 2331-3634
- QuauhquechollanUFM - UGalileo comp 7Av Z10 - UdelValleGuate - UdVGaltiplanoSolola - UdVGsolola - UdVGMap - UdVGbiblioteca - UVGhealth - UdVGebsco - UdVGcatalog - UVG Castaneda - UniInterNaciones - UnivRural - guatemalay - guatefuturoBeca - embassylist - UnivPanam - UnivRafaelLandivar - SaviaEcol - InstNaturista 13C 20-12 z7 - U Mariano Galvez 3Av 9Cle z2 - UnivMarianoGalvezBiblioteca -
Science: delValleHerbario - govPlanBiotech - Biotech - UVGbiotech - LandivarBiotech - USCbiotech - Farmaya - Farmaya - CEMAT - CEMAT(CtrMesoamAppropTech)
- Farmaceuticos - ColFarmaQuimico 0Cle 15-46 z15 - ColFarmaQuimico 18Av 11-95 z15 - ColFarmaSpain - AssocQuimicos - AssocQuimicos - CONCYTciencia 3Av 13-28 z1 -
Museums: museums - museums
- museums
- Archeology 6Cle 7Av z13 2475-4399
- MusUSAC 9A 9-79 - Mayanew - Historia Natural 6 Cle 7-30 z13 2472-0468 - ArteModerno z13 2472-0467 - PopolVuh UFM 6 Cle z10 2338-7896
- Ixchel Traje UFM 6 Cle z10 2331-3634 -
QuauhquechollanUFM - CasaMemoriaKajiTulam(4 points) 13 Cle 2-72 z1 - miradorMus mirador 15Av 18 Cle z6 CementoProgreso CementoAerialview - Historia 9 Cle 9-70 z1 2253-6149
- Artecentro 7 Av 22-01 z1
2429-6000 - Mima
8 Av 14-12 z1 2253-4020 - Ejercito 24 Cle 3-81 z1 2253-5289 - Ninos
LaMerced 11Av 4-49 z1 - ReliefMap ReliefMap
Av Simeon Canas z2 2285-0330 - Miraflores
7 Cle 21-55 z11 2470-3415 - Ciencia
floor2 Hiperpaiz Km 16.5 a ElSalvador 2250-0219 - Novella
15Av 18-01 z6 2286-4100 - FlavioHerrera
9 C 8-54 z1 2285-1014 - Numismatico Calle Mariscal 7-46 z11 2473-0567 - Postal
7 Av 12-11 z1 2332-3956 - bodyworld - antiquitiesPlunder - ArchaeolNew -
Kaminaljuyu Zona7: wiki - authentic - famsi - mirafloresMus 40Q Tue-Sun, 7Cle 21-55 Z11 2475-4621 - map - map - museo - museo - museo - virtGlobe - ivic - 2012 - Popenoe - Naranjo - cerromuertos - repairs - ciudades - Ciudades - henderson - Velasquez94 - fahsen - scupture - alvarado06 - pics - ceramicHatch - tdar -
Naranjo Highlands 3km NE of Kam: authentic - Arroyo -
Taltic (Petapa-Amatitlan):
alvarado -
General: pricesmart - pricesmart Proceres & by Walmart- samsclub - Econosuper Reforma&16 - paizlocations - paizwalmart - tikalfutura - malls - Oakland z10 diag6&13Cle - Miraflores - Riverline Ergo boot 15 Av 300 z13 obelisco 2332-1991 - FarmaciaMeykos 5Cle 6Av z9 - SaveaLot 10Av 18-58 Local 33, Pasaje Naranjo, z4 Mixco - FarmaciaMeykos Sankris Mall 3Cle 6 Mixco - dollar 6Av 8Cle - inteleaf 6Av 8Cle -
Food: superbHerbs - LocalitoZ14 - LocalitoTwit - LiquorAlcazaren - DietYelPg - AgroYelPg - Alimenticios - Alimentacion - AgroImport 5Av5-55 Z14 2363-1500 - Jumex 2472-4261 - Procasa - GranolaSaluvita Bl Cipresales 12-02 Z5 2334-8839 - Quinfica 13C 1-65 z2 -
Paiz: Z1 9A 5-30 (plazaE), 6A 9-42 (plazaS), 18C 6-85 (bus); Z9: 12 C 0-93; Z13.14: 11 C 15-01; Z10: 20C 25-85
Guate Shopping Directories: PaginasAmarillas - yellowpages - cacom - pymes - helloGuate - Gubiz - directorios - bombaguaFilter - IndustriaMilitar - BigMt -
Classifieds: craigslist - OLX - GuaDigital - Kemik - immo - anuncios - mundoanuncio - deGuateClassified - clasificados - clasificados - CAclassified - chapinesAds - evisosAds - quebarato -
Electronics: Intelaf majada z11, 6A 8-28 z9, reforma 9-55 z10, - cybershop 6Av 9-80 z1 - ElectronicaPanamericana - Way - steren 10C 00-26 z10 - ABM 13C 6-77 z9 - Quetsol - Curacao - max -
Books: googlefulltext - gutenberg - FranckTravels1916 -
Camping: Totto - Cefesa 13 Av 18-59 z10 - Globo 7 Av 8 Cle - MundoExtremo en PlazaApolo z10 - Espana Antigua -
- JumasaAgua 14Cal28 zon7 2473-9207 - wifi:Caffe dei Fiori Z10 15Av1566 -
lapstec - mercados - Central Mayoreo (Cenma) z12 CentraSur -
city tv: 2 sched, 5 S, 8 fox, 10 axn, 21 discov, 23 antig, 25 hist, 29 anim -
GreenpackCornware DESSCASA Erwin González 4150-5073, 2360-7912, 2361-1874 -
Water Filter: muyutil -
GuateCity Rooms gen: moon - Chaclan - bamba
- hostelbookers - hostels - hostels
- hostels4u
- hostelworld
- wikitravel -
- tripadvis - hotels - travellerspoint - bootsnall - Deportiva 12Av 26 Z5 - alfa - Haydee 2230-2980 - visit -
Couches: Wendy - Jacqueline - PampaAlvaro - Fernando -
rooms Z2: coperacha$9 4Av 2-03 2232-1414 - canchita$14 4Cle 7-46 - Jocotenango$30 1 Cle 6-53 Z2 -
rooms Z1: Theatre TheatreHostel$9 8Av 14-17 5308-3018 - Spring$18 8Av 12-65 2230-2858, 2232-6637 - EstacionGerona$10/20 13Av 19-35 - Meza $12 10Cle 10-17 Z1 2232-3177 - OctavaReal$20 8Av 14-73 z1 2232-4913 - Sevila$28 9Av 12-29 z1 - Mariat 6Av 16Cle Z1 2253-2127 - Fenix 7Av 16Cle Z1 - SanMartin 7Av 16C - Quetzali$22 8Av 16-44 - Reforma$30 18Cle 9-45 - Nazarenos$30
5C 3-36 Z1 5510-8392 - HosDonPedro$35
4Av 3-25 Z1 2285-3434 - PosadaBelen Belen $40 cemetario 13Cle A 10-30 z1 -
rooms Z4: Mochilero Mochilero El Angel nivel7 $10 ruta5 via 5, 3-65 Z4 4944.3245 til930 - Isthmo 3a Av 1-38 Z4 2332 4389 -
rooms Z9: SanPablo$20 8Cle 7-29 2331-0165 - MiCasa$40 5AvA 13-51 x709-4466 - Espanola$45 2 Cle 7-51 Z9 - Celinemail 3Av 902 Z9 2360.4134 2331.8659 5751.8251 - VillaEspanola 2Cle 7-51 -
rooms Z10: angie 5Av 7-22 4212-8223, 2361-7748, 5949-4370 - quetzalroo $18 6Av 7-84 Z10 - xamanek$15 13Cle 3-57 Z10 2360-8345 - Torresmail 13Cle 043
Z10 2334-2747 - Comfort$35 17Cle 14-35 - uxlabil (3 blk e of oaklandmall) $50 11Cle 12-53 z10 2366-9555 -
rooms Z13 Airport 12Cle: DosLunas$23 21Cle 10-92 Lorena email 2261-4248 - Patricia $17 19Cle 10-65 2261-4251
- Novo$30 9Av 17-58 2261-2937 - JoseDanielCarballoDiaz(airport)$30 15CleA 7-32 5312-1813 - Santorini Santorini$25 7 Av A 17-17 2261-2766, 4365-8583 - Lagos$15
8Av 15-85 2261-2809 - GuateFriends$17
16Cle 7-40 - Aurora2 20Cle 9-48 - Aroche 13Av 7-12 z12 - Volcan$18
16calle800 2261-3dept - 040 2267-3040 - HermanoPedro$17 6Av 2053 2261-4181 - Ixbalanque$20 15CleC 7-76 - villatoscana$24
- marianas$36 20Cle 10-17 - casablanca$30
15C 7-35 2261-3116 - dainonni 15Av 5-30
2362-5458 - Casa Lucrecia 19 Cle 9-13 Aura2 3013-8175 $40 -
rooms z12/11/7: Aroche 13Av 7-12 z12 - OmniAutohotel Roosevelt 10-57 km 11.5 z3 Mixco 2250-5537 2432-7874 - Auto Americano 33 C 7-22 z11 -
Rentals: craig - OLX - prensa - immo - homes -
Mixco: wiki - wiki - map - map - casaCultura - muni - munimixco - mayorNeto - SaveaLot 10Av 18-58 Local 33, Pasaje Naranjo, z4 Mixco - FarmaciaMeykos Sankris Mall 3Cle 6 Mixco -
Pocomam (Mixco, Chinautla, Palin): wiki - native -
San Lucas Sacatepéquez (Antigua turnoff): info - CerroAlux - sliding - servirSatellite - growth2013 - intelaf km29.5 -
Santa Catarina Pinula:
gob - cambray2slide - cambray2slide - cambrayvideo - beforeafter -
Sacatepequez: viaje
- visit
Antigua: ATM in jademaya (4th St E by La Concepcion); by Claro - Shipping Jonathan Porta 12/lb, 50/15lb Calle Sucia 4769.9194 - casaPopenoe - netnews - tripadvisor - wikitravel - around - sherer - elPilar - elPilar - chocomuseo - valhalla - AnderssonPics - CIRMA - CIRMA - MercedPk weekends - MayaHydraulic - floodzone - Rana y Sapo Alameda Santa Lucia north - guatelindaSpan - biopersa - guategreen - FundacionNahual 2AvN6B - salsaInMotion - conexionInet - itsgreen - spanishAcad - libDuaneCarter 5AvN 2 upstairs - valhallaMacadamia - ggbigger - 200jardines - development - eyeVision ophthalmology: Centro Visual or G&G - HospPedroBad - ShuttletoAmatitlanTeresitaHotBath - AcatenangoDeaths - skycamTemp -
Events & media: quepasa - quepasa - eventful - LaCuadra - casadelMango - casaMangoblog - eventos
Rosendo - fundacionpaiz - classifiedAds -
Transport & maps: mapRevue - mapQP - mapQP - map - mapselect - mapRuta - mapTrav - mapAround - cuadra - Rebuli 4 Cl Pte 7Av -
Eats: Curley - Hector 1 ClePon 9A - cueva 2 CleOr 9d -
Cafe Santa Maria on 6 Calle by Travel Menu - Papazito 4 Cle Or 39 - monoloco - vivero 5 AvS 36c - BobsIxcacao Candelaria10 - RyalsTostaduria 7Av 6C - PushkarIndian 6Av N 18 - ElCarmen buffet 7-10 3AvN 9 -
Nature: landslides - volcanAgua - VolcanPacaya - PacayaSatellite - Fuego2012nasa - catours - daytrips -
Stores business: Organica 5 Cle Pon 6 - Epicure 3 Av N 11b - caobafarm - VacaFeliz Alameda Sta Lucia 59 (6-7 Cle) - escaloniaNursery - boots - compu 6AvN 1 - GonzalezComput 6CW28 7832-6468 - PlusTravel - Universal 7AvN22 -
Museums: Arte 4Cle Or 3AvN
10 7832-6634 - Caballeros plaza central 7832-2868 - Paseo & Vical 3 Cle Or 28 7820-1220
- Jade 4 Cle Or 34 7832-3841 - Cafe z3
Jocotenango 7831-1120 - Musica Jocotenango
7831-1486 - CentroCultCesarBranas 5Cle pon44a - casaHerreraUT 4AvN9 - casaHerrera -
Entertainment: alm - around - cafeNoSe - PalmasSalsaFri 6Av N 14 - rainbowcafe - studio35 - cielos 4AvN4 - degustDining - FBculture - cafecitos toward vieja - nose 2Av - CityPartyShuttle - scrabble - photoclub -
Room gen: wikitravel
- sleeprent
- sleeprentmap - travelerspoint
- travelerspoint
- daily - boo
- lonelyplanet
- gringoguide
- travellog
- sdg
- B&BAntigua 5501-5437 - Hotel Casa Santo Domingo - Aurora
- Valentino 5CW28 7832-0384 - Rustica
6AvN8 7832-3709 - Cristina
Camposeco3A (6-7AvN) 7832-0623 - Juma Ocag 8AvN13 7832-3109
- earthlodge - LasMarias $60 Cle San Bartelo & Jacaranda 5516-9147 - realtor Peter Glover 4769-8027 - Elma Conteras at ReMax -
Rooms Budget: Refugio
4CW30 room arriva 42, towel & soap 7832-7433 - PasardeAnos $6 5C or (1.5e of park) - HotOrchideas Frente a Ruinas San Jeronimo, Alameda de Santa Lucía y 1C pon 7832 5135 - Holistico 7AvS10 or 1Cpon6B - Terrace 3C pon24 7Av 7832-3463 - Burkhard 3CE19 7832-4316 - Encuentros
Encuentros 7AvN60
4114-5400 - Chocantarly 7AvN - PosadaMerced 7Av43
- Diego 6AvN52 7832-1401 - rompecabeza - Kafka 6AvN - DonQuijote
1CW22 (Merced) - Mochilero 1CW33 7832-0520 - Mochilero 4CW27 7832-7743 - Ismael 3CW20
7832-1932 - Tono 3CW20 - Ruiz2 2CW25 - LosAmigos 2Av(7C) - Bellona
Bellona Coyolar11 (end2AvS) 7832-0124 - Casa Santa Lucia#2 CalzStaLucia21 (bus)
7832-6189 - Santa
Lucia#3 6AvN 7832-1386 - Santa
Lucia#4 SL5 7832-3302 - Santa
Lucia#5 6CW58 - Santa
Lucia#1 SL9 - SanVicente
6AvS6 7832-3311 - CasaAntigua 3Cpon5 $45 - HotlCristal Av Desengano (8) #25 & Herreros (north) 78324177 -
Beds hostels: hostelworld
- hostelbookers - hostels
- amigohostels - mayanadventure
- elhostal elhostal 1AvS8 (6C) 7832-0442 - HostalAntigua 5AvS22 7832-8090 - hostel5 Hostel5
Hostel5 Hostel5
4AvN33 (arch) 7832-5462 - Santiago 6Cle - Shalom 1 - Danes - SinVentura $18 5AvS 8 7832-0581 - Ummagumma
Ummagumma Umaguma
7Av34 (2-3C) 7832-4413 - BlackCat
bunks 6Av1 - BlackCat
- BlackCat
9CE5 - Hostel6 C6W19 5532-3274 - JungleParty
6AvN20 - Quachoch - Terrace 3C pon24 7832-3463 - YellowAmarillo Yellow 1CW24 7832-6646 - Jacaranda 1Cw37 - AxelReneTorre 3411-0794 -
TV: 5Starz - 10AXN - 21Discov - 24NGeo - 25HI - 41 - 43HBO - 44Cinmax - 46Filmzone - 49TCM - 50Gold - 53mgm - 57CNN - 61BBC - 69NHK -
73cbs - 77cult - 81traffic - 99animax -
Antigua Spanish schools:
Marta Julia at San Jose el Viejo - Sevilla -
Antigua government: muni - PlanningOT - sky - galeon - paralyzed - crime2013 - disorder - mayorArrested - mayorArrest - mayorlawyershot - 60cameras - Aug18violence - mayorMarroquin - mayorAsencio - AlcadeAscencio -
Highlands: celas - smith -
San Juan Sacatepequez (n of Guat City) Fri market: sanjuansac - deguate - muni - map - vigilante - ufm - cement - road - road - riot - riot - riot - 8years - summary -
Barriletes Kite Nov1: paradise
- aboutvideo
Santiago Sacatepequez: wiki - whatson
- IntlEd
- Revolinski - revue
- ontheweb
- ruth
- buddy
- Museo 3 Calle 4-00 z4
- KaqchikelWuquKawoq -
Sumpango: drachen
- drachen
Chinautla: wiki - chimalOrg - deguate - tips - muni - monograph - poqomam - wikiguate - artesans - MayorContracts - MayorMedrano - Medrano - MedranoBrother - Medrano - warrant - dept - muni - wolfram - jony - clinSangreCris - Corruption - MayorConstruction - aerialpics - MayorReturnsMoney - landslide - landslide - MedranoArrest -
Mixco Viejo, Chwa Nim Ab’aj (frente a la gran piedra), Poqomam: wiki - Chajoma - conquest - wikies - wikitravel - moon - authentic - guide - galas - ciudades - rough - sitemap - periodico - prensa - prensa - pbasePics - timelesspics - skyscraper - galas - history - champion - yahoo - viaje - crunch - Carcamo - Lehmann1960s -
El Chayal obsidian black, 20 km NE of Kaminaljuyu, HW9cuts thru deposits, near Azacualpilla & Chatal, north of Palencia & Jalapa, SofSanJoseGolfo: coe - michels - obsidiantrade - kumatzim (chay=obsidian in kaqchikel) - wiki - origin - newscientist - somnis - obsidianSanLorenzo - obsidianAuthentic - obsidianWiki -
Palencia: muni - wiki - feg -
Rio Pixcaya obsidian 4 mi SE of Pachalum: obsidian - geoview - getamap - 1976landslide - acuaduct -
San Martin Jilotepeque (nor of Chimal) obsidian bluish black: muni - wiki - deguate - map - artman - chajoma - Braswellpdf - Mirador - segeplan - semilla - history - PNCreturn - Cronicas165 -
Pachalum above Rio Motagua: historia - topo - mapilandia - flood2010 - muni - info - geoltrip -
Joyabaj (Chichi-Pachalum): 3esquinas -
Chimaltenango: chimalOrg - deguate - map - mapGoogle - mapRegion - bridge - bypass - infocentros
- Bicitec - MayaPedal-SanAndresItzapa
- MayaPedal - wiki
- chimal - viaje - viaje
- noti7 - Museo 23 Cle 5-17 z3 barrio Patacabaj 7840-3306 - borlaug - coffeerust -
San Juan Comalapa art: wiki - vt - HistoryUSAC2010 - HistorySon2007 - longwayhome - chixot - bones -
San Miguel Pochuta: municlosed - rebellion -
protest -
Patzun: infopressca - weatherbug - lots -
Tecpan: carlosma
- moon
- colon
- mapas
- map - mapbibliocad - tecpanguate
- visit
- tecpangua - tecpangua
- tecpanguate
- hotels - sanricardo
- Anthro
- weather
- kapePaulinos - katok
- Fischer
- Pana-Tecpan
- towns - aldeaIndigena - Cronicas -
Iximche: oralidad - oralidad - wiki - authentic
- viaje
- orali - wikitravel - revue
- maps&leaders - Flores08 - video - Ciudades - Kraemer - Pakal Balam museum Kumatzim - waybi -
Annals of the Cakchiquels by Xajilá 1571-1604, Memoria de Solola, Kaqchikel (Tecpan) split from Quiche: wiki - BrintonGutenberg - BrintonGuten - BrintonGuten - BrintonScribd - BrintonMany - BrintonLibPenn - Lutz - usac - litgua - wikiguate - amindig - mascar - mascar2 - mascar3 - once -
Quiche: wiki - wikiguate - turansa - viaje - prensa - lynchings1996-2002 - Iyaxel Ixkan Cojti Ren - ChuacusSierraGeol - clovisPointsChajbal - Cronicas - Hatch1998 - QuicheVerapazHatch2011 - Piel1615-1964 - 1768 -
maps: map - maphydroelec - mapProjects - mapilandia - aldeas -
Sta Cruz del Quiche: wiki - mapas - VT - dequate - 2011campaign - upsidedown - tigo 5A 2-16 -
Gumarcaj, Utatlan (K'umarcaaj): mapgoogle - mapas - Q'umarka - wiki - wiki - wiki - authentic - autenticos - escobar - ciudades - guateguide - guateguides - ciudadmaya - Flores - real - Jakawitz (Chitinamit) - Pismachi - detalles - history - Ciudades - cave -
Chichicastenango: mapgoogle - wiki - comitelocal - mapas - viaje - lonelyplanet - PascualAbaj - alcaldeIndigena - alcaldeBarrios12 - MayorXon - riot2013 - riot - unrest - deposits - XilojCement - MayaLodge 4258-8882 -
Frontera Border crossing Nueva Orizaba Mx/Cantabal Quiche Ingenieros 2017 near Ixcan, Chixoy, Playa Grande -
Ixcan: wiki - dept - XalalaDam - XalalaDam - upsidedown - rosebaugh - reject - development - cardamonHarvest - uprising -
Playa Grande: wiki -
San Juan Cotza: PaloViejoHydro84mw -
Zacualpa: Lothrop -
San Andres Sajcabaja: wiki - wiki - map - deguate -
Solola State: viaje - UdVGsolola - UdVGsolola - BillMuirheadLords - pormifamilia - XelawalktoAtitlan - crimerate - deadbeaddads - prensa - eguate -2016GovAlbertoChumilJulajuj -
Solola pueblo: muni - wikiguate - viaje - manctzolojya - tzolojya - MayaGuarcaxSotzilCtr - marketvideo - tower - satellite - deguate - organicCoffee - terra - Chuirakamol - triunfoSchool - market - character - UnivRural - UvGaltiplano - 1500sCemetary - cemetary - RiAkux - ImagMedSolSocAnonima - IMeSSA - TuyucMurder - TuyucMurder - SmithAnthro - minEduc - 1875Maudslay - 1933McBryde - trash - trash - HotlVistaHermosa -
vertedero cerro Patzitoc Patzizoc
2017 fire: 10prensa - 1023 - 10chapintv - - 12prensa -
San Jorge:
Xajaxac: eguate -
Las Trampas:
Tierra Linda & Zope:
Mercedes: PazMundo - pazmundo - muigg -
Concepcion: mujeres - mayorkilled - mayorkilled - mayorkilled - Juracan - Juracan - Juracan - Juracan -
116.5 LasTrampas - 117 roadN - 118 Pujujil - 118 Xecoja - 119 Pujujil & miradorBetter - 120 LaFe - 120.5 miradorBigger - 121 PujujilMain - 127 Encuentros : facebook -
Encuentros-Xela Hwy: 130 Cuchilla Pana fork - 132 Xibalba - 132.5 CumesHerbs - 136 Xayon Xaquia Chaquijya - 137.5 MariaTecun up - 139 Argueta - 141 Pacoxon (Chacaya) - (142.5 StaRita - 143 Cienaga Grande - 143.5 turn Sta Luica Utatlan & Josa Chacaya - 145.5 turn Novilera CorazonBosque ) - Thai - 149 ValleNuevo -148-149.5 turn StaClara, Utatlan, San Pedro - 156 animalstairs - 157 Patzjo, Nahuala low- 159 Nahuala up - 163 turn StaCatarinaIxtahuacan viejo - 169.5 SCI Nuevo peak - 177 Vasquez - 179.5 Chulnoj - 186 Cristob Toton - 187 gas turn sharp - 188 cuatro4 Caminos -
Nahuala Sun,Tue: muni - traveluck - wiki - wiki - mapElev - PantaVerde&B’Alam Ya - roots&wings - coffeeCoop - kaladiCoffee - protest2015 -
Lake Atitlan (130km2, 24km3, 80 yr turnover): boats - wiki - kate - polanco - emergency - alcaldeIndigenaBarrios9 - conectando - EconSanabria08 - weatherbug - rainInsivumeh - gaismaPrecipDawnDusk - NewsLakeAtitlan - atitlanCommunity - yahora - conectando - directory - directory - townsMatt - mankatitlan - TodosPorLago - todosporellagoGoogleGrp - escobar - Schieber - ajachel - escobar - atitlancomDuncan - tourisme - wikionews
- inforpressca
- municipalities
- electionStats - MankAtitlan - McBryde1947 - encanada - HighlandsArt - AnderssonPics - amigos - atitlansol - atitlannetJerry - hotels
- atitlanresource -
bob - ontheroad
- reserves
- ATI - radioATI -oatravel
- cascadeMed - helps
- SololaForest
- QuedensleyPlantPics - GNF - GuateAtitlanVan - femicide - PorMiFamilia - RootsWings - GrupoSotzil - rotary - Solar - SolarSEAXela - rowing - dozenbestlakes - lynchings1996-2002 - segeplan - marathon - SolTaxFieldwork - violencedown - mayanhands - mentalhealth - lakeValuationRomero - Wallace-ncsu - transport - fishermen - fishresource - transportHistory - ecotourism - ProtectedLeg6497 - Leg6497 - basureros - level - depth - depth - UCDavisLibrary -
360view - Sunset180 - AstronautPic - youtube - video -
Weather Floods Storms: LeeBeal - 1949Tenwiki - 1998Mitchiadb - Mitchwiki - 2005StanNasa - StanReconstruction - StanHinshaw - StanHinshaw - StanEconomist - Agatha2010 - bridgerepair - historia -
Rainfall: PaxanaxStaCruz - PanaTexacoFelipe -
Atitlan Maps: mapissuu - maga - wikimapia - PanaTopoMap - AtitlanTopo - atitlanEastMap - watershed - watershed - rain - vegetation - RioMadre - servirAtitlan10 - servirAtitlan12 - 1986-2011 - lakehighlow - EcolMaps2003 - oldFincaLines - zonusatellite -
Ecol Biol Nature: uvgDiagnostico - UVGcentroEstudiosAmbiental - fishdecline - AtitlanMedPlants -
Hikes: Paquisis - Paquisis - SantiagoMiradorReyTepepul - GodinezMiradordown - SanPedro - PrincipalBridgetoTierraLinda - CerrodeOro - StaCruzTzununa - PanaSanAndres -
Geology: AtitlanGeolNewhall1987 - VolcanAtitlanHazards - lakeGeology - RoseSI - seismichazard - landslideRisk -
Archaeology: uvg02 - ivic2012 - Barrientos - Barrientos - Barrientos2011 - Caravantes - Petrich1999 - palma -
Lyngbya algae bloom: Nov2009 - Dix2003 - Dix2009 - dix2013 - PerssonApr10 - lakehealth - UCDavisBlog10 - lakespecies - SidEstimates - servir - nasa - nasa0109 - DixUdVG - UVG - - lakenetProfile - marnGt - GtEnviroLaw - phosphatefreeDetergents - EPA - WHO - purdue - CDC - Canada - Falconer - schieber - eutrophication - algaebiomass - szymanski - sewageNYC - atitlanSci - UNRsage - sugarAlgae - fireworks - Pshortage - Premoval - prolago - Prelease - bloom2011 - JPL2011 - JPL2011 - JPL2011 - zonu2011 - 2012survey - tripadvisor15 - lonelyplanet2016 - algaeEatsBacteria - microcystinsinCrops - MicrocystinsAmatitlan - auburn2015 - amigosatitlan - TodoPorElLago - TodosPorLago - AmigosdeLago -
Sewage pollution: unidosFiles - Romero2011 - PanaDredgeEffect - Barreno2010 - UdV-UPenn - waterCl - 99%domestic - lake2013 - ILEClakeMgt - 4mayorsCharged -
Pana Sewage Treatment: prolago - SewageCebollales2009 - PanaWater&Sewage - PanaSewage - JonesWetland - StutzCSU2010 - SewagePlantFlaws - SewagePlantFlaws - Water4mCalPoly -
Cleanup treatment: 12ways - aguasnegras - cancel07 - plan09 - plan - sewageplantsfailing -
Pipe Export Out: nomada - TahoeExport - pipeEngineering - tahoe13 - amigosatitlanChesleySmith -
Amsclae Principal 3-56 plaza San lorenzo: AMSCLAE - AMSCLAE - AMSCLAE - amsclaeResearch - 2013 -
Water Laws lacking: 2016 -
Water Drinking: Salvavida 3 Av Norte Final Z-2 Finca El Zapote Garita No.1 Guate 2289-1555 - AguaPuraSalvavida(Gallo) - SalvavidaBrand - SalvavidaBlog - union2008 -
Real Estate Guate: OLX - homesguate -
Rental Guate: kugli - sublet -
Realty Antigua: craigsAntigua - nova - bamboo - bamboo - antiguafineCentury - reAntigua - remax -
Realty & Rentals Atitlan: OLX - classificados - TerraxRalph - ganga - reGuateMarco - ChrisGuateRealty - GuateGringoClassifieds - rentalsAtitlanArmand - realtyArmand - mayanlakeFranc - mayanlake - century21 - chalets - viviun - PropertyReg -
Xpantzay: utex -
Panajachel: pananet - news - muni - muni - history - aerialview - backpackforever - directory - alcaldeIndigena - wikitravel
- panacom - panaorg
- passplanet
- atitlansol -
panainfo - panapage - wiki
- PanaCenter - expatsImpacts - lagomap - Patrols - gringoguide
- museoLacustre - Axess
axw-d1900 - emergencylist - phonelist
- medical2012 - videos - wordpress
- usedcar
- casino
- FinCasino
- Fin - Alekson
- MayaEd - Pana-Tecpan
- VistasTeresita - davis - PanaAudit - taxbase - solomanporch - blockade - Ochoa - riverdredging - dredging - duncanWebDesign - panafacts08 - panafacts08 - wendelkenPics - festivals - negritos - vendingProhibition - expositionCtrTzanjuyu - kidnappersCaptured2014 - TranslatorMaximo - GuillenDiegoCruzInquisition1657 - library - riot2014 - riot2014 - riot2014 - galeria - costsWeary - paraglidevideo - AmarillaPaginas -
Electric Suspension Outage Noticias: EEGSAnoticias - EEGSAprogramadasbyINDE - EEGSA - Energuat -
Pana Maps Transport: map - areareliefmap - frommer - covial - satellite - googlesatellite - maplandiasatellite - Alan - sedimentintoLake - pic1945 - CancunBus -
Package Shipping:
SilverioElRancho - DHL-RinconSai 7762-2335 - Aeropost-Aerocasillas(Rincon El Dorado) - Rapidito - quickpostal - cpx - Transcargo $20box 2360-0407 - Americargo CZ Atanacio Tzul 22-00 z12 2462-7006 - postalnet - zuleta - customs - aeropuerto cityPickup - GAcompras GA - - Cropa 3 Calle 6-70 z13 2259-0600 -
Pana Weather: vivamos - PanaTexacoFelipe - insivumeh - yrno - wunderground - forecaWeather - weathercom - accuweather - panafloodplan - rainSantiago1980 - rainSanLucas1980 - HurricaneStanvideo - Stan -
Nature hikes: ReservaNatural - PanaWalking - tierrabella - TierraLindaPathVideo - reforestation -
Piedre Zope (buzzard point) above market: cuenta - significance -
Floods Storms:
Merchants: Sandra - Chalo - atitlanbusiness - GuateRealty - EschenbachConstr - RiverRetirement - MrJon - PanaHealth - Panahealthfood -
NGO & education:
MullerLifeschool - AMA - PanaColegio - PanaColegioIntl - educasa - EscuelaTzala - vivamos - vivamos Salpores 0-83 - manna - mayanfamilies - MilMilagrosSeed - musicSchool - mayacomPadma - actionPadma - radioKajol - MayaTraditions - herbgarden - MayaTraditCrafts - MercadoGlobal - 13threads - Oxlajujbatz - redwingshow - nimsamaj - mayagift - ninosdelLago - naru - educasa - LouisPenaLakeAtitlanWellness - freeclinicLouisdePena - medical - saludypazPhil - rotaryquake - rotary - Mil Milagros Semilla Margaret Blood -
Pana Entertainment: bars - bars - chapiteau - panarock - solomonporch - circus - fodor - restaurants - panacom - festivalAtitlan - festivalote - crossroadsMike - crossroads - Hana -
Pana rooms short: Zanahoria - HspdPana
- HspdVillaLupita
5511-0541 - Lupita Callejon Don Tino 7762-1201 - Shalom - LasHermanas Callejon Sta
Elena 762-0673 - HspdSanchez Cle14Feb 7762-2224 - Hspd El Amanecer Calle Ramos 7762-0636
- Jardin Calle Rancho Grande - Tzutujil10 - Encuentros$18
- chinamaya25 - Tzanjuyú - mayanadventure
- gringoguide
- honn - moises
(Eduardo Galindo Ralón) - Larry's - lonelyplanet - wikitravel - chapinlandia - alegre - alegre - jenna - jenna - jenna - rivierahotel - riv - panzaverde - Encuentros - Encuentros(Richard
Morgan Szybist) - Encuentros - MorganAdventures - JardinesLagoMonterrey - marathon - ElSoljapanese & RestHana - PosadaColonialBridge 4810-3577 -
Pana apt house long: airnb - HousingOLX - moises -
Pana spanish school with lodging: JabelTinamit
- JabelTinamit
- JardinAmerica -
Pana Internet: turbonetClaro - ComputechnoCristobal - tigo - panadishCable - landlineDSL -
Pana radio: 88.8solola 90.3 90.9 91.1 92.0 92.5 94.8 95.5 96.2 96.7 99.1 100.3 100.8 104.3 106.5 107.5 - ATI -
Politics Elections:
voters - Juan Queché Cululén indigmayor -
Hooded Vigilante Encapuchado Security Patrols 2009-11: hoodedEncapuchados - hooded - hooded - hoodarrests - hoodarrests - hoodarrests - hoodarrests - hoodconviction - hoodaftermath - cpj - GringotenangoHarrington - vigilanteugly - hoodarrestsJan2012 - arrests - raidyoutube - hoodraidJan - hoodconviction - ashes - LuciaEscobar - PujujilesConvicted - indigenous -
Cerro Lec 113.5:
fault - fault - CerroLecRiesgo - CerroLec - busonbridge -
Caserio Chutinamit: historyJimdo - Stanmission -
San Andres Semetabaj: muni
- wiki - map
- weather - LasRosas
- mayacom - eraymas - economy08 - econ2012 - cornEcon - panimache - artemaya - vaage
- violence12 - luck - online - CasadeSion - VickiDalia - VickiDaliaMormon - gym - communityroom - mankatitlan - LakeViewTerraceSturgill - LakeViewVideo - sturgill -
Semetabaj archaeology - John Rick (Stanford) & Luisa Escobar Galo (UdVG): Mack2UVG - UVGvisit2013 - ecomuseo - museo - archaeolUVG - RuinsShook79 - TakalikSemetabajHatch07 - BreinerMagnetic03 -
Godinez: ChitululWalk -
Agua Escondido: luck - tourvideo -
Sta Catarina Palopo: emmaspencer -
San Antonio Palopo: pics - casaRocio -
StaCruz Laguna: weebly - BealRain - passplanet
- IguanaPerdida - ArcoNoah - CasadelMundo
- KayFrank
- travelpod
- rockclimbing - ATIdive:502 5706-4117 - IslaVerde
- CruzNews - CruzNews - CynthiaContacts - CynthiaCalendar - ShavdaSharyanka - Sumaya - sewageplant - AmigosSC - AmigosSC -
Jaibalito: HansPosada - Vulcano - CasadelMundo - venaca - venaca -
hummingbirdCulibri - ecolibri - falls - falls - falls - ShadPermacultAtitlanOrg beyond Bambu - atitlanorganics - healthCtr - FundacionCordova - patrulla - MahadeviAshram - MayaMoonLodge - bamboo - lomas -
San Marcos Laguna: wikitravel - directory - lush - infohub - passplanetrooms
- muni - traveljournalpics
- HotPacoReal - Circles - YogaCtr
- SpanishSchool - infohub - pyramides
- HolisticCtr
- KeithCacao -
EncantadaTerry - aaculaax
- aaculaax - EcoLaPaz - puravidaRecycle
- Amoretti - greenNew - bowman - escuelaCaracol - colina - colibri - 1000dias -
SanPablo: MahiyaAAZI - rental Dave Mason 5319 7787 -
Sta Maria Visitacion: muni -
Santa Clara Laguna mktTue: wiki - wikiguate - guides - trip - fb - mapElev - Dionisio shuttle 4880-3116 - mkt - NoseGuideless opp gas sta - NoseGuideless - NarizIndioRostroCristalino - UnivPanamericana - UnivPana - Cronicas -
km 154.5 ParqueChuiraxamolo - Chuiraxamolo - Chuiraxamolo - Chuiraxamolo - press - bike -
Volcan Santo Tomas: summitpost -
San Juan Laguna: map - sanjuan - wiki - soulprojects
- historyEggs - MagicCarpet - Ati'tAla - monograph - todosporlago - uxlabil - conectando - MansiondelLago 75q - Utz'iil Eco-Centro Utz'iil - rosario - hotelChiya - KukuAbaj - stonehead Guillermo Cholotío 5822-5543, 4268-1864 - jews - odimClinic - buganvilias -
San Pedro Laguna (Chi-Tzunun-Choy): map
- topomap
- map
- areamap
- pics - aerial - SPpresents
- xwho - shaypress - passplanet
- bootsnall
- iexplore
- wifi: IdeaConnection, Buddha, DNoz, HotMikaso - VolcanPath
- VolcanViews - noti7 - bistroNuevoSol - drugCultureChanging - 2011election - Guide Miguel Pablo 5450-2381/ 4245-8019 - historySajquiy2007 - ChonaMidwifeRogoff - eat: La Puerta, Idea Connection, Mayumi, Blue Parrot - mthike - dNozhike -
rooms: rentbuy
- mayanadventur
- viajerorooms
- Sheryl by Zoola 350/wk 5274 7907 - Don Rolando $8 - casaElena - Baz - Peneleu - VillaSol 7721-8009 - Ixim Achi 15Q - Zoola vistadelLago - HotSanAntonio - elpicasso
- MarcoGilioliRealtymail - LP - lunaazul-ErinWatt -
schools: SPspanishschool
- corazon - casarosario
- flordemaiz - atitlanschool
- mayab - google
- volcan
Chuitinamit base of San Pedro, Samuel Kirkland Lothrop 1933: Butler - authentic - authenticos - santiagoatitlan - sitio - posada - google - Ciudades239 - posada -
Santiago Atitlan Tzutujil: wiki - wiki - LP - wikitravel - map - aerial - aerial - santiago - santiago - PanabajSlide - tzutujil - weather
- weatherbug
- healers - becker1990s - jimcarole - nuevomundo - Hari - TzutujilWater - santiaguito - tioshabaj - watersurvey - free web “Yo soy Atitlán” - tioshabaj - Patziapa - atitlanorg - huntingmiddenBrown - ritualBrown - SharingthDream - MysticalYoga - TzanchichamLand - TzutujilArtRoots - Ajchomajay - lakehighlow - McBryde1944 - AerialMcBryde1936 - TraciSinging - VedantinMysticalYogaFarm -
hospital: HospitalitoAtitlan - blogHosp - HospAtitlanPenn - HospPenn - upenn - HospMobley -
rooms: hostel - posada - Bambu - Chi-Nim-Ya 7721-7131 - LagoAtitlan 7721-7174 - Posada -
Tzutujil (flor de milpa) de Tulan: wiki - wiki - wikiguate - everyculture - santiago - Tulan - Prechtel - cofradias - sugarWinkler - TzutujilSugar - linguee - blog - maximon -
Tzutujil Language: wiki - olac - numeracion - daniwitt - Grimes -
Panabaj > Chuk Muk: insivumeh -
Chukumuk Choqumuc base of Toliman, Samuel Kirkland Lothrop 1933: Butler - Martinez - Barrientos97 -
Samabaj Pa'Jaibal underwater Roberto Samayoa: samabaj - ntdtv - relief - relief - medrano - arquehistoria - ufm - prensa - medrano - medrano - amado - stopdig - dca - ngeo -
Cerro de Oro: video - lonestar -
San Lucas Toliman: wiki - wiki - mission - puebloclic - climbVolcanAtitlan - TarralesReserve - ReserveKm158 - TolimanCrater
- IMAPermaculture - Esperanza - KaslemMandala - Patishuash - hotelToliman - hotelToliman - Tosa - RonyLecAjcot -
Totonicapan: viaje - viaje - map - alcaldeBarrios11 - phone# - laguia - rebellion - investigation - EnerguateActis - impeach - 48cantonsLeader - protestvstransit - arrests - reflections - falla - budgetIncrease - crisisfix - prosecution - 368bullets - 885fmRadio - yearlater - court - mayorOverspends - FirConservation -
Tapiales paleontology clovis 11k (14 53 N 91 15 W, Tzanixnam-Setisic): Gruhn -
Momostenango 8batz thread; mkt Sun Wed, solar yr Feb 24, fiesta Jul28-Aug2, : wiki - wiki - wikiguate - tripmondo - Carmac - Chanchavac - cadejos - cost - 8batz - 8batz - HotelEstiver 1 Cle 4-15 736-5036 - Hspd Paclom 2Av 1Cle Z2 - PosadaPelagia 2Av 2-88 736-5175 -
Quezaltenango Dept: wiki -
Xela - Quezaltenango City: wiki - wiki - wikitravel - viaje - voyage - wikiguate - itzamna - passplanet
- eureka
- xelapages - xelaenlinea - LP - rough - muni - ElPuente - Eddy
- TomLigenfelter XelaPages - ontheroad
- mytravelguide
- entremundos - CasaArgentina
- QuetzaltecoNews - CerroQuemado
- vocesdeCambio - SantaMariaVolcano - xelaju - XelaTeco - garbage - alternaBiogas - alcaldeIndigenaBarrios10 - entremundos - entremundosVolunteer - extortion - corruption - xelaju - mayor2015 - mayor - SolarSEAXela -
maps: map - busStations - moon - mapactivo - xelawho - xelapages - topo - map - centralmap - mapLP - map - topo - landslides - distances -
transport Z3: Minerva Parque & Mkt: bustimes - 1stclass - xpages - wikitravel - busLP - XelaGuatebus - busGuaCity - altiplanoShuttle - MarquensitaToSanMarcos - Mazariegos Mazariegos 24Av 11-79 z3 - ADN 23Av 5 Cle - Líneas America 7Av 3-33 z2 7761 4587, 6: 5:15am-3:30pm - Alamo - LD - Transporte Velasquez - Galgos - airport -
transport Z2: Rotonda 7Av Calz Indep Cuesta Blanca: 4caminos, pullmans after Z3; Las Rosas nearby for lowland Pacific buses
transport Z1: Shell Station behind Mercado Central at 9a Avenida & 10a Calle: Almolonga & Zunil
Xela rooms gen: xelapages - Juan
Garcia - deGuate - tahotels - ChicoMendes Armando Pachaj-Cantel 5531-3082 -
Xela rooms Z1: jaguar $5 13 Ave 4-25 Z1 (Adrenaline) 7761-8000, 4388-7291 - Seibel Seibel 9Av 8 5958 7529 - Quijote $5 - DonaMercedes $12 6 Cle 14 Av 13-42 7765-4687 - Argentina $7 diag12 8-37 4075-8273 7761-2470 - Shalom $7 8 Cle 11-31 5805-4823, 7765-4069 - Whitehome $10 5 Av A 2-28 4085-2400, 5555-5783 blanquiwhitehomexela@gmail - blackcat $9 13 Av 3-33 7761-2091 - mayanadventure
- StAna $10 11Cle 19-97 Z1 7765-1158 - Hostal Don Diego 7Cle 15-20, 7761-6497 - cervantes - 7orejas - entremundos - casaloca -
Xela rooms Z3: Buenosaires $7 17Av 6-33 Z3 7767-4833 (by Alamo) -
news & culture: MetropolitanoNews - xelawho - IndiaSabor 15Av 4Cle 3-64 Z1 tue-Sun - teatro - cupacafe 12Av 8-21 Z1 - redfusion 8Av 5-19 Z1 -
educat, schools, lib: libraries - Biblioteca AlbertoVelasquez 12Av 7-35 Z1 - celasmaya - plqe - eureka - deMontana -
univ: univlistmap - USAC-Occidente-Med (CUNOC) AvAmer CleRodolfoRobles Z3 - UnivMesoAmerMed 3Cle 14-46 Z3 - UnivMesoamer 40Cle 10-1 z8 - UnivMarianoGalvez 6Cle & 22Av Z3 - UnivGalileo 7Cal 17-90 Z3 - UnivPanamericana - UnivRural - RafaelLandivar 14Av 0-43 Z3 2413-8000 -
WalmartHiperPaiz AvAmer 7-12 Z3 - intelaf (Pradera79 ctr back by Walmart) -
Coops: StaAnitaCoffeeCoop
- MayaTraditCrafts
- trama - proyectogt -
hike: quetzaltrekkers Xecam-StaCatIxtahuacan-Xiprian-Atitlan
- hike - walktoAtitlan - walktoAtitlan -
Olintepeque: wiki - AlvaradoConquest -
Zunil: wiki - FuentesGeorginas - LasCumbresEcoSauna - LasCumbres - zunilGeothermal - wiki - threshold - vt - esperanza - nodevelopment - hikefromAlaska -
Volcan Santo Tomas: summitpost -
Chojolom - wikitravel - inforpressca - Copavic glass blowing - permaculture - granjaIxchel -
Sta Catarina Ixtahuacan: wiki - muni - project - loss -
Chicabal: sacred - revue - mixed - invocation -
Salcaja police masacre: wiki - wiki - periodico - prensa -
Santiaguito: hourly - 238U-Jicha2010 - insivumeh - 2014 - pyroclastic -
Nuevo Palmar: wiki - deguate - NewCovenant -
Ostuncalco: wiki - wiki - deguate - wikiwand - prensa - segeplan - muni - park - hotels -
MamPeople (father): wiki - wiki - MamGardner - cafemam - MamCastillo - Mam - Mamlanguage - weavers - joshuaProject -
Chiquirichapa: segeplan -
San Marcos Dept: deptwiki - deptwiki - wikiguate - viaje - FB - leyendas - muni - muni - turansa - deleon - detalles - chapin - FB - Castalia - 2012quakecosts - mapzonu - mapHydroElec - cascada - Sikapense -
San Marcos City: citywiki - xelapages - viaje - hotelsVisit - wn - FB - UnivRural 9 Cle 12-132 z3 - CentroUnivSM - distances - video - slides - viaje - maps - mapbibliocad - plan2010-25 - italianCuevaFaraones 5 Cle 1-11 SP -
transport: Marquensita Marquensita route to San Rafael 9Cle 4-12 z1 7760-3213 1, 130, 245, 630, 830, 1030, 1145, 1330 -
room: couch - Fairmont SM 10 Cle 8-74 7760-4893 - Perez SM 9 Cle 2-25 7760-1007 -
San Pedro Sacatepequez: wiki - viaje - planificacion -
Tajumulco: wiki - peakbagger - LP - turismo - summit -
San Lorenzo: history - location - papsmear -
Santiago Texutla: wiki - map - padrones -
Tejutla: history - history - deguate - demography - herrera - muni -
Comitancillo-Txolja: perez - wiebe - AssocMam -
Sibinal: wiki - safe -
Malacatan (spindle): wiki - history -UnivRural - prensa -centroCommercio couch- - PensionLucia plaza 7776-9415 - HotlDonArturo 5 Cle 7 Av 7776-9169 - HotlPacifico km273 -
transport: map - transit - FDNviaReu - busMayadeOro via Reu 030, 3, 7, 10, 1230, 15; 5 Cle 2-18 z1 (5 Cle & 9 Av by shell gas) 5863.2241 - RapidoSur via Reu 5 Cle 2 Av by IGGS -
Corrondan Frontera plan: USC -
Tacana: Mexico
Frontera Malacatan/El Carmen to Talisman Mx: xelaju - map - map - map - malacatanVideo - pics - video - muni - eduardo - foxiw - locura - shootingSep2012 - Tajumulco - warrants - hostagerelease - president - recap - CharrasBus - visacrossing -
Frontera Hidalgo/Ayutla-Tecun Uman: wiki - bokma - GuateMigrants - aduana - video -
Suchiate River: RaftSmugglers -
Frontera crossing Cuauhtemoc/La Mesilla Mex open 7-7: map - mapilandia - crossing - goats - lunaguava - elcamino - viaje - pics - pics - MesillaXelaAdrenalina -
Mesilla Gt: wiki - pueblos - FB - projects - video -
bus South: Halcones 4043-4143 130 -
Linea Dorado: CarWash a 100 Metros de la Vueltamina, 5764-6804 11am; LD Camoja (Parque Central, Democracia): 5995-2119
Democracia: wiki - deguate - hotels - muni - mayorkilled -
Sipacapa: wiki - sierramadre -
San Miguel Ixtahuacan: wiki - nursing -
wiki - map - history - RioCuilco - muni - Erdlac -
San Miguel Ixtahuacan:
wiki - sierramadre -
Ixchiguan: muni - waterwar -
wiki - worldbank - kidnap -
Huehuetenango (Xinabahul, Chinabjul): wikidept - viaje - turansa - turismo - HydroDisputes - moon - lp - tripadvisor - viaje - viaje - kakaw - wikitravel - HuehueMarlinMine - CretaceousCarbonate - deleon - adrenaline - ElJardín - AssocCuchumatanes - Chivarreto - Way 5Av 3-24 z1 7769 0217 - UnivRafaelLandivar -
map: map - map - topo - elevflood - mapHydroElec -
rooms: Gobernador $5 4Av 1-45 7764-1197,7760-0765 altaidea@yahoo - Mary $10 2Ave 3-52 7764-7412 - Lerri $9 2Cle 5-49 7764-1526 - Maya $12 3Av 3-55 7764-0369 - Todosantos $7 (by Morales school) 4379-2980 danielmartinezfcb1@hotmail - HotelCentral -
roomTripadvis - roomLP -
Transport: buses - LineaDorada LineaDorada Z1 8 Cle 8-70 77645775 - Halcones 7 Av (3-4 Cle) - Halcones 10 Av. 9-12 Zona 1 24339180 - ZaculeuFutura 7 Cle 10-56 7764-3641 - Velasquez 1 Cle 3 Av z5 -
Zaculeu Ruins (from 2Cle&7Av): wiki - prensa - deguate - ciudades - Ciudades247 - si -
Paleontology Chivacabe Huehue km263 after San Sebastian Huehue & Chicol, before cunoroc field: paleontology - deguate - ChivacabeLohse - periodico - fossils - blog -
Paleontology museo Cueva Mamut km263: cave - deguate -
HuehueNorth -
Aguacatan: wiki - SanJuanRivDeteriation - iforpressca - language -
Chalchitan: wiki - language - dictionary -
Santa Cruz Barrillas: pancholon - barillenses - 201306 - 201308 - 201406 - dw -
Canbalam Dam 5-16 MW Sta Eulalia: overview - overview - flasco - design - design - Hydro Santa Cruz owned by HydraliaEnergia - cnee - Icnee - IIcnee - mem - Canbalamflow - protest - protest - protest - protest - protest - RevokeArrests - negotiation - protests - capture - continue -
Todos Santos: wiki - stetson - vt - seige2012 - mimundo - school -
Cuchumatanes Sierra: wiki - rough - hike - Tacana -
Ixil Triangle: womenrole -
Nebaj: history aaas - Nebajhotels - passplanet - nebaj - velardepics - HappyMango - huipiles - quetzaltrekkers - hidden - nebajcom - nebajnet - nebaj - fling - nebaj - microcreditbad - nebajterror - IxilMonttEvangScott - IxilUniv - landdispute -
Chajul: wiki -
Colotenango: election -
Chacula: unicornlodge - unicorn - posadarural -
Ixquisis Ixtatan: damprotest - ixtatan -
Tres Lagunas (W of Chacula):
Laguna Brava: guia - yolnhajab -
Frontera crossing CarmenXhan Mx/Gracias Dios near Finca Trinidad
Pacific Coast
Ciudad San Cristóbal:
Amatitlan: LakeAmatitlan - wiki - milwaukee - lift - park - trash - toxins -
El Triunfo: water -
beaches: about
Monterrico: montericco - playa - johnny - johnnysplace - wikitravel - mapas - paganel - visit - southbound - pezdeoro - atelie - quilombo - utzTzaba - DulceySalado - CafedelSol - Kairos - dosMundos - longbeach - andersson - guate4 - KreaDevelopment - NovTurtles - isletagaia -
rooms: story - expatfb - ElDelfin 5702-6701 5904-9167 - San Brisas - sleeprent -
Las Lisas: zenfolio - Gaiahotel - Gaiahotel -
Jutiapa Dept: wiki - wiki - viaje - mijutiapa - map - mapzonu - mapmining -
CerroBlancoGold -
Asuncion Mita gold: DelMonte -
Jutiapa: wiki - wiki - map -
Sta Rosa: vanderbilt -
Xinka: soy -
Escuintla Dept: viaje - topo - map - floodzone - proyecto - moonmap - map - population - OrdonezExtortion -
Escuintla city: moon - OnchoTreated - publiboda - BotGarden -
Parque Hawaii: Escuintla to Taxisco, then to La Avellana, ferry or bridge to Monterrico, bus to Parque (last 3PM): turtles - arcas - hawaii -
Puerto Quetzal & San Jose: wiki - wiki - moon - port - pics - mapas - concession - segeplan - containerTerminal - privatization - TCB25yr - TCBIndia - nobid - appeal - TCBfinancing - review - protest - occupy - MarroquinFired - Marroquin - inexperienced - rules - suspend - revoke - workerinvest - cranes - perez - perez - qualms - decree - unioncontract - laborcontract - security - unionprotest - TCQterminal2014 - TCQ - TCQ - uncertified - security -
Dry Canal: 2012 - 2013 -
Tequisate: electric -
Iztapa (Puerto San Jose): moon - wiki - easter -
Southern Olmec-Maya of Guatemala Pacific: wiki - Bove - Bove - authenticos -
El Paredon: map - paredonsurfhouse - surf - surf - surfcamp - shuk - pelicano - Moon - LP - surfforecast - ChozaChula -
Sipacate: aerial - wikipark - moon - surf - sipacom - turismo - Gnews - tips - marmaya - SaltyBeaver - SaltyBeaver - mayor -
Tecojate: surf - map - satellite - waters -
Balberta obsidian from Puebla: wiki - wiki - Bove - Bove - Braswell - Braswell -
La Democracia: BarrigonesPotBellies
- Malmstrom - Malmstrom - headstones - headstones - delange - journey - Museo 7880-3650 - ElMesak - moon - cultura - Bove -
Monte Alto: wiki - wiki - authentic - authenticos - journey - PrensaLibre -
Manantial & Montana: wiki -
Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa: wiki - wiki - wiki - NahuatlPipil - authentic - famsi - Ciudades - Cruz - TeotihuacanInfluence - El Castillo - HspdCarmen 5C 4-35 - 62MWbagasse&coal - rafting -
Bilbao: wiki - chinchila - chinchilla -
El Baul obsidian workshop: wiki - wiki - delange - map - chinchilla -
Gomera Rio Seco: historia - map - museum -
Suchitepequez (nahuatl Xochitepec): viaje -
Patulul: un - tutiempo -
Cocales: satellite -
Chicacao: fincaAndesmap - wiki - map - map - munifb - jack - photos - un - nona - muni - mayorcorrupt - whistleblower - dam - TzutujilSugar - PananDam -
StaBarbara violence: mayorbeaten - wiki - vigilantes -
Chocola Chok-la (Samayac >San Pablo Jocopilas): wiki - authentic - authenticos - project - finca - un - mapdirections - sites - bloghistory - SharerAncientMaya - hydraulicsKaplan2008 - Kaplan04 - Valdes2005 - Valdes2006 - famsiValdes2006 - valdes09 - valdes - Kraemer - travis - refuge - ChocolaPlants - project - journey -
San Pablo Jocopilas: trippics -
Mazatenango: wiki - wiki - muni - map - mapbendi - topo - intelaf km158 #407- waterproblem -
Reu, Retalhuleu: wiki - wiki - viaje - viaje - map - bus 7Av &10C - MuseoEtnol 6Av 5-68 z1 central park 830-1230 2-530 - rough - monografias - aqui - turansa - paradise - reuExtreme - wolley - weather - irtraWaterpark - patrocinio - alianza - stores - MexicoConsul 5C & 3Av -
Reu rooms: moon - HotHillman 7Av 7-99 - HotModelo $15 3AvA 5-14 7771-0256 - HotAstor 5 C 4-60 7771-0475 - HotAmerica $14 8Av 9-32 7771-1154 - HotGenesis $15 6C 6-27 7771-2855 - HotPosadaDonJose $20 5C 3-67 7771-0180 or - HostalCasaStaMaria $28 4C 4-23 7771-6136 - Cafetería la Luna - Colonia km180.5 Q230 -
Asintal: wiki - Hotel Suarez in Asintal Q80 - HotlIgnacio km 192.7 4101 3099 - video - fb - fb - fbcodeca - weather -
Takalik Abaj (turn km190 restaurant Hunter rio Nil to El Asintal km194 & entry 199.5 & lodge 201; 7am-5): wiki - wiki - takalik - park - gob - authentic - stoneInfluences - shay - visit - rooms - digplanet - jenkins - jenkins - newhead - newhead - majica - unesco - moon - Chman - Chman - Chman - turismo - panoramio - youtube - video - video - video - video - video - video - picshive - famsiImages - ballcourt - altar48 - altar48 - stela4 - monuments - Schieber - Poponoe - starsPoponoe - Gtimes - Gtimes - revue08 - travis - sky - garrett - Ciudades - Christa Schieber Lavarreda -
room: moon - moon - San Isidro Piedra $40 - lodge - lodge $40 2337-0037 - Lodge $75 2333-7056 -
Colomba Costa Cuca km 212: wiki - colomba - deguate - roadblock2017 - RioNil -
Flores Costa Cuca:
Genoa Genova Costa Cuca km 219:
blog -
Coatepeque: wiki - feria - aerial - wikimap - topo - satellite - tripsuggest - truckstrike10 - Coatepeque Municipal Theatre Z3 -
rooms: FB - HotlBaechli 6 Cle 5-45 7775 1483 - EcoGardenias Km 218 email 7775-6217 & 0764 - EcoGardenas 12Av 1-36 z3 - Conchitas fb $18 4Av 11-15 7775-2916 & 5505 - Hotl Virginia Km 223 -
La Blanca Reu (by border & beach, also Peten): wiki - San Antonio Limones - Love -
Champerico: portmess - portmess - wiki - wiki - mychamp - darsena -
Tilapita Beach: map - playtilapa - xelapages - hotel -
Ocos mouth of Rio Naranjo opposite Tilapa: maplandia - video - Love -
Ujuxte ramon: wiki - authentic - Love - obsidian -
El Jardin (25 km SSE of Izapa): Shook -
El Progreso: wiki - mayaparadise - EncuentrosNavajas - SantaRita - Olintepeque: GuastatoyaWaterPk - Acasaguastlan -
Guaytan: authentic - park -
Baja Verapaz: maya - bosqueNuboso -
Rabinal: MixcoViejo - history - upside - rincon - MayanHands - theboss - terror - mayorkilled - library -
Salama: guides - geoltrip - carillo - ecolArchaeol - MSCB2.5mil - mayorcorrupt - Monsanto Semillas Cristiani Burkard - CristianiBurkard - SharerSadat -
El Porton: wiki -
Chixoy RioNegro: wiki - panoramio - panoramio - lakelevels - mapas - McKinnon - LPE - Aguirre - ChixoyRelocation - ChixoyDisplaced - RioNegro - RioNegroMassacre - RioNegro08 - RioNegro - oneworld - memoryofSilence - AAAS - Chen - lawg - nisgua - mimundo -
Chicaman: ChicamanTubing -
Cubulco: Cubulco - poleflyingJuly23 -
Usumacinta River: wiki - mexico -
Usamacinta Palenque-Corozal-Tecnica-Bethel-Flores: Kristie - mostlymaya - LP - vagabond - wmf - wiki -
Purulha: wiki - moon -
Chichupac: tripmondo -
StaElena-ElNaranjo-ElCeibo-Tenosique-Palenque: mostlymaya - shootout -
Chabil Utz'aj Widdman eviction 2011 Miralvalle and Agua Caliente farms: ips - nisgua - farmlandgrab - solidarity - Sacrab - SeJobChe - BIauctionAug10 - occupiedFeb11 - eviction - evictMar11 - evict - evictAug10 - 20MloanApr6 - Call - resistencia - 2011Nov - Belejeb -
Polochic fault east of Coban: wiki - map - geoltrip - Erdlac - Burkart78 - 1816White85 - ChortisBlockRogers2003 - Ortega07 -
Panzos massacre 1978: Panzos78 - peters - sanford - sanford - kaplow - solidarity - sad - shooting2013 - deadline -
Xalala Ixcan: wiki - seguimiento - nisgua - nisgua - rivers - massacre1970s - PueblaPanamaPlan - upsidedown - globalexch -
Rabinal Achi: wiki - Tedlock - RabinalAchi - Achi -
Semuc Champey: zay - moon - ElPortal - LasMarias
- LanquinRafting - LanquinZephyr - Utopia - privatization - park - conflict2016 -
Hun Nal Ye: Park -
Laguna Lachua: viajeros
- xplorando
Ecology: Usumacinta - Peten -
BiosphereParks: unesco - wiki -
Franja Transversal del Norte (FTN highway: wiki - 1109 - plaza -
Sierra Yalihux: chelemhavideo -
Alta Verapaz: landslide2009nasa - raftCabahon - CabahonTactic -
Coban: mytravelguide - cobanav - map - map - rooms - Cobanbus - gringoguide - mostlymaya - Bethel - Bethel - Bethel - brutus - dAcuna - weather - weather - carlosV - hotelrioazul - David at El Duraznal 7952-3762 or 5514-6576 - Parque Hun Nal Ye - HunNalYe - moon - chiminos - Kekchi Wilson - pics - overpass - cuevaCandelaria - AmilcarPop - HydroelecConflict -
Xibalba de Popul Vuh: wiki - wiki - legend - ngeo - AkkerenIntro -
Salinas de los Nueve Cerros de Popul Vuh: nueve -
Guate bus to Coban: MonjaBlanca 8Av 15-16 zone1 22381409, 251-1878 every30min
San Juan Chamelco (Tuzulutlan ): info - info - JuanMatalba - donJeronimo -
Tactic: wiki -
San Cristobal Verapaz & Lago Chichoj:
quakes -
Coban to Huehue: Uspantan -
Sacapulas: wiki - Jaynichvolodov - history -
Chilasco: catarata - adrenalina - prensa - map&bus -
Chicsec near Ixcan-Quiche: wiki - muni -
Raxruja: wiki - wiki - Raxrujapp - Raxrujawt - RaxrujaPNC -
Candelaria cave: CCE - capture - CuevaNacimientos - authentic - Cave - Cavewiki - moon -
Jalapa: cascada - wiki - wiki - turansa - guides - voteagainstmines - XincaMurder2013 - killing - killing - protest - voteno - protest -
Xinca: wikipeople - wikilanguage -
Zacapa: museoMastodon -
Usumatlan: wiki -
Rio Hondo: wiki - plants -
Estanzuela: museo -
Chorti: wiki - wiki - wikiguate - viaje - leyendas - zacapaneco - Wisdom1940 - cacaoKufer - herbsKufer - herbs - Metz -
Sierra de las Minas: map - wiki - wiki - botany - botany - smithsonian - unesco - youtube - Albores - fdn - defensores - parkswatch - parks -
Jade: MontaguaJade - MontaguaJade - MontaguaJade - authentic - jadefriends - jadewiki - jademaya - Kovacevich2011 - Kovacevich2015 - McBirney67 - Foshag55 - illegalmining - perez - ElArco -
Quirigua downstream of jade: wiki - authentic - unesco - zoomorphs - discovery - glyphsLooper - Thompson - ghf - sail - nmai - Ek’nab (Lago Negro) - video -
Chiquimula: viaje - Chiquimula - immo - deguate - biodiversity - pensionHernández 3 C 7-41; 942 0708, - gazetteer - TamborGold - paleontology -
Jocotan (Chorti center): wiki - muni - prensanews - pensionRamirez -
Ixtepeque obsidian brownish translucent some red, by Assuncion Mita: wiki - viaje - maptopo - wikiguate - volcano - forecast - mapItouch - view - belizeObsidian -
Sta Catarina Mita: wiki - StaCatMita - muni -
Copan ruins: wicks - copanruinas - ruins - ruins - mnsu - davies - fash - stelaepics - Stuart - Maudslay - mayanet - upenn - tunnels - lidar - MayaDeforestation - origin - end - Ciudades - KaltuunHix465 - Freter - commoners - socialOrganization -
Copan town: hotelchart - hotelchart - IguanaAzu - casacafe - HostelBerekah $6 - passplanet - cophon - google - viacafe - callereal - tripadvisor - weather - Guacamaya - Ixbalanque - StaRosa - StaRosa - drugs - mine -
Honduras border: druglab -
Poptun: Villa de los Castellanos at Poptun has med herb garden - Ixobel -
Naj Tunich Cave: wiki - CSULA - authentic - googleimages - googlemap - about -
K'o/Homul: jester - jester - jestertomb - Belli -
RioDulce: map - plants - Ciricote
BotGard - Belizeplantlist(nybg)
- hotels - FincaElParaiso - mayaparadise - hostels - Tatin - HostelCasaPerico -
Livingston: CasaNostra - sitios - LP - HotGaviota - GarifunaSettlement1797 - backpack - visaRenewal -
Liv2Placencia: via Puerto Barios to Punta Gorda then bus: PuntaGorda2LivingstonBoat - hickateeBoat -
Puerto Barrios: litegua - 200mwGasGen - shipping to GuatCity Transportes Franco, zona 5 -
Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla: wiki - wiki - port - dredge2015 - comprasep - empresa - vt -
Manabique: wiki - gasterminalManabique - UNresources - Herrera - reserva -
Amatique: biostudy - wiki - pipeline - pipe -
Sierra Caral Preserve: chatanoogan - mongabay -
Izabal: sitrabi - sitrabansur - fishinvade - CarolinaMotaguaBananaStrike - DoleGreenBananas - deforestration - SierraCaral -
Estor Fenix: moon - map - map - Hudbay - Hudbay - Hudbay - Skye06 - Skye - Skye - geolLodolo09 - mined - policestationburned - NaturAceites -
Boqueron Canyon: ghostal -
Peten: mostlymaya - wiki - mayaspirit - MedPlt
actahort - trek - retiro - ciudades - guamapAcupuncture
- ixpanpajul - acofop - ADN - FDNbus - LineaDorada - LineaDorada - flores2Guate - writing - border - fires2003 - fires2012 - fires2013 - digplanet - logging - lakePeten - watson -
maps: distancy - mapProjects - places - mapHydroElec -
Flores: Dona Rosa - wikitravel - museum - hostelLosAmigos - HspdYaxha - CafeYaxha - shreve - vandiver - RichterMayanAdventure - CorpascoMayaMall -
Lake Peten Itza:
sitesmap - SacpuyMartinez -
Nixtun-Chich: 700yr - McNair - ufmLecture - ceramics - Pugh - Rice -
Remate: wikitravel - UnificationMaya - ixcanaanListMap - unifList - Remateletsgo - hostels - passplanet - monami - HermanoPedro - dondavid - gringoperdido - Biotopo Cerro Cahui - ixcanaanBlog - Ixluwiki - Ixlu - IxluStelea -
quietest hotel El Sombrero (Yaxha, Peten), Villa Maya (between Santa Elena
and Tikal), inside sections of Hotel Santo Domingo (Antigua).
Parque Nacional Laguna Tigre: sigap - conap - iarna - verde - verde - wcs - deguate -
Tikal: parque
- eoe - TikalJaguar -TikalTrees - tour - tikalpark - authentic - archiveProject - witRuins - TeotihuacanTikalStuart - TeotihuacanAkkeren - mayantrail - Olton - dam - dam - dam - dam - dam - ArceGuideVideo - diabloMasks - tigotowers - peabody -
Yaxha: wiki - wiki - LP - moon - prensa - visit - visit - viaje - SinibaldiFarm -
Xultun: wiki - zender - GrahamPeabody - peabody - natgeo - natgeo - times - hufpost - books - wall - wiki - oldestcalendar - calendarBBC - calendarSciAm - calendarSaturno12 - headwear - scholars - instMayaStudies -
Holmul: wiki - wiki - mayaarch - frieze - frieze - frieze - natgeo - tokovinine - EstradaBelli - snake -
El Zotz: tomb - tomb - sciblog - mask - nightsun - nightsun - Roman - usc - wmf - mesoweb2011 - paisaje -
Motul: MayaPolitics - MayaPolitics -
Rio Azul junction Mex-Guat-Belize: wiki - eventos -
San Bartolo: wiki - SanBartoloWriting - peabodyMurals - muralsSaturno05 - preclassic - unesco - ngeo - tigrillo - roman - stuart -
Uaxactun: wiki - burman - perez - vase -
Mirador: Mirador
- fares - basin - mostlymaya - authentic - mayasautenticos - chapin - park - park - wikitravel - wiki - simag - globalheritage - digitalarch - gh - ghblog - ghsponsors - ghf - Reed - authentic - Mayarom 40791514 - Moscoso - JenDevine 4861-2639 - wanderlust - revue - HansenLecture - unesco - fares - fares2006 - fares09 - issuu - pacunam - pacunam - miradorbasin - Nakbecultivation - Hansen72minVideo - skyscraperpics - fundesadevelopment - HansenExaggerate - bids - protection - roads240km - roads240km -
Mirador area maps: map - ghfmap - sitemap - maparea - vegetation -
Tintal: wiki - hansen -
trek from Carmelita: trips - hike - hikeblog - route - bike -
Water hydraulic:
water - mayoid -
Naachtun: wiki - calgary - bbc - moon - mathews - carnegie - bat - morales -
Calakmul: wiki - reservewiki - unesco - mayanbeach - loco - inah - reserve - pnas -
El Peru-Waka roadway: wiki - KabelSnakeLord - Kabel - Gugliotta - CityMarken11 - empire - queen - reino - stela44 - stela44 - stela44 - stela44 -
Joyanca-Tuspan: soildegradation - Forne - Lemonnier - review -
La Corona, Site Q, Sak Nikte (white flower): wiki - wiki - wiki - legend - about - pralc -
prensa - prensa - Martin - 2012guate - moon - tulane - images - debby - about - natgeo - nbc - live - usatodayvideo - prensavideo - patio04 - stela -
ngeo - auld - panels - acuna - acuna - bbc - onenews - NGeo - NGeo -
Dos Pilas: wiki - prensa - calakmul - mesoweb - pseudoglyphs -
Cancuen: wiki - authentic - moon - schuster - chopda - Demarest - hydrolic - Ciudades - Kovacevich06 -
Sayaxche: moon - RioPasion - Usumacinta - Guayacan
(011 502 - 9286-102) - Sajaxche
- corruption -
La Libertad: wiki -
Aguateca: wiki - authentic - ruta - Inomata - Inomata - daytrip - petexbatunLodge - lonelyplanet - wikitravel -
Ceibal Seibal:
wiki - wiki - visit - visit - predatesOlmec - predatesLaVenta - predatesLaVenta - predatesLaVenta - predatesLaVenta - dynastydate150-950 - sitemap - construction - newitz - Settling700BCInomata - EarlyInomata - settling - settling - sedentary -
Tecolote: doaks -
PiedrasNegras: UsumacintaMexicopage -
Naranjo, Sa'al: wiki - prensa - zender2016 -
La Blanca Peten (also Reu): wiki - wiki - UValencia - Lorenzo - frieze - prensa - ruins -
Holtun: wiki - Kovacevich - eureka - daily -
Melchor de Mencos - Benque border crossing: moon - moon -
Florida (El Naranjo): ngeo -
QuintanaRoo: ElEdenPreserve - ElEdenpapers - ElEdenpapers -
Mexico & Maya - Central America -
Belize: wiki - amber - LP - fodor - maps - mapcruzin - 10mayasites - belize - LC - sailing - retirement - moon - rough - cia - rain - wbelize - diving - news - times - northroute - belizeminds - watson - petro - petro - -Sarstoon - NohmulBulldozed - NohmulBulldozed - mayasites - maya - 1950s -
Belize Early Settlement clovis 2k: Hammond -
Belize-Guatemala border dispute in GuateGov page
Plants: BelizeSpecies - Belizeplantlist(nybg)
- vegetmapsBelize - Meerman04 - biomesBelizeMeerman01a - biomesBelizeMeerman01b - biodiversityBelize - belizePlants - audubon -
Belize border crossing: BelizePolanco -Sarstoon - amandala - belizenet - bg - mongabay - asil - 2012 - borderfarmers - granite -
Belize central (see Peten)
Belize City: wiki -
Mopan River: MopanRiver - cavesMorehart -
Chiquibul Park: wiki - amber - borderskirmish - gold - rafting -
Caracol ruins: Chase - caracol - wiki - wiki - NYTimesLidar - Lidar - zender2016 - org - belizex - NatGeo - blog - chertflakes - waterChase - zender -
Benque Viejo del Carmen: wiki - mural - discover - town - map - map -
Xunantunich: wiki - wiki - stuff - famsi - jhu - Xunantenech - LP - chaacreek -
Actuncan: fulton - leCount - leCount -
Belmopan: wiki -
Sibun Xibun Valley Circular: wiki - journeys - ceramic - sediment - copper -
El Pilar: wiki - first - elPilar - ford - ford - duplooys - origins - wernecke -
Ixchel: RositaArvigo - arvigotherapy - ixchel -
Belize North (see Peten & Chetumal Mexico)
Rio Hondo: wiki -
Blue Creek Rio Hondo 900 BC: MRPresearch - guderjan - poparch - guderjan - jadeGuderjan - collapse - plantremains - soBelize - potresidue - scarborough -
Rio Azul Peten-Belize: wiki -
Corozal: wiki - town -
Ambergris: cayehistory - amber -
Caye Caulker:
Orange Walk: map -
Lamanai: wiki - wikitravel - lodge - plantlist - Simmons06 -
Colha chert source: wiki - hester - destinations -
ChanChich: Houk - Herndon -
Toledo district: wiki - map - ItzammaEthnobotanGarden-IndianCk - ToledoCacao - ToledoCacaoFestMay - MayaPotsBraswell - Braswell - ImmuneHerbsWalshe2014 -
Punta Gorda: wiki - muni - PuntaGorda2LivingstonBoat -
Uxbenka: wiki - so - consejo - LP - rough - Prufer05 - Prufer09 - Prufer08 - Braswell09 -
Nim Li Punit: wiki - sobelize - jadependant - daniels -
Lubaantun: wiki - wikitravel -
Sarstoon Sarstun border: kuro - map -
Formative pre-Maya Chronology (years ago)
50-20,000 Last Ice Age: clark09 -
16,000: cross Berring
clovis fluted points extinguish large mammals, spreads rapidly
10,000: folsum point thinner refinement
10,000: pumpkin Cucurbita pepo, gourd Lagenaria Tamulipas; curcubits
9,000: corn Balsas-Oaxaca-Puebla-Guerrero
7,000: Spondias
?: chile Veracruz
6,000: pottery
4,000: cacao Soconusco (Tapachula) by Mokoya
3,500: Olmec spread north-east
Guatemala is the heartland of the Mayan world, with ten times as many pyramids as Egypt. Guatemala is the only country in Central America with a living Mayan culture. Ancient customs still remain and may be seen in all local markets and outlying towns. There are 22 ethnic groups living in Guatemala that speak 23 different Mayan-based languages. On the Caribbean coast, the population is Afro-Caribbean and the people are known as garifunas.
Ah, Guatemala. Such a natural paradise of eternal spring, yet
so victimized by imperialism. So rich in nature yet so depleted by centuries
of exploitation. After the gold, lumber, bananas and coffee were exported
for little gain to the populace, what remains is now the modern hope for an
ecotourism renaissance. Those who walk lightly on the damaged earth are welcome
to relax in the healing paradise.
Ah, Guatemala. Such a rich and complex and colorful culture yet so many have
been compelled to wear polyester and sneak across borders. Millions still
speak the old languages yet historians lie about how the culture died over
a thousand years ago. The old culture thrives, mostly just good natured friendly
people, intermingled with catholicism, evangelism, demons.
The dearth of shipping ports provided some protection for this country of the Quetzal, so, unlike the rest of the Americas, an indigenous culture is still very alive with millions of people who speak the old languages and know as little Spanish as the foreign visitors. The rough mountains provided some protection when they repeatedly and pridefully rebelled against the imperialists.
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are welcome