SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions &
herbal industry
Mail forwarding & boxes: USPSAddressChange
- EarthClass - travelingMailbox - remotemail
- TucsonLetterBox - TucsonUniversityPost
- NeighborhoodPosts - myrvmail
- global - ElRancho POB 526150 Miami
Choosing home: EPAchecklist
- EPAzip - HUDbuying
TaxAdvantagePlaces: yahoo
- retireliving - mcgarvey - stateTax - salesTax - statePensionTax - expensivestates -
neighborhood choice best: findyourspot
- hypothermiaHospitals - greenpopsci - 10criteria - greengrist - milken - CrimeReports - CrimeRating - iown - neighborhooddata
- Woodard - Woodard - USPS finder - moving
- buyingtips - homepages - caretaker
- SierraClub sprawl reduction -
CommunityAssocInst - researchers - CommunitiesDirMatchup
- foodcoops - healthfoodstores
- foodsafetyStates - homefair - homepage
- ZillowComps - zillow - trulia
- city-data - Cyberhomes
- Localism - foodstamps2009 - govbenefits - wellbeing2014 - patchwork - locationAgreement - neverheardof - citydata - narfe - 2011budgetvote - industryhubs - askmen - placepulse - 40maps - dwellrCensus - migrantsInout -
Best Places: USregions - 11regions - hip - SperlingBestplaces - bestplace - bestplaces - arttowns - artistic - music - bestjazz - singleRetired - singlewomen - creative - friendyforbes - friendlyhuff - leastreligious - freshstart - budget - kiplinger - kiplingerretire - liberal - political - heartattacks - vegyfriendly - looseness - sunsets - sunsets - sunsets - sunsets - smartest - incomeMobility - NumbeoCostCompare - besttowns - cnn - townsCNN - greencities - affordable&Well - walkscore - besttowns - relocate100 - bestworldcities - 100topRetirement - retirespot - retirespot - forbes - forbesBest - forbesCheap - forbesCheap - 10countries - droughtVulnerability - racism - 20lakes - compare16cities - webspeed - desiretoMoveAway - fedtaxinout - science - 30lovelyTowns - RepDem100yr - hardestplaces - incomeinequality - welfare - taxpoor - ObamaTrumpFlip -
States: immatureGamers - happystates - healthystates - taxeshighest - taxburden - statePensionsFunded - statePensionsFunded - rent -
Epathic States: Rhode Is, Montana, Vermont, Maine, Oregon, DC, Illinois, North Carolina, Utah, California
BuyorRent Calculator: times - trulia - realtytrac - today - rentCounties - RentPriceRatio - RentPriceRatio - post -
Corruption: wiki - nationmaster - infoplease - wharton - pressfreedom - ExtortionDilemma - SocialDilemma -
Transit best: walkscore - nrdc - 247 - blaze - atlantic - brookings - brookingsmap - time - shareable - usnews - forbes - 30minutes - world - worldnocar -
Walkable: faq -
Intentional Community: EarthavenEcoCommunityNC
- UsefulPlants - CommunitiesDir - IntentlCom
- HeathcoteMd - TwinOaksVa
- FedEgalitarianComm - centerforsustainability
- numundo -
Neighborhood Design: AlexanderPattern
House Design: Chapin
- cottageliving - stairEvacuation
- SmallCoolSpaces
- FurmanCliffs - 55+ -
Inspection: moldtest -
Senior Housing: uslow - HUD - HHSeldercare
- rethomes
- assistedDir - affordable - seniorsites - seniorhousingnet - after55 - yelp -
Politics: voter(Morris)
- politics - WashPost - freedomchannel - FEC -
Native Americans: nativetech - nativeweb - nativeweb - nativeweb-So Amer - Oneida
Indians - OmahaIndianMusic (LibofCongress) -
Where people in each state were born
Workplace Housing: Phoenix - Amcal - MJW -
regional salary calculator: yahoo
- homefair -
rent or buy?: Gyourko - homeadvisor
- homestore - quicken
- smartmoney
- ShowhomesManager
apt ratings: ratings - lemon
- woes
how much house?: citi - wellsfargo
- quicken
- smartmoney
closing costs?: kahn - wachovia
Realty: Zillow - RealEstateYahoo
- Trulia - FNMAhomepath - Realtor
- realtybid - ziprealty
- Move - JustNewListings - hotpads
- roost - dothomes
- zilpy - homesdb
- FranklyMLS - NARrealtor - ReMax
- HomeGain - foreclosures - RealEstateAOL
- californiaMoves - ColdwellBanker
- trulia - redfin - walkscore -
Mortgage: bankrate
- hshRates - homes
- getsmart - express
- ABN - countrywide
- loansdirect - Power
mortg ratings - reverseMtg
- root -
Mortgage processors: eloan(yahoo) -
citi iown -hartwest
- mortgage -
Mortgage referrals: zillow - quicken
- homeadvisor(msn) -
lending tree - mortgagequotes
Housing Advice: Garn-StGermain
- Kass-Post
Lease: lease
assignment continuation - duhaime
- privity - MontgomeryCty
- oncle
- onecle
- lawguru
Street Maps: all have faults Postcomparison1/2001
mapblast - 3 maps, low
randmcnally - own db,
clear, construction delays
mapsonus - complex, can avoid major highways,
less ads
mapquest - clutter, print friendly mapquest
driving directions
maps - complex, clutter, popup ads, better
for topo & weather & educational maps
other Street Maps: snap - yahoo
- multimap -
Zipcodes: cityzip
- zip+4 -
topo & cultivation zone maps on environment page
US Census Demography - censusdatamaps - citydata - ciesin - lbl census - penn st pop research - umich - ucsd - Va - princeton - jhopkins - upclose - rand - 28 city business journals - 2008election -
Housing: padmapper - housingmaps - craigslist - hotpads - cazoodle -
flea markets: allus -
Police Speed Traps: speedtrap -
NYC: cams - flowersparks - businesscitymaps - censusdatamaps - buildingshistory - buildingsage - photoviews - arborvitaeHerbs 14&8Av - NYBGmidtown -
NYC transit: airporttransit - JFKtransit - MTAtransit - subway - goto - NJtransit - taxiflow - subwayAp - subwayAp - ferry - ridethecity - bikemap - commutetime -
NYCcheaprooms: couchsurf - couch - craigsublet - hotel - ganasSI45 - Bowery60 - Bowery - Parkview 55 CentralParkN 212-369-3340 - WestendStudio 850 WestEndAv
212-662-6000 - WSideInn 237 W 107 212-866-0061 - jane - chelsea - chelsea - loft -
NYC: greeter - free - parks - tickets - DayinNY - donttell - eldridge - apotheke - smells - Bloombergvote - treesID - CBperfume - SteveBrill - freegan - freegan - alleyTechIncubator -
NYC entertainment & culture: voiceCal - NYT - museumdiscounts - scorebig - hiddenbars - MOMA-PS1 LIC - PS1 - queensap -
music: afropop - afropop - worldarts - timeout - salsa - jazz - voicemusic - soundofBrazil - afroperuOct - gmasummerconcerts -
NYC libraries: listIa - listNlm - listMan - listCitidex - NYPubL - NYPLsciMad34 - NYPLfulltxt - NYAcadMed Jlist 1216-5Av Tu-F 10-5 - SloanKettering - NYUmed - NYUmed - NYUpatient - NYUvisit - ColumbiaVisit - MtSinaiLevy - Rockefel - SUNYbklyn - NYMedCol - EinsteinYeshivaBronx - NYMethNo - NYpresby - Cornell - CornellPatient - WestchesterCC -
Syracuse: goto - Centrobus - CentrobusMap - UpstateMedLib - UpstateMed - UpstateMed - SyrU - SyrUscilib - SyrUbus - SyrUmap - SyrUmap - SyrU - PostStdSyr - NewTimes - tablehop - BaltimoreWoods - wiki - trailways - airport - kingstonSka - Sally Prasch -
Atlantic City: wiki - wikitravel - city - airport -
Do: weekly - cheap - calendar - achotel - achotel - entertain -
PennSU State College: UPk - statecol - yahoo
st col - cata bus - ES - Col Av E - Col Av E - Col
Av W - chem - lib - crow/bar - state_parks - sublet - PennCave -
Philadelphia: -wiki - visit - FedReserve - hipcityVeg - vegy -
transport: wiki - septatransmap - amtrak - NJtransit - Greyhound - Mega - Bolt - PHL - PHLmap -
map: downtown -
culture: orch - museums - kimmelCtr -
nature: botanicalGardens -
media: citypaper - InquirerPhillycom - wiki - netimesstar -
education & libraries: UPenn - UPaMedLib - UPaAnthro - UPaDaily - Usciences - medschools - DrexelMed - TempleMed - Osteopath - PhilaU - freelib -
Harrisburg: doylehotel$20 -
Boston: BostonPublicGarden - ArnoldArb - HarvardHerbaria - HarvardCountwayLibMed - HarvardeJrnl - MITsci - BostonPubLib - going - yelp - frommers - Phoenix - bostoncom - Herald - Globe - BackBay - newspapers - traderjoes - MBTA - MBTAap - berklee - gasleaks - DailyTableStore -
Cape Cod: wiki - Nantucket - NatlSeashore - NPSevents - bus - peterpan - PlyBrockton - pbBusMap - breeze - capeEvents - capenews - craiglist - capeguide - allcapearts - CofC -
Barnstable: wiki - town - BrewsterLib -
MAINE: ConcordCoastBus -
Portland: Amtrakdowneaster - bus - busmap - events - metroinfo - trails - services -
lodging: UnivSoMeSummerHostel, 645 Congress St, 207-874-3281 - Inn at St. John,
939 Congress St, 207-773-6481 - Fleetwood - frugal1999 -
Roanoke: VirTech - visitingVT
- VTmaps - tpiccariello
- Lotus - RoanokeAirport - bestRoanoke
- weather
Berkeley Springs: CarolReece
- Reece - icehouse
- post
NORTH CAROLINA: affordablehousing
- stateparks - Bartram -
ResearchTriangle: gotriangleTransit
- uranium -
Chapel Hill: UNCmap -
ChapelHillCC - ChapelHillTransit
- CHbusmap
- UNCbotgard - visbur
events: Indyweekly - catscradle
- cave - local506
- wetlands - library
- nightlight -
Raleigh: city -
wiki - transit
- busmap
- RDUairport RDUmap
- NCSU - downtown - trafficap -
events: Amra - BlueMartini
- lincoln - nightlife
- music - symph
Greensboro 27407 : wiki
- arboretum
- city - DOT
- BattlegroundBus
- UNCG - UNCGlib
- Lib - MosesConeLib
- GSOairport - craig
- openspace
- ChinquaPenn
media: Yes - NewsRecord
- Rhino -
events: triad - 336
- UNCGmusic - symph
- carolinatheatre - BlindTiger
- TateStCoffee - Camana
- ballet -
Asheville: mtexpress - craigs - wiki
- UNCA - coop
- riverlink - CofC
- city - Ashville
- bus -
media: mtxpress - citizentimes - ashevilleFM - craigslist -
culture: symphony - vegfest - jungcenter -
nature: - NepalTantricInst - EarthavenEcoCommunity - botgarden - AngelynWhitmeyer -
wiki - town - CC -
Charlotte: gotalot -
Columbia: hellocolumbia - sciway - biol - discoverSC - parks - herbarium - Riverbanks - ClemsonBotG -
GEORGIA: moundBlair -
Atlanta: traderjoes - magicCity -
Savannah: room - West Duffy Cafe -
Tybee: tybeeIs - sbrctybee - tybee map - tybee
map -
FLORIDA: satellite -
Parks: FlSprings
- EvergladesKayak -
Miami: wiki - TurkeyNuke25miS - TurkeyPt - JensenNuke50miN -
media: Herald - NewTimes
- SunPost - UMiamiHurricane
transport: MIAairport -
MIA>FLL$40 - shuttle411 -
events: InstMayaStudies - nativePlantSoc -
Ft Lauderdale: ci - wiki
- wikiairport
- FLLairport - HFstores
- HF
- HF
- WholeFood
- WildOats
- happy
- googlemap
- CofC - portEverglades
Dania: AaronsNF -
Dunnellon: wiki - org -
Tampa: times(sb ex) -
Sarasota: wiki - wikitravel - city - scgov - maps - scatbus - SelbyBotGarden - VanWezelHall - CofC -
St Petersburg: DaliMuseum - DaliMus - cofc -
Orlando: homelessArrests -
New Smyrna Beach:
Morgantown WV: niosh -
mgtn - yahoo
- wvonline - citynet
- geotopic - map
- DPnews - media
- wvumed - Grazyna
- WVconservancy - SierraClub
- wvSierra - USDAforestry
- wastepolicy - S&L
- aboutMtown
- dms - sunspot
- realPitt - inPgh
- PittPostGaz -
Hopewell Mounds: pipestonefromMn&obsidianfromWyo - magnetic - 600ohio - serpent -
Cantwell Cliffs: post -
Poverty Point: star -
Michigan: mounds -
Detroit: wiki - citygov - lib - symph - metrotimes - freepress - news -
Ann Arbor:
media: chireader - newcitynet
- reader music -
yahoo music -
tribune -
info: chi info - citynet
- tezcat - webcore
- yahooChicago - yahoo
NChi - localeyes
N Ill - localeyes
Chi - lakecounty - lake-online
- lake sing - waukegan
- Nor suburb - chi
govt -
Chicago culture: NWU
events - NWU
PS cal - NWU
PS - concerts
- Chi events
- blues
fest Je 5-8 - blues clubs
- tezcat -
tezcat jazz - tezcat
concerts - tribune
cal - ravinia June -
ravinia July - ravinia
Aug - ravinia genre
- wxlc 102.3 - nor
burbs fun - culture
- movies
Chicago univ/museums: Northwestern - U
Chi - UI Chi - UIC
chem seminars - napralert - NewberryLib - Loyola - niu-dekalb-hackberry - Chi museums -
Chicago transport: metrarail
- UP-N sched -
pacebus - CTA
Wisc: Wi
parks - infomad -
- Milwaukee JSentinel - calendar
- shep-exp - racine
cal - racine events - kenosha
yahoo - markenosha
- kenosha news? - Wi
pers(so) -
Maps: Ill
cities - Wi
cities - kenosha - Abbott
(yahoo) - NChi
(yahoo) - NChi
(mapquest) - N
ILL (yahoo) - Abbott
(tiger) - Libertyville
- city
- uic
- CTA nor - Chi
downtown - semio map -
St Louis: transit - MoBotGarden - ShawPark - RTalt - PostDispatch - WashingtonU - outdoors -
Mounds: peoplewiki - MissCulturewiki - NatGeo - mounds - book - post - Squier1848 - Squier - Squier - Cyrus - Henshaw - Dorland - MissVly - locations -
Cahokia Ill: Cahokiawiki - CahokiaOrg - guardian - ars - mounds - legends - digital - post - statepk - sacred - gilgames - lawler -
Tennesee: FallsCreek -
Knoxville: countymap - downtownmap - MetroPulse - Knoxnews - KnoxnewsMusic - UTbeacon - UTgardens - UTKnoxville - ijamsPark - - hotels - hotels - CherokeeNF - CherokeeNF - CherokeeNF - overground -
Missouri: Branson -
Arkansas: Ark - background - maps - transit - NativPltSoc - radio - radiotv - ArFloodMgt - newspapers -
LittleRock: wiki - city - downtown - heartofArk - UArkLR - UAMedSchl - UAMSlib - CofC - craigs - CATbusmap - CATbussched - transport - streetcars - arktimes - bands - foxmusic - q100 - nightlife - topix - UALRmusic - KUAR89 - lifequest -
HotSprings 71901: wiki - HotSprNatlPark - HotSpr - city - citymap - zipcensusmap - CofC - REbookNeighborhoods - HSbusiness - OachitaNF - OachitaStPk - Oachitacamping - GarvanGarden - BlakelyDam - crimerating - podunk - CBhistory - ColdwellBanker - KLAZ106 - connect - floodinsur - femafloodmap - radio - 240ProspectSt -
HSVillage: VoiceNews - HSVOffer - lots - organizations -
Fayetteville: wiki - UAF - city -
Eureka Springs 72631: wiki - MayArts - online -
Ozarks: wiki - BostonMtwiki -
Yellowstone: uplift -
?1995-2006 Soaring Bear; your comments & corrections are welcome